
Fujian issued a three-year action plan to promote the prosperity and development of Fujian cuisine, and Xiamen actively implemented it

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Taiwan Straits Network

Fujian issued a three-year action plan to promote the prosperity and development of Fujian cuisine, and Xiamen actively implemented it

■ Citizens go to catering businesses to taste seafood.

Fujian issued a three-year action plan to promote the prosperity and development of Fujian cuisine, and Xiamen actively implemented it

Xiamen special snacks

According to the Xiamen Evening News, recently, our province issued the "Three-year Action Plan for Promoting the Prosperity of Fujian Cuisine" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and by 2023, the province will select 1,000 provincial-level famous stores.

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce that Xiamen will actively implement the policy, run the "Eight Fujian Food Carnival" and "Taste Xiamen" Ludao Food Festival and other activities, prosper the Xiamen catering market, promote consumption, so that citizens and tourists can enjoy the "Fujian cuisine on the tip of the tongue".

Do a big Fujian cuisine enterprise to enhance the Fujian cuisine brand

According to the plan, our province will further promote the revitalization and prosperity of Fujian cuisine, build a fujian cuisine brand, and build a strong gastronomic province in accordance with the overall requirements of the "four major and one complete" (that is, to strengthen the large industry of Fujian cuisine, smooth the logistics of Fujian cuisine, build a large market of Fujian cuisine, serve the livelihood of Fujian cuisine, and build a whole chain of Fujian cuisine industry).

The plan supports catering enterprises above designated size with the flavor of Fujian local cuisine (main business income of 2 million yuan and above), creates a number of "Fujian restaurants", and gradually carries out the star rating of "Fujian cuisine restaurants". On this basis, we will expand the scope and support cities to organize the selection of famous restaurants in various cities, and by 2023, 1,000 provincial-level famous stores will be selected in the province. Encourage the chain and brand development of Fujian cuisine enterprises in the province, promote Fujian cuisine and Fujian cuisine snack enterprises to accelerate the layout of national outlets, actively "go out", and upgrade and transform through Internet digitalization and supply chain industrialization.

Our province will compile the "Blue Book on the Development of "Fujian Cuisine", analyze and study the focus and frontier of the development of the "four major and one complete" industrial chain of Fujian cuisine, put forward the ideas and countermeasures for the development of Fujian cuisine, provide reference for the scientific decision-making of government departments, and provide guidance for the operation and development of industry enterprises.

Build a food street city, take local cuisine as the main line, excavate the old brand of catering, and cultivate 1 to 2 fujian cuisine food street cities with outstanding regional representatives and profound cultural heritage in each districted city (including Pingtan), driving the popularity of Eight Fujian cuisine. With this as a link, we will promote the construction of a number of night economy demonstration blocks and gourmet night economy demonstration stores in various places.

The plan also supports the holding of activities such as Fujian cuisine display, gastronomic experience, brand promotion and production and marketing docking at major exhibitions and business activities in the province such as the "9.8" Investment Fair, the "Fujian Goods Huaxia Tour" and key exhibitions of domestic and foreign service trade.

Improve the standard of Fujian cuisine Gather Fujian cuisine talents

The plan also proposes to promote the integration and development of online and offline catering, pay attention to the extension of the industrial chain, promote the construction of food bases and production and processing bases, integrate and promote agricultural and sideline products, tea and alcohol with Fujian characteristics, and drive Fujian specialties to the whole country and the world.

Strengthen the construction of the supply chain, extend the industrial chain of Fujian cuisine, and drive the "going out" of Fujian cuisine ingredients; hold various types of agricultural meal docking activities, organize food suppliers and buyers to purchase docking; encourage the development of the "central kitchen" supply model, promote the standardization, scale and intensive development of the Fujian cuisine supply chain; integrate various resources such as planting and breeding, warehousing, processing, logistics, and sales, and smooth the "going out" channel of raw materials.

Improve the standard system of Fujian cuisine. Organize the compilation of local standards for Fujian cuisine, establish and improve the standardization system of Fujian cuisine from the aspects of service, culture, dishes, technology, training, management, processing, raw materials, quality, etc., and improve the standardization level of Fujian cuisine. Preferentially select a batch of famous dishes and snacks to enhance the market share of Fujian cuisine.

Cultivate talents in the Fujian cuisine industry, and train 10,000 Fujian cuisine chefs in the province by 2023. Strengthen support for vocational education in Fujian cuisine, establish a Fujian cuisine college, open a Fujian cuisine major, and support the creation of a number of Fujian cuisine training bases with strong regional characteristics. Establish a Master Studio of Fujian Cuisine composed of well-known scholars, famous teachers and chefs, and corporate executives to cultivate The inheritance of Fujian cuisine and strengthen the inheritance of Fujian cuisine skills.

(Text/Reporter Zhang Jingwei Correspondent Xiamen Shangxuan Photo/Chen Lixin)

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