
In 2013, the Nanjing 4.5 wife murder case documentary: Fu Er Dai suspected that his wife was having an affair and slashed his wife more than 60 times

author:Wang Xianghua lawyer

The term "rich second generation" is a very distant thing for the people, who grew up with a golden spoon, some of whom were made well educated, and some of whom grew up to be deficient because they were spoiled. For example, in the case of the murder of the wife of the second generation of the rich in Nanjing, a "prince" with a solid family suspected that his wife was cheating, not only abused his wife many times, but finally cut his wife with a knife and cut his wife more than sixty times. What exactly caused all this tragedy?

In 2013, the Nanjing 4.5 wife murder case documentary: Fu Er Dai suspected that his wife was having an affair and slashed his wife more than 60 times

It all started in 2010. The two were originally high school classmates, Ji mou was a well-known rich second generation in the school, and Qi Mou was recognized as the school flower in the school. Ji mou saw that Qi Mou looked beautiful, so he used all his strength to pursue. During the relationship, Ji mou was very considerate to his girlfriend, and Qi mou gradually fell in love under his attack.

But then Qi found that his boyfriend's bad behavior was gradually exposed, and his private life was chaotic and he did not learn any techniques. Of course, Qi Mou could not tolerate him stepping on two boats, and once proposed to break up, but in the end he was touched by Ji's bitter pleading and finally decided to forgive him. In 2012, Qi was diagnosed with pregnancy, and the two also married.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ji and Qi are an enviable newlywed couple. However, under the appearance of this gorgeous marriage, there is a huge marital crisis. Because Qi Mou looks too beautiful, her husband is always suspicious and suspicious, thinking that she has an affair outside. But in fact, the husband is the one who often cheats. He often went to and from entertainment venues with people in the circle, and then went home with a drink. Pregnant, Qi Mou could not stand it, and tried to dissuade him, but he attracted severe beatings from her husband.

The next day, Ji Mou looked at his wife's face with a blue and purple piece, and also felt very sorry, saying that he was unconscious after drinking wine and would not commit it again. Qi also believed it after he swore and decided to give her husband a chance. However, domestic violence is only 0 times and countless times. Then he intensified, every three to five times he and his wife were angry, Qi could not stand to file for divorce, the husband thought that his wife changed his heart, cheated on other men, and firmly controlled her at home and was not allowed to go out.

In 2013, the Nanjing 4.5 wife murder case documentary: Fu Er Dai suspected that his wife was having an affair and slashed his wife more than 60 times

After Qi's mother-in-law found out, she came to comfort her, and her father-in-law also reprimanded her severely, but the husband and wife had already spoiled the contrarian son, and it was too late to raise her now. For the safety of the child in his belly, Qi Could only swallow his breath and live in the Ji family. She was pregnant in October, and soon she gave birth to a baby girl, who was very happy after giving birth, and her husband showed a few smiles. Qi Mou thought that the child could make her husband return to the original thoughtfulness, but he did not expect that what awaited her was a disaster.

On April 26, 2013, Qi was still sleeping, and their 4-month-old daughter was lying on the crib next to them. At six o'clock in the morning, the drunken husband came home and woke up Qi and his daughter. After Qi complained a few words, her husband suddenly insulted her and said that he had put a green hat on himself. And she had no idea what was happening, and no matter how much she defended Ji, she didn't believe her. In a rage, Ji used a fruit knife to cut several knives into her chest and abdomen, and later felt that the fruit knife was too blunt, and then changed three knives to continue cutting, until his parents were awakened to stop him, and quickly called the police and called emergency.

Qi Mou was shot more than 60 times in the body and sent to the hospital to die of excessive bleeding, and the police immediately arrested him. Article 232 of the Criminal Law: [Intentional Homicide] Whoever intentionally commits homicide shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years; Finally, because the case was caused by a family conflict, and Ji had a plot of passionate murder, it was not premeditated. And Ji Mou admitted guilt with a correct attitude and truthfully confessed the crime, so in the end he was sentenced to death, suspended for two years, and limited the commutation of sentence, waiting for Ji Mou will be a serious punishment by law.

In 2013, the Nanjing 4.5 wife murder case documentary: Fu Er Dai suspected that his wife was having an affair and slashed his wife more than 60 times

And, in fact, this matter is not over. When Ji was serving his sentence in prison, he had 5 disputes with prisoners in prison, and violently beat others to cause minor injuries. Article 315 of the Criminal Law: [Crime of Undermining The Order of Supervision] A criminal who is lawfully detained who commits any of the following acts of undermining the order of supervision, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years:

(1) Beating supervisors;

(2) Organizing other persons under supervision to disrupt the order of supervision;

(3) Gathering crowds to make trouble, disrupting normal supervision and control order;

(4) Beating or corporal punishment, or instructing others to beat or physically punish other persons in custody. The court had originally sentenced him to three years in prison, but when he appealed, the verdict did not take effect. The specific circumstances are not verifiable, probably because he has presented new evidence to prove that he has not committed a crime.

If he did commit the crime of disrupting the regulatory order, he would be sentenced to death. Because article 50 of the Criminal Law: "Change of death suspension" Where a death sentence is sentenced to a suspended execution, during the period of suspension of execution of the death penalty ... If the crime is committed intentionally, and the circumstances are heinous, the death penalty shall be carried out after reporting to the Supreme People's Court for approval; for the intentional crime, the period for the suspension of execution of the death penalty shall be recalculated and reported to the Supreme People's Court for the record. In fact, such an example of Ji Mou is very rare, almost after the criminal is sentenced to a suspended death, in order to survive, he will try to reduce his sentence in prison, and China's death suspension system is indeed set up for the reform of criminals.

In 2013, the Nanjing 4.5 wife murder case documentary: Fu Er Dai suspected that his wife was having an affair and slashed his wife more than 60 times

In any case, Ji Mou's murder crime is very serious, which is related to his experience from childhood to adulthood. I am afraid that in the process of growing up, his parents lacked education for him, making his character flawed. Coupled with his excellent family environment, this gave him the illusion of omnipotence. In fact, all his sense of superiority was given to him by his parents. Many rich second generations have such a common disease, which also reflects an old saying in our country: "Poor is not three generations, rich is not three generations."

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