
Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

author:Chinese kitchen

Steamed custard with minced peppercorn

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish


1. Beat 500 grams of eggs, add 750 grams of water, 100 grams of shrimp paste, 10 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of salt and stir well into shrimp sauce egg mixture, skim off the surface foam, divide it into eight small bowls, put it in the steaming cabinet and steam for 4 minutes until the texture is tender.

2. Slaughter 8 yellow croakers (100g/piece), open belly and back, belly down into a porcelain dish, each fish drizzled with pepper sauce 20g, steam in a steaming box for 8 minutes until cooked.

3. Stand the steamed yellow croaker on the steamed egg one by one, drizzle 6 grams of white burning juice, sprinkle a little green onion, and pour 70% hot oil to stir the incense.

Production key:

Yellow croaker opens its belly to make it "lie down" on the steamed egg, while the open back is to make the fish more flavorful.

Bean soup boiled Liao ginseng mustard

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

1: First fry the dried peas in a hot pan, put them in a pressure cooker and mix them with water, cover and press for 30 minutes, peel off the lid and decant, and then use the machine to beat the pressed peas into a puree.

2: After the mustard greens are cooked in a pot of boiling water, fish them out and chop them up and squeeze out the water.

3: Cut the swollen Ginseng into slices and simmer in fresh soup.

4: Soak the coix seeds, oats and red beans in water, and then steam them for later.

5: Heat the chicken fat in the pot, stir-fry the mustard chopped a few times, add salt, monosodium glutamate and chicken powder to taste, put the pot in the bucket to set the shape, and then flip it in the casserole and set aside.

6, put the lard in the net pot and heat it, stir-fry the pea puree a few times, mix the broth and add The Ginseng, Coix, Oats and Small Red Beans to boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder and sugar to taste, etc. After thinning with wet starch, scoop it into the casserole.

Spicy fish flowers

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

This "spicy fish flower" is the main dish of our Guiyang store, the variety and weight of the fish can be selected by themselves, the fish have grass carp, river tuan, flounder, sea catfish, sea black fish... The weight of the fish is more than 1250 grams, generally more than 3 pounds of fish taste slightly worse we will not purchase. The price of dishes varies from 38 yuan / kg to 88 yuan / kg according to the variety, and the frugality is up to itself, and this dish alone can sell more than 2,000 kg of fish on average in a month. Below, I will take the Wujiang fish as an example to introduce its practice to you:

Initial processing

1. About 1250 grams of Wujiang fish are slaughtered and purified, the fish meat is separated from the fish bones, the fish head is all two, and the fish bones are chopped into small pieces. Fish and meat flower knife, add 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, thirteen spices, 2 grams of white pepper and sugar, 10 grams of cooking wine, 1 egg white, 30 grams of water, mix well, add 5 grams of corn starch and grasp well. The fish meat and fish bones are characterized by low oil temperature, respectively.

2. Accessories: 100 grams of wide powder, 50 grams of fungus, bean skin, celery, coriander, 80 grams of enoki mushrooms, wash and change the knife, pass the water to 8 mature.

3. Take 10 pieces of volcanic stone 5 cm square and bake in an oven at 300 ° C for 40 minutes.

4. Put 2.5 kg of water into the pot, add 500 g of spicy sauce, 80 g of hot pot base (both bridgehead or Chaotianmen brand) and put it on the stove to keep warm and heat.

Cooked processing

1. Take the soup bowl and put in the hot volcanic stone;

2. Bring the soup to a boil in the pot, add 5 grams of white pepper and sugar, 50 grams of chicken essence, 20 grams of pepper oil to taste, add 10 grams of MONOS glutamate to the pot, and filter out the residue.

3. When the guests order, the waiter will bring the soup, the main ingredients and the soup to the table together, spread the accessories on the volcanic stone, put the fish head and fish bone, put the fish meat one by one neatly, pour the soup, and you can do it.

