
Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

Full of want to eat Western food, but now eating outside always feels unsteady, the epidemic has not yet passed. Turning over the refrigerator there are still some vegetables, a bag of mozzarella cheese, Western food that is not hanging at hand, after all, foreigners cook, in my opinion is the ingredients piled together to add a heat... More video recipes Douyin: Full Mom Kitchen

By ManMa Kitchen 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】


Chicken breast 300 g

2 tomatoes

Half an onion

2 sausages



Ground black pepper

Raw soy sauce





oyster sauce


Vanilla crushed

Mozzarella cheese

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

1. Prepare all the ingredients The rice is steamed in advance or leftovers from the previous day.

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

2: Marinate the chicken first: 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoonful of starch, mix well, and marinate for about 20 minutes.

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

3: Put oil in the pan First fry the chicken to change color.

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

4: Add a spoonful of light soy sauce (or dark soy sauce) to color

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

5. Put it out and set aside

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

6: Heat the oil and add the onion and tomatoes and fry until the tomatoes come out of the soup

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

7、 Add chicken, mushrooms and vegetable grains. Add a spoonful of soy sauce a spoonful of oyster sauce A spoonful of tomato sauce Stir-fry well and then grunt for a while to collect the juice Before leaving the pan, sprinkle a little vanilla crumbles.

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

8: Use a few bowls that can be oven heated, first lay a layer of rice on top of the fried chicken and vegetables, and put a few slices of sausage.

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

9: Sprinkle a layer of mozzarella cheese on top

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

10: Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Chicken and vegetable baked rice If you want to eat Western food, make it simple and delicious

11, take it out and put it together with a spoon, this is the state, full of saying that it is the taste of every Western restaurant, he is very satisfied.


Ingredients can be changed at will, and I don't think there's any fixed recipe The cheese at the top actually takes up most of the flavor. The temperature of each oven is different, depending on the state, the shell can be slightly burnt yellow

<h2>Dietary contraindications to chicken breast</h2>

Celery, plums, rabbit meat, etc

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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