
From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

author:Upstream News

Lately, he always likes to look at the mountains in his hometown in the early morning. The mountains are still the same mountains, and the rising sun will still shine high every day. At the age of 55, he also went from disability to standing, facing the twists and turns of life, embarked on the road of "queen bee", and led local villagers to get rich together...

From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

This year, Yang Yungang, a villager in the Qingshangou Group of Xiaohuaying Village, Jindaoxia Town, Beibei District, Chongqing City, won the honor of "National Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation" by virtue of his own disability and will.

Recently, Chongqing Announced 20 "Good People of Chongqing" from May to June 2021. Yang Yungang, as a typical representative of self-improvement, won the title of "Good Man of Chongqing". The reporter approached Yang Yungang and took you to understand the touching story behind him and how to take every step of life in a down-to-earth manner.

From disability to freshman: he made a decision – beekeeping

From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

In 2003, Yang Yungang, who was working at the Tianfu Coal Mine in Beibei District, was 39 years old when he was in an accident. At that time, a pillar in the mine fell, causing a fracture of the auxiliary bone at the base of his left thigh. In the days after the injury, he was sick in bed, and in addition to his usual living, many things, including going to the toilet, had to be done by his wife.

Economically, only the original company's paid salary for nursing care can only be supported, and children can only borrow money from everywhere to go to school. The family of three lives are tight, and in addition to taking care of the young children, the wife also has to go out to work to earn money to make a living.

Even if the living conditions are difficult, Yang Yungang did not complain about the world, let alone sit back and enjoy the success, rely on the help of the government and others, clothes to reach out, food to open his mouth. "No matter how hard the day is, I must be strong and live better." This sentence is the words that Yang Yungang often encourages himself when he is most difficult.

In order to support the whole family as soon as possible, Yang Yungang actively cooperated with the treatment. In 2005, he was able to get out of bed and walk on crutches, and in 2008, Yang Yungang basically recovered, leaving only the sequelae of lameness. Although the body has recovered, life is still difficult.

From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

He understands that waiting for the government's rescue is passive, and life can only really get out of the predicament by relying on his own hands to work hard. This is also the meaning of his choice to get rich on his own. After standing for a long time, Yang Yungang finally made a decision - beekeeping.

After going through hardships, we have achieved success and smoothed the bumpy road of beekeeping

The ambitious Yang Yun has just begun to learn from his father-in-law, who once kept bees. With the teaching and help of his father-in-law, he began to grope for the breeding of "middle bees". Choose the variety, put the bee nest, and choose the suitable growth environment for the bees. These are all skills he needs to learn.

From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

Beekeeping also requires input costs, which are raised from all over the world, plus their own weak savings. At that time, for the sake of beekeeping,

Money can be said to be squeezed out of the teeth, and the expenses of living can be saved.

Watching the beekeeping thing slowly get on track, but just when the couple thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, the "big enemy" came quickly. One day, when Yang Yungang inspected the hive, he found that many small bees suddenly died, and the honey was also seriously damaged. Looking at the mess in the hive, Yang Yungang was shocked, and a piece of his own effort was destroyed, which caught him off guard and was heartbroken.

It turned out that the wasps wanted to steal honey, and the horned bees even had to bite the bees. This is suffering from a pest-and-disease crisis. Pest control is a major difficulty, it is difficult to prevent, sometimes in the middle of the night to go to the hive to toss. However, no matter how bitter and tired he was, thinking of the days when he was sick in bed, he gritted his teeth and persevered. Through daily observation, thinking, and seeking a way out, Yang Yungang finally summed up the inspection rules.

From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

Overcoming this difficulty, Yang Yungang is more determined than ever. Under his careful care, since 2008, it has developed from a few boxes of bees to more than 100 boxes of bees, and has officially registered a business license. In 2015, the trademark was registered.

Teach villagers to keep bees and turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

In recent years, under the care and concern of governments at all levels and the urban disabled persons' federation, Yang Yungang has embarked on the road to prosperity through various forms such as agricultural technology counseling, financial support, and long-term assistance. With the help of agricultural technology experts, Yang Yungang rectified the farm to a higher standard, established a disabled entrepreneurship (beekeeping) base, and established a professional cooperative for bee breeding in Beibei District, Chongqing.

From disability to "standing", "Queen Bee" Yang Yungang led the villagers to turn "bitter" days into "honey" life

"I will definitely try my best to do a good job in beekeeping professional cooperatives and repay the society and the villagers." Yang Yungang chose to give back this friendship to the society and drive the villagers of Xiaohuaying Village to get rich together.

In 2019, Yang Yungang has taught 30 villagers in Xiaohuaying Village to keep bees and continue to drive development. At present, Yang Yungang has 160 boxes of bees in his own home, which can produce an average of more than 1,000 kilograms of honey per year; the whole village has 300 barrels of bees, with an average annual output of more than 3,000 kilograms of honey.

"Tenacity pushes aside difficulties, and hard work overcomes difficulties." Yang Yungang always said that when his own conditions are difficult, he should grit his teeth and persevere, forge ahead, and even if he gropes in the dark, he will not give up on himself.

Nowadays, with the enthusiastic help of all sectors of society, Yang Yungang has led the villagers of Xiaohuaying Village to take the road to prosperity, which has become smoother and broader, and people's lives have become happier and sweeter.

Yang Yungang said that he also needs to run a professional beekeeping cooperative well, drive more villagers to raise bees, and turn "bitter" days into "honey" life.

Upstream journalist Zhang Hao

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