
Director unveils the underwater version of "big fish begonia": build a Hakka tulou to achieve "mermaid dance"

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

"Begonias bloom, big fish spread their wings." Recently, the underwater dance "Kun", directed by Guo Jiyong and starring the famous young dancer Zhang Yashu, appeared at the Jiangsu Satellite TV Gala and appeared on the hot search, causing widespread concern. Many netizens were pleasantly surprised to find that this dance "God restored" the scene in the animated movie "Big Fish and Begonias", and the "mermaid dance" shocked people's hearts.

On October 26, Guo Jiyong was interviewed by Nandu reporters and introduced that "Kun" lasted 3 months from creativity to shooting. In order to present the aesthetic and atmospheric visual effect, the team used 10 tons of blocks weighing 10 tons to build the "Siege of the Gods" in "Big Fish and Begonias" underwater; the scene of "The Sea of Flowers" alone took about two days to shoot and use 10,000 begonia flower props. "I hope to convey these beautiful views, so that people can pay attention to our oceans and protect our oceans."

Director unveils the underwater version of "big fish begonia": build a Hakka tulou to achieve "mermaid dance"

The underwater dance "Kun" uses the "Sea of Flowers" to present the artistic conception of the movie "Big Fish and Begonias".

Ten thousand begonias create a "sea of flowers", and restore the Hakka tulou 1:1 underwater

"Legend has it that there is a fish in the north, whose name is Kun, and in the South China Sea, there is a tang, whose name is Tsubaki..." In 2016, the animated film "Big Fish Begonia" was released, telling the fantasy story between the young girl "Tsubaki" who lived in the "Siege of the Gods" and the boy "Kun" whose soul turned into a fish, and the theme song "Big Fish" sung by Zhou Shen was widely circulated. This time, Guo Jiyong decided to restore the "light of the national comic" in his heart in the form of underwater dance.

"The biggest charm of shooting in the water is that it provides an environment that cannot be achieved on land, because the water has buoyancy and can better show the beauty and elegance." Guo Jiyong told Nandu reporters, "The formation of 'the sea of flowers and flowers' is undoubtedly the best presentation of this charm, and it also allows the audience to focus on the dance itself, rather than the blessing of special effects." ”

Director unveils the underwater version of "big fish begonia": build a Hakka tulou to achieve "mermaid dance"

Guo Jiyong.

In the movie "Big Fish and Begonias", the beautiful picture of "begonia blossoms and big fish return" has impressed many viewers. In order to convey this beauty to the fullest, the filming team used 10,000 begonia flower props to launch the water at the same time, and after each shooting, they had to pick it up again. Guo Jiyong said that this scene alone was filmed for about two days.

Equally stunning is the underwater "Siege of the Gods", which 1:1 sets up the original scene of the film and even allows dancers to walk freely through it.

"ShenzhiweiLou" is taken from the Chinese Hakka Tulou, which is a sturdy monolithic building. Guo Jiyong introduced that in order to build this "semi-open" prop with considerable scale in the underwater studio, the staff spent 3 months, using iron blocks weighing 10 tons, and they needed to be put underwater first, and then spliced perfectly like "building blocks".

"Seamless connection is also a very troublesome thing." He told Nandu reporters. Especially when fighting to the end, if you still have to adjust, then the block built in front of you must also be fine-tuned, and the scenery team is very hard, and there are several times when the hand is scratched by the iron block.

Dancers breathlessly perform "Mermaid Dance", and the new work creates the theme of the Winter Olympics

In the view of Guo Jiyong's team, underwater dance is first and foremost dance, and the skills of the actors are particularly important. In this year's "Dragon Boat Wonderful Tour" of Henan Satellite TV, Guo Jiyong cooperated with dancer He Haohao to create "Roselle Water Endowment"; this time, he made Zhang Yashu, a young dancer and national first-class actor, the embodiment of the young girl "Chun".

Director unveils the underwater version of "big fish begonia": build a Hakka tulou to achieve "mermaid dance"

Dancer Zhang Yashu walks through the "underwater enclosure" built 1:1.

In the dance of "Kun", Zhang Yashu completed professional dance movements such as kicking swallows, hanging on one leg, pulling and pulling, and backflips after straightening up underwater, and the breath holding time was even as long as 1 minute. Under the support of the actors' ability, a large number of long shots were also used throughout the shooting in order to achieve better shooting quality.

The dancer can't hear the music underwater, how to guide her to cooperate with the camera? Guo Jiyong introduced to the Nandu reporter that in the process of creating the rehearsal, Zhang Yashu will first discharge the dance segment on land, and the underwater shooting team will then carry out action choreography and lens design. Previously, the two sides had cooperated in the underwater dance "Red", and now they have a very tacit understanding. There is a "mermaid dancing together" picture in "Kun", which allows the special effects production team to also join the "group chat", finalize the action, angle and scenery in advance, and when shooting, the team guides the dancers to perform accurate physical performances, and CG synthesis is carried out in the later stage. The interaction between "Tsubaki" and "Kun" also shows the picture of people and nature living in harmony.

After the show was launched, sure enough, it received a warm response on the Internet. Guo Jiyong said that he hopes that through this work, he can advocate the concept of environmental protection to the public and lead them to understand history and traditional culture. Quanzhou, Fujian Province, was once China's "World Marine Trade Center" in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and is now a new starting point for China's Maritime Silk Road. Through the use of these elements such as big fish, ocean and Hakka tulou, the main creative team also wants to explain the yearning and pursuit of the ocean, and express the common "ocean dream" of mankind.

Since Guo Jiyong resigned in 2018 and devoted himself to underwater shooting, his team has expanded from the initial 3 people to more than 40 people. He told Nandu reporters that choosing this profession at the beginning "may be out of love and being shocked by the scene in the sea", and now feels more responsible for leading everyone to pay attention to the ocean and protect the ocean.

Next, Guo Jiyong will also have an underwater work and a land work to meet the audience on the screen. According to him, the underwater works will combine Chinese Go to continue to promote the national style and traditional Chinese culture, while the land works will take skiing as the theme, which is in line with next year's Beijing Winter Olympics.

Producer: Nandu Instant

Written by: Intern Zhang Chenyang Nandu reporter Hou Jingjing

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