
Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

author:Stand-alone era
Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

I have seen many, many people say how happy the post-80s childhood is, and how the original experience is so rich, which today's children will never experience. And now children seem to have nothing but tablets and computers. For this statement, Xiaobian does not agree much, although Xiaobian himself is also a post-80s, and many post-80s experiences are much the same.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

If you are a game lover, the red and white machines that cannot be separated from that era are the red and white machines, except for the game machines that play Tetris in the hands at that time, the red and white machines are the lowest cost. It is also inaccurate to say so, the red and white machines in the earliest also belong to the local tycoons to play, and then the rise of various learning machines, D version cassettes are everywhere, the cost is reduced. The earliest game of yellow cards was played, using a black-and-white television set, and it was only a few years later that the color TV was used. It is strange that even if you use a black-and-white TV, you can seem to be able to distinguish the colors in the game.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

Naturally, game lovers of that era were also inseparable from arcades, and in the small black room behind the red and blue curtains, there was an incomparable attraction for players, and there was no pocket money at that time, even if you went in to see it for an afternoon. If you have a little pocket money, you can spend a day in the arcade, even if you don't eat, you are extremely happy and satisfied.

But what makes people extremely annoying is that almost every arcade hall has some bad kids, grabbing coins, beating people, which is in the ordinary, the most feared thing is to play with a second-rate child to run to the side to say "little baby, borrow a coin to use", although the heart MMP, but still only smile on the face and give with both hands, this kind of thing even after more than 20 years, can not be released.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

Of course, not everyone is a game lover, there are other ways of natural entertainment, and our country is so big, each region has its own characteristics, and the experience when you are young will naturally not be exactly the same. And there is also a big difference in the experience of children in the city and in the countryside. Xiaobian himself grew up in the countryside, and at that time, I felt that there were many projects to play all year round.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

Pushing the iron circle to play the gyro should be an entertainment project that has been found all over the country, as well as marble card, because the region is different, some of the play projects know how to say in dialect, and it is more difficult to express it in words.

When I was a child, the river water was really clear, there were countless small fish and river crabs, naked swimming was a compulsory course for every rural child, except for those who were strictly afraid of water by parents, when they were in Xiaobian Village, a boy over 8 years old who could not swim would be laughed at by his peers.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

When I was a child, I also poked the honeycomb in the countryside, when the honeycomb of the horned bee was relatively small, but there were many, and there would be no scenes of the movie or the kind of cat and mouse that was chased by a large group of bees, but the honeycomb poked more, and it was inevitable that there would be a sting by the bee. Cow dung has also been blown up with a rubbing cannon.

There are many kinds of experiences, and these experiences will indeed be very happy when I look back, but this happiness only belongs to my generation, and it was really all laughter in the first place? Not necessarily.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

When I was a child, the conditions at home were not good, I could only eat meat once or twice a week, there was no refrigerator at that time, sometimes the meat bought in the summer was smelly before it was boiled, and the elders knew that it was broken, but because the meat was expensive and afraid of waste, they would still choose to eat it. Bathing in winter is also a very troublesome thing, taking a bath once or twice a month is a common thing, you must also go to the town bathhouse to wash, the family boiling hot water is very troublesome, and the weather is cold at home to wash easy to catch a cold. These are also a kind of experience as a child, and there is more than this bad picture, but now the memory will selectively remember the original happiness and do not want to remember the pain of the past. If you think about it, we do have a lot of childhood experiences, but not all experiences are willing to be recalled.

Is the post-80s childhood really happy? Please don't impose what you think is happiness on your child

Now the vast majority of our generation is a parent, but it has also become like our original elders, who like to impose their opinions on others. What is the childhood of the post-80s generation that is really childhood, and did the elders in their 70s or 60s say the same thing?

When children grow up, they will also have their childhood memories, and our childhood has passed, and now it is only the nostalgia for the original, so these memories belong to ourselves, and the same age can exchange memories together, but there is no need to raise the original and belittle the present.

Maybe when we become grandparents in the future, we will also hear our children brag in front of their grandchildren about how colorful their childhood was.

Rarely write about topics other than games, just feel it, don't like it.

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