
The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

author:Chinanet Buddhist Channel

October 9, 2021, the fourth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, is the anniversary of the death of Master Hongyi.

Regarding the record of Master Hongyi, Ye Shengtao once wrote very well in the article "Two Masters", and he compared Master Hongyi and Master Yinguang to say, "One is the beauty and elegance of the water, and the other is the simplicity and solemnity of the mountain."

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

Master Hongyi was one of the four senior monks of the Republic of China, and the old monk of Xuanyun commented on the master in the "Outline of Master Hongyi's Affairs": "Hongyi lawyer, those who wish to come back again. Looking at the opportunity is appropriate, zhihong Nanshan purpose, in order to save the shortcomings of the times. Practice what you preach, practice what you do, be unremitting throughout your life, and smell the birth of Qin. ”

Birth: Sparrow

In 1880 (September 20th of the old calendar), Master Hongyi was born in Tianjin to a wealthy family, commonly known as Li, young name Chengqi, scientific name Wentao, character Shu tong, the name has changed repeatedly, generally known as Li Shutong. The master was originally from Pinghu, Zhejiang, his father's name was Shizhen, the character Xiaolou, the fourth year of Qing Tongzhi (1865) would try to enter the jinshi, once an official, and later changed to the salt industry in Tianjin, and the family was quite wealthy.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

In the year of Guangxu Gengchen, the year of the father was sixty-eight, Master Hongyi was born, and when he was born, the branches of the tree fell to his room, which was an auspicious omen for the master to be born. The master was gifted and had read and recited. The year of zhixue is to know patriotism.

At home: Brilliant

The master is weak in the crown, the poetry and words are crowned for a while, the calligraphy is neat and beautiful, deeply the secret of the Six Dynasties of Han and Wei, the seal book and stone carvings of you, the atmosphere is ancient and thick, and it is not similar to the works of teenagers. The old monk of the Void Cloud recounted in the biography of Master Hongyi: "All poems and seals are well accessible. ...... He traveled to Nanyang Public School and traveled east to Japan to study fine arts at Ueno School and studied music. Chinese students have been enrolled in Ueno Beauty Since the beginning of the division. The champion of the trial, the reputation is famous, everyone is called. ”

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

The master dongdu studied in Japan, and before leaving, he filled in a "Golden Wisp Song": 

Cloaked in hair and pretending to go wild. Mang Zhongyuan, Twilight Crow, a few fading willows. Who cleans up the broken rivers and mountains? The scattered westerly winds are still there. They provoked and left people to lose weight. The line is too heavy to breathe, saying acacia and carving double red beans. Melancholy, thicker than wine.

Emotions keep rippling. Hate year after year, fluttering and falling, and it is difficult to look back. Twenty articles shocked the sea, after all, empty talk! Listen to the roar of the dragon at the bottom of the box. The long night of the west wind could not sleep, and the degree of Qunsheng was a pity for the heart and liver. Is it the motherland, bear with it?

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

The master studied abroad for six years, graduated in 1910 and returned to China, where he founded the Cultural Society, the Strong Society, and the Maritime Calligraphy and Painting Association in Shanghai, and sang harmony with the famous scholars Yuan Xilian and Xu Xianyuan. Later, bishop books and music in Zhejiang Normal School. After the Xinhai Revolution, he applied for the position of the chief writer of the Pacific Newspaper and joined the Southern Society and the League. "Its patriotism has always been there."

Monk: Vinaya monk

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

The master has been the director of books and music in Zhejiang Normal School for seven years, and when he was in school, he cultivated in the valley, and then went to the Tiger Run Daci Temple alone during the winter vacation, fasted for three weeks, and there was no pain, he felt light and light, and his mind was more sensitive than usual, and he often came to the Tiger Run.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

Ma Yifu introduced a friend to the tiger to run out of the house, the master witnessed it on the spot, greatly moved, the idea of renunciation, and thus began.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

In the seventh year of the Republic of China, the master was thirty-nine years old, the school summer vacation, and he ran alone to the tiger to ask for shaving and making a home. So on July 13, he paid homage to the monk as his teacher, officially shaved his face, and performed the Dharma name, the character Hongyi. In his later years, the number "The Old Man of Evening Qing" took the sentence of Li Yishan's poem "Providence pities the grass, and the earth is heavy with evening sunshine". Also known as "two one old man", taking the ancient meaning of "nothing is not an adult getting old" and "a dollar is not worth it".

