
Xi Jinping and His Mother: The "Engagement" of Two Generations of Communists


Xi Jinping's mother, Qi Xin, was a female soldier of the Eighth Route Army who joined the Revolution and joined the Chinese Communist Party in the Taihang Beacon Fire in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and then went to Yan'an.

Xi Zhongxun also praised his wife, and once said to his children: "Your mother is an excellent Communist Party member!" ”

Repeating words and teaching by example, teaching knowledge and cultivating morality, and the mother's words and deeds have set an example for Xi Jinping.

Xi Jinping and His Mother: The "Engagement" of Two Generations of Communists

From several stories of Xi Jinping and his mother, we can deeply understand the tacit understanding and "agreement" between mother and son.

Mother and child connect hearts

In March 1939, at the age of fifteen, Qi Xin joined the revolution in the Taihang Anti-Japanese Flame, and in the same year joined the Communist Party of China in the anti-"sweeping" struggle, tempered and grew up in the revolutionary furnace of the Anti-Japanese War, and established the communist ideal.

In 1943, in suide's cave dwelling, Qi Xin saw for the first time the eight characters of "The interests of the party come first" written by Chairman Mao Zedong for Comrade Xi Zhongxun hanging on the wall. She was nineteen years old.

Xi Jinping and His Mother: The "Engagement" of Two Generations of Communists

In the summer of 2000, Qi Xin returned to Haojiaqiao Village to visit the villagers. Source 《Xi Zhongxun Painting Biography》

In the protracted revolutionary struggle, we should take the overall situation into consideration, persist in working at the grass-roots level, and silently struggle at all posts arranged by the organization.

Later, Qi Xin recalled two experiences in her life that benefited her a lot: First, in the two years in the anti-Japanese base areas in the front, she withstood the test of war, and the arduous fighting life of the anti-melting pot cultivated my revolutionary optimism, strengthened the will to struggle for the revolution, and established a communist outlook on life; second, I did grassroots work in the rural areas of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region for eight years, and under the nurturing of the working people, I established deep feelings with them.

At the same age of fifteen, on January 13, 1969, Xi Jinping packed his bags and went to the countryside to liangjiahe in northern Shaanxi to become a young man, where he spent seven years of youth.

Xi Jinping once wrote in the article: "When I came to the yellow land at the age of fifteen, I was confused and wandering; when I left the yellow land at the age of twenty-two, I already had a firm goal in life and full of self-confidence." ”

In those years, Xi Jinping felt the warmth from Liangjiahe, he ate with the villagers, lived in one place, worked in one place, accepted the tempering of hard life, and passed the "flea pass, diet pass, life pass, labor pass, and ideological pass."

In Liangjiahe, Xi Jinping has written 8 applications for joining the league and 10 applications for joining the party. Mr. Xi officially became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in January 1974, the year he was twenty years old.

In the years of Zhiqing, the sewing kit sewn for Xi Jinping by his own hands has always accompanied him. The three words "mother's heart" embroidered on the sewing package are the condensation of the deep affection of mother and son, the uncomplaining dedication to the people in the revolutionary career, the unrepentant support for the children's dedication to the country, and the unswerving initial heart that has endured the wind and snow.

Xi Jinping and His Mother: The "Engagement" of Two Generations of Communists

On April 25, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping exchanged cordially with the villagers during his inspection of Maozhushan Village, Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin City.

The heart of a mother and a child, a pure heart that has no reservations about the party, the country, and the people, and is a "convention" between Xi Jinping and his mother.

Be strict with yourself

The concerted efforts to focus on family education have influenced Xi Jinping's entire growth process. She often followed the rules of her family to write letters to Xi Jinping, who worked in the field and took up leadership positions, warning him that "there is no cold in the heights" and instructing him to be strict with himself.

Honesty and self-discipline are the bottom line for communists to engage in government affairs for officials. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has elevated the comprehensive and strict management of the party to a new historical height, and the construction of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle have made historic achievements.

When talking about the issue that leading cadres must always be vigilant in their hearts, Xi Jinping once said: "Our power is given by the party and the people, is used for the party and the people, and can only be used to share the worries of the party, serve the state officials, and seek benefits for the people." It is necessary to correctly exercise power, use power according to law, use power in good faith, and use power honestly, so that we can be afraid in our hearts, cautious in our words, and stop in our deeds, and properly handle the relationship between public and private, between feelings and law, and between profit and law. ”

"Acting innocently, doing things cleanly, and being an official frankly" is the "agreement" between Xi Jinping and his mother.

Struggle every day

"Fight for a lifetime, be happy for a lifetime, struggle every day, be happy every day." This is a true portrayal of Comrade Xi Zhongxun's glorious life, and it is also a sense of life that encourages and inspires future generations.

When Qi Xin worked at the Central Party School, the unit was far away from home, and she and her family were always far away from each other. Only on weekends can she take the bus home once, and when she arrives home, it is eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and she has to rush back to work on Sunday night.

But Qi Xin never considered whether to stay with the children for a while, or even whether to change jobs and be closer to home. At that time, all she had in mind was to obey the organizational arrangements, not to delay the work, and even if the child was seriously ill, she did not take leave.

QiXin took Xi Zhongxun's words to tell her to "work well, study well, and handle everything well" as the motto of life, and also encouraged Xi Jinping.

In the Spring Festival of 2001, Qi Xin greeted and instructed Xi Jinping by telephone: "As long as you do a good job, it is the greatest filial piety to your parents, which is responsible for your family and yourself, which is consistent." ”

"I will live up to the people without myself." Working in the public and selfless work at night is the most ordinary state of Xi Jinping; the wind and dust servants and non-stop hooves are the truest portrayal of his governance. Shouldering the trust and trust of the people, Xi Jinping is tireless and conscientious, and is both a leader and a strivers.

Xi Jinping and His Mother: The "Engagement" of Two Generations of Communists

On April 27, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping exchanged cordially with the people of all ethnic groups participating in the March 3 "Song wei festival" ethnic cultural activities outside the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities in Nanning City.

"I said that on the road to poverty alleviation, no one can be less, and no nation can be less. Chinese speaks, the Chinese Communist Party speaks, and the leadership of the Communist Party of China speaks. The general secretary's words were deafening.

Putting the people first and maintaining the fighting spirit of a communist who is willing to "have no self" and dedicates himself to it is the "agreement" between Xi Jinping and his mother.

CCTV Of the Central Radio and Television Corporation

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