
My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

author:Mr. Willow and his food story

Patting cucumbers and fried peanut rice was my father's favorite appetizer.

My father loves to eat noodles, he said, "Every night when you come back from work, you can eat two bowls of noodles to really fill your stomach." But it's not enough to eat noodles, it has to be accompanied by my son's sour and spicy cucumber dish, which is a beautiful thing to eat. ”

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

So, every afternoon after school, I would run to the kitchen to help my mother make noodles. My job is to simply run errands. Help your mother to fetch two bowls of noodles, help carry half a bucket of water, help your mother collect firewood, and help your mother set up a fire to burn water.

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

Mother's job is all difficult technical work, such as pouring water and dough, kneading dough, ramen noodles, pressing noodles, etc. In less than half an hour, the noodles were ready. There are thinner noodles that my brother and I like to eat. There are also lasagna, which fathers and mothers like to eat.

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

The noodles are ready, and the next task is to make the soup. Father loved tomato egg soup. My job was naturally to simply beat the eggs and cut the tomatoes, leaving the rest of the technical work to my mother. In a few moments, my mother made the tomato egg soup.

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

The next step is to make my father's favorite cold dish - "sour and spicy cucumber". I can do it myself, and it tastes super delicious, which is one of my best dishes. Its step is to first wash the surface of the cucumber with water, note that the surface of the cucumber has small thorns, so wash vigorously and grind away the small thorns on the surface of the cucumber. Then turn the kitchen knife sideways, pat the cucumber hard, and shoot the cucumber into a piece of the piece, so everyone knows why the dish is called a cucumber!

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

Why not cut into pieces with a kitchen knife and shoot with a kitchen knife? Wouldn't the cut out look better? It is precisely because the cut cucumbers are so neat. The taste is not good to go in, so I use it to shoot.

The next step is to mix the sauce, vinegar and salt and a little sugar, add some minced garlic, stir it together thoroughly, and pour it over the cucumber you just shot, so that a delicious sour and spicy cucumber is ready.

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

The next task was to wait for my father to come home. After a while, my father came home from work, and my mother cooked the prepared noodles in a pot of boiling water, and then poured the tomato and egg soup on top, so that the noodles that my father liked were ready.

My father's favorite when he ate noodles was the sour and spicy pat cucumber

"My son's sour and spicy cucumber is delicious, and the noodles are really delicious." My father praised me happily, and said that he would reward me and my brother with fifty cents.

Since then, every time my mother makes noodles, I've helped make a sour and spicy cucumber.

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