Spicy sauce

1. Two gold strips dried peppers, Guizhou dried red millet spicy each 500 grams of flushing water wash, under the boiling water pot boiling for 15 minutes, until the peppers become soft, fish out the drainage, crushed to make rice dumpling peppers; 50 grams of green peppers into the pot, heated water soaked for 20 minutes.

2. 400 grams of sesame paste, 200 grams of peanut butter, 400 grams of warm boiling water, mix well and dilute.

3. Add 6 kg of mixed oil into the pot (the ratio of rapeseed oil and salad oil is 1:1), burn until 60% hot, fry 250 grams of minced ginger and minced garlic until browned, wait for the water to dry, fish out, add the rice dumpling peppers in the pot, stir fry for 10 minutes, add 500 grams of Juancheng watercress sauce, stir-fry for 10 minutes, wait for the pepper water to evaporate, bright red, pour in the green peppercorns and continue to stir-fry for 10 minutes, add 300 grams of Merlot spicy sauce, wait for the oil to be red and bright, when the aroma is overflowing, fry 150 grams of spice powder for 5 minutes, before leaving the pot, Pour diluted tahini and peanut butter until fragrant and turn off the heat.

Spice powder: star anise 400 grams, cinnamon, cumin 300 grams each, sand ginger 200 grams, grass fruit 160 grams, grass cardamom, sand kernel 70 grams each, white cardamom 60 grams, white root 50 grams, fragrant leaves, lemongrass 40 grams each, cloves, tangerine peel 20 grams each, mix all the above spices can be broken.

Hot rabbit belly

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

This dish is eaten with fresh pepper flavor, the production process has used two kinds of pepper color, seasoning; the main ingredient is fresh rabbit belly, so that the stir-fry will be crispy, because ten rabbit belly can produce a dish, but the amount of slaughter is limited, so this dish is limited to 30 servings per day, first come, first served.

Production Process:

1. 300 grams of rabbit belly washed and drained, changed the knife into small pieces, na pot plus hot marinade powder 25 grams to grasp and marinate for 5 minutes; Zigong Sandy leek yellow section (rod white leaf green, growth period up to a year, crisp taste) 250 grams, 50 grams of ginger shredded, 20 grams of hot seasoning powder together with the basin mixed well.

Rabbit belly with marinade powder and grasp well

Zigong Sandy Leek Yellow Pole White Leaf Green Leek Yellow Segment, Baby Ginger Shredded and Seasoning Powder Mix Well

2. Wok through, under the lard, rapeseed oil each 40 grams to 70% hot, during the continuous use of a hand spoon stirring, so that the oil spread all over the pot wall, until the oil surface out of the green smoke, pour into the bright red millet spicy crushed 40 grams of hot and spicy flavor, under the raw materials, accessories continue to stir-fry for 15 seconds, sprinkle dry two wattle pepper crushed 30 grams to increase the red and spicy degree of the production, continue to fry for 10 seconds to get out of the pot.

Hot marinade powder:

100 grams of salt, 55 grams of chicken essence, 35 grams of mountain chestnut powder (i.e., sand ginger powder), cumin powder, 25 grams of white pepper powder, 20 grams of star anise powder and mix well.

Hot seasoning powder:

Chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and peppercorn powder are mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Fat intestines are bloody

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

1. Wash the pork fat intestines, put them into a pot of boiling water, then add ginger shallots and cooking wine to cook, drain the water, cut into pieces, and set aside.

2. Mix the fresh pig's blood with water, then add the soup water to cook the fat intestines, boil on high heat, turn to a low heat and simmer, and add salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and fat intestine oil to cook thoroughly.

3. When serving, first scoop the cooked pork blood soup into the thermos container, and then add the cooked fat intestines, homemade watercress peppers, green onions and chopped coriander.

Guiqi stewed fish maw

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

raw material:

Yellow fish maw 200 g, angelica 5 g, astragalus 3 g, ginger 2 slices, rice wine 3 g, green onion ginger juice 2 g, refined salt 2 g, broth 200 ml.


1: Cut into pieces after the oily yellow fish belly is soft, add green onion and ginger juice to rinse and put into the cup.

2: Wash the herbs, pour ginger