From the revival of the Ancestors of the Tang Dynasty to the Lingzhi Zhaozu of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Vinaya has been counted for more than 700 years in the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and although it has been advocated by generations, the true pulse of the South Mountain has been lost. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Xu Weiru returned from Japan to return to the three major departments of Nanshan (namely, "The Law of Four Points Deletes Complicated Supplementary Que Bills", "The Law of Four Points Contains Annotations to the Precepts of Benshu", and "The Law of Four Points Deletes random Karma Loose"), which was republished in the Tianjin Scripture Engraving Office, with many errors and omissions, and the researchers all retreated from the cliff. The master vowed to devote his life to the study of the precepts, vowed to protect the Nanshan Vinaya, and preached the Vinaya everywhere and followed the opportunity.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

Stills from the movie "A Bright Moon"

Master Hongyi went through the examination of the Chinese and foreign Vinaya, corrected the three major departments and other Vinaya, and for twenty years, he spent almost every day exploring the subtleties in the Vinaya, carrying forward the profound manifestations, keeping the precepts of the Precepts in one collection, writing the monks and the sea, and popularizing the four masses. The master has compiled books such as "The Catalogue of the Precepts of the Four Laws of Bhikkhus", "The Record of Karma With The Lecture", "The Record of the Mishnah's Neglect", "The Record of the Vinaya Sect's Need to Follow the Lecture", "The Genealogy of the Ancestors of Nanshan", "The Evening Qing Collection" and other books, and also tried to revise the "Kewen", and clicked on the "Acting Notes" and other books. After the benefit of learning, the learning is infinite, and the merit is inconceivable.

Into extinction: the intersection of sorrow and joy

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

In the autumn of 1942, the master was seriously ill, and shu and poet friends, Wei Yun:

A gentleman's friend, its light as water. Clinging to the elephant and seeking, thousands of miles away. Q. Yu Heshi? Gur's dead words. The branches are full of spring, and the moon is full in tianxin.

On the fifteenth and sixteenth days of the eighth month of the lunar calendar of this year, after the master preached the "Eight Great People Awakening Sutra" to the public, he felt that his spirit was not strong. On the twenty-third day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the illness gradually became serious, and Ran Li refused to seek medicine and inquiries, and devoted himself to praying to the Buddha. On the twenty-seventh day, he completely fasted and drank only boiled water. On the afternoon of the twenty-eighth day, he wrote his will and testament, "Yu Yu before death, at the end of his life, after his death, he entrusted Master Miaolian to be responsible, and no one else was allowed to interfere", and stamped a private seal.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

On the afternoon of the first day of September, the book "Sorrow and Joy Intersect" was handed over to the Lotus Master, and this was the master's last ink treasure.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

At 7:03 p.m. on the fourth day of the first month, the master died peacefully.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

After the master's death, the bones were buried in The Midas Rock of Qingyuan Mountain in Quanzhou and the Dinghui Temple of Hupao in Hangzhou, both of which built spiritual pagodas.

The branches are full of spring, and the full moon of Tianxin | Commemorating the 79th anniversary of Master Koichi's death

"The ascetic head is heavy, and the legacy is thought." Self-knowledge is a Buddha, and he often takes the vows as his teacher. "On this anniversary of the death of Master Hongyi, let us hang the ancestral seal together, take vows to pray to the Buddha, and return to the same home, which is the best remembrance of the master."

Nam no Amitabha!

Source 丨 Lushan Donglin Temple

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