
The nostalgic poems of Taiwanese elderly poet Ji Xian are earlier and more affectionate than the "Nostalgia" in Yu Guang

author:Poetry Café

A locust leaf

This is the most beautiful piece in the world,

The most rare, the most precious piece,

And it is the most sad, the most tearful piece,

Thin, dry, pale gray-yellow locust leaves. \\

Forgot it was in Jiangnan, Jiangbei,

In which city, in which garden,

Sandwiched in an ancient book of poems,

For many years, there was not even a slight damage. \\

Cicada-winged locust leaves that gently slip down,

When I looked closely, I was still stained with some dirt from my homeland.

The old country, yo, wait until what year, month and day

Only then can I return to your arms

Go and enjoy one of the most enjoyable in the world

Season with a faint scent of locust flowers? ......

The nostalgic poems of Taiwanese elderly poet Ji Xian are earlier and more affectionate than the "Nostalgia" in Yu Guang

This issue continues to say nostalgia. The selection is Ji Xian's "A Locust Leaf", which is known as one of the three elders of Taiwan's poetry world.

Compared with poets such as Yu Guangzhong and Love, Ji Xian was older and more advanced in his creative age, and his creative age was even active until the thirties, belonging to a member of the modernist school at that time, with the pen name Louis. At the end of January 1948, Ji Xian went to Taiwan, and in 1953, he founded the quarterly magazine "Modern Poetry", which heralded the re-revolution of new poetry and set off a modernist poetry movement in Taiwan.

The nostalgic poems of Taiwanese elderly poet Ji Xian are earlier and more affectionate than the "Nostalgia" in Yu Guang

As a veteran poet who started the taiwan modern poetry movement, we look at this poem, the modern meaning is not obvious, the author through a piece of ancient poetry collection "still stained on the mud of the homeland" of the locust leaves, entrusted with affection, composed a song of overseas wanderers nostalgic for the motherland, missing the homeland.

The locust tree is a common tree species in China, its branches and leaves are dense, green and shady, suitable for shade trees, but also used as street trees. In 1954, the poet, who had been away from the mainland for six years, once checked the old book, and a locust leaf sandwiched in the book came into view, which touched a string of the poet's feelings and wrote this poem "A Locust Leaf".

The nostalgic poems of Taiwanese elderly poet Ji Xian are earlier and more affectionate than the "Nostalgia" in Yu Guang

The central image of the whole poem, the locust leaf, has been depicted in multiple angles, multiple sides and multiple levels under the poet's pen, with both a sense of reality and a sense of history, both static beauty and dynamic beauty, both color beauty and charm beauty, supplemented by the two images of "ancient poetry collection" and "soil of the homeland", and finally very naturally and skillfully transforming and sublimating the "locust leaf" into an overall aesthetic image that symbolizes a good life and ideal realm. And the meaning of this image is always certain, the division of the country, the separation of relatives and friends, the changes of the times, the reflection of history, the hardships of the wanderer and his resentment, sadness, hope, ideals, etc., are all contained in it, blending into one, radiating out all kinds of shock waves that touch people's souls. ”

The nostalgic poems of Taiwanese elderly poet Ji Xian are earlier and more affectionate than the "Nostalgia" in Yu Guang

Nostalgia is the rich mine of the writer, and it is also the softest feeling in the poet's heart.

For the author Ji Xian, the poem we are most familiar with is "Your Name":

Your name/ji string

With the lightest and lightest sound in the world,

Gently call your name every night and every night.

Write your name,

Draw your name,

And the dream is your glowing name.

Like the sun, like the stars, your name.

Like a lamp, like a diamond, your name.

Like colorful sparks, like lightning, your name.

Like the burning of a primeval forest, your name.

Engrave your name,

Engrave your name on the tree,

Engrave your name on the tree of unspeakable life.

When this plant grows into a towering ancient tree,


Your name is also bigger.

Big up, your name.

Light up, your name.

So, gently and gently call your name.

There is not a single word of love in the whole poem, but there is love everywhere. Every time you chant, you can almost hear the poet's heartbeat.

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