
@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

author:Travel freely in Huaibei

Hello, hello everyone, I am a long-winded Uncle Li, welcome to come and exchange food with uncle, if you want to know more about food production, please pay attention to uncle, uncle will share some food making methods with you every day. The food I want to share with you today is: [grape fish].

@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

Today the uncle watched a video, is about the cooking competition chrysanthemum fish this dish, chrysanthemum fish was made like chrysanthemums, golden color, dotted with a little boiled tomato sauce, the presentation is very beautiful, after the selection of the chrysanthemum fish won the gold medal in the cooking competition. Chrysanthemum fish production is more complicated, of which the knife change step is particularly complicated, the uncle feels that the form of the article may not be able to fully let everyone understand, to be left to the later stage to shoot some videos and then show you this dish. Today the uncle intends to share a similar type of hieroglyphic dish to everyone, the production may be slightly simpler than the chrysanthemum fish, but also more suitable for the Chinese New Year's Eve rice as a big dish on the table, but also can fully improve your cooking skills, this dish is the classic dish in hui cuisine - grape fish.

@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

Speaking of the classic dish in this Hui cuisine, it is said that grapes are abundant in this area of the Huaibei Plain, grapes are mostly used for winemaking, especially the wine near Xiao County is the most famous, Xiao County's chefs created a grape fish dish according to the inspiration of grapes, and then after the Hui cuisine master according to the Huaiyang famous dish "Lychee Fish" production method, to "shape" creation, take the fish meat to remove the bones, make a grape shape, add red wine when cooking, to achieve the perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and shape.

@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

Grape fish listen to know is a pictographic dish, a bite of grape meat, production of moderate oil, moderate oil temperature, want to do a good job of grape fish, need to go through the selection of fish, change the knife, pickling, wrapping powder, frying, seasoning, plate process, these seven steps is to make a good grape fish key points, seemingly complex, in fact, simple, just need to remember these seven points can be perfectly made of a color, aroma, taste, shape are perfect classic emblem grape fish.

@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

To prepare the grape fish:


Ingredients: 1 bluefish

Seasoning: Tomato sauce (tomato sauce) 50 g, red wine 50 g, salt to taste, white sugar 50 g, white vinegar 2 tablespoons, 2 eggs, fine bread chaff to taste, cooking wine to taste, chicken essence to taste, ginger shredded to taste, green onion to taste


The first step: choose fish, try to choose wild bluefish or reservoir stocking of bluefish, such a blue fish body slender, thick flesh, the production of grape bunches of particles are large and long, and there is no farmed fish earthy smell, is the best ingredient for making grape fish.

Step 2: Change the knife, wash the blue fish, remove the head and tail for other uses, only use the fish body part, along the large bone to the fish head slice, and then obliquely cut off the fish bones on the belly of the fish, put the fish skin down on the board, according to the 50 degree angle of about 1.5-2 cm width cross knife to the fish skin, can not cut the fish skin, so that the fish meat will be one by one to show grape meat.

Step 3: Marinate, put the fish meat into a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of green onion and ginger shreds, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of salt, cooking wine according to the amount of fish can be put in an appropriate amount, with your hands to grasp the marinade for 20 minutes.

Step 4: Wrap the flour, beat 2 eggs into egg mixture, put the fine breadcrumbs in a deep dish for later, shake the marinade fish to remove the marinade, soak in the egg mixture, wrap the egg liquid and then evenly wrap the breadcrumbs in the deep dish.

Step 5: Frying, the pan in the frying oil, to be able to not over the fish meat is better, when the oil temperature is 70% hot, the fish wrapped in breadcrumbs into the frying pan is fried, this dish should be fried twice, the first time fried to the shape can be, fished out slightly cooled and then re-fried in the pan, fried until the surface is golden and crispy can be fished out and placed on the plate.

Step 6: Seasoning, leave the bottom oil in the pot, add 50 grams of tomato sauce, 50 grams of white sugar, 50 grams of red wine, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir well and add an appropriate amount of water starch to hook, simmer until the sauce is thick.

Step 7: Plate, pour the boiled sauce evenly on the grape fish, and then take a few green vegetable leaves and place them on the slightly wider side of the fish, arranged in the shape of grape leaves, and the grape fish can also be sprinkled with a few raisins or peeled grape meat as a garnish.

@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

Such a sweet and sour grape fish with a light wine aroma and shape is made, because the taste is sweet and sour and there is no fish bones, so this dish is suitable for all ages, loved by the public, and basically will be robbed on the table.

@ Huaibei people, teach you to easily make emblem cuisine classic dish "grape fish"

Tip: When changing the knife, you can cut off the excess corners of the fish twice, and try to change it to a trapezoidal shape, so that the grape fish is more neat and beautiful. The color of the tomato sauce is dark red, and the color of the tomato sauce will be brighter, depending on the needs of the individual. This dish is wrapped in fine breadcrumbs, the breadcrumbs are wrapped well and the fried fish is more fluffy, and the outside is tender and tender, and it can also be wrapped with starch plus grates powder according to the squirrel fish method. After the sauce is thickened, the restaurant will usually add a spoonful of clear oil, which is done to make the sauce brighter.

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