
"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

author:Deer vernal equinox

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino is known for his black action comedies and non-linear narratives, and has directed a number of classic films, such as the "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationships" and "Pulp Fiction", which have a place in the Film Hall of Fame and fame. </h1>

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

However, Quentin Tarantino said in an interview that the money he earned would never be distributed to his mother, and his Oscar path was almost ruined in her hands.

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

Quentin Tarantino said he wanted his mother to pay for his actions because he would never forget the childhood trauma she had inflicted on him for the rest of his life, and he had no intention of forgiving them.

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

Quentin Tarantino revealed on the show that when he was a child, his schoolwork performance was very poor, but he was exposed to adult books earlier than children of the same age, interested in the rich humanity in the story, decided to move towards the road of writing, and usually liked to bury his head in writing scripts.

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

However, Quentin Tarantino's enthusiasm was disturbing in the eyes of the school teacher, seeing that he had worked hard to waste his homework, and the teacher told Quentin Tarantino's mother, Connie, about the situation, hoping that Connie would allow her son to concentrate on his studies.

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

Mother Connie was furious and directly rebuked Quentin Tarantino for not learning anything he liked, sneering at her son: "This so-called writing career of yours, is this thing you are doing?" This stuff is finished. This mother's words made Quentin Tarantino angry, until now.

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

He told the host that he had secretly vowed that if he became a successful writer in the future, his mother would not want to get a dime, "I will not buy her a house, I will not fund her to go on a luxury vacation, I will not buy her a Cadillac." ”

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

Originally, the host wanted to ease the atmosphere and asked him if he wanted to stick to this childhood oath, but Quentin Tarantino did not want to go down the steps, and said firmly: "When parents and children deal with each other, you have to know that everything you say has consequences." ”

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

Quentin Tarantino said: "Remember, especially for things that make sense to their children, parents should not use a sarcastic tone. ”

Quentin Tarantino, who now owns $120 million, said he would cut off his 74-year-old mother, Connie, but he mentioned that he had helped his mother deal with her debt, but that was no more.

"The money I earn when I become famous will not give her a cent", the mother's sentence made the ghost director remember the life of the famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, known for his black action comedy, non-linear narrative, directed a number of classic films, such as "Kill Bill" series, "Dangerous Relationship" and "Pulp Fiction", occupying a place in the Film Hall of Fame, fame and fortune.

Quentin Tarantino, 58, a native of Tennessee, usa, was born when his mother was 16 years old, his parents divorced when he was only 4 years old, he followed his mother and stepfather to settle in Los Angeles, even without the encouragement of his relatives, Quentin Jr. did not flinch, insisted on his interests, and finally, he did not live up to this effort, and has won 2 Oscars and 3 Golden Globe Awards, becoming one of the most influential ghost directors in the world.

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