
Chen Zhigang, researcher at the Institute of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The party is a powerful weapon to overcome all difficulties and obstacles

author:Bright Net

The great spirit of party building has rich connotations, embodies in a concentrated way the fundamental requirements of the party's nature, purpose, ideals and convictions, and profoundly demonstrates the unique spiritual identity of the Communist Party of China. Under the illumination of the truth of Marxism and inspired by the ideals and convictions of communism, generation after generation of Chinese Communists have not only opened up a new road for the Chinese revolution, but also created, upheld, defended and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, enabling socialism to display its strong vitality and constantly write new chapters. The history of the Communist Party of China over the past hundred years is the history of practicing its original intention and mission. After 28 years of arduous struggle, the Communist Party of China overthrew the three mountains and achieved national independence and people's liberation. Since the founding of New China, several generations of Communists have waged unremitting struggles for the sake of national prosperity and strength and the happiness of the people, and in just over 70 years they have completed the centuries-long modernization process of the developed capitalist countries in the West, solved the problem of absolute poverty, won the victory of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, embarked on a new path of modernization in the Chinese style, and provided a Chinese solution for the vast number of developing countries to realize modernization.

From 1921 to 1949, it was precisely because of the sacrifices and struggles of countless revolutionary martyrs that the "three mountains" were overthrown and a new China was established. Similarly, it is precisely because we are not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle that in socialist construction for more than 70 years, we have relied on ourselves and made independent innovations on the basis of poverty and whiteness, built a brand-new China, overcame all challenges of hegemonism, resolutely defended national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. Over the past hundred years, it is precisely because countless Communists have always put the interests of the people first that they have won the support of the broadest masses of the people, so that they can overcome all difficulties and obstacles and create all miracles that seem impossible to create.

The great spirit of party building is the spiritual source, concentrated summary, and common background of the great spiritual genealogy of the Communist Party of China. The party's series of great spirits have provided a powerful spiritual weapon for the CPC to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, a spiritual code for the CPC to always remain young, and a rich spiritual nourishment for building the party, rejuvenating the party, and strengthening the party.

Guangming Daily (06/10/2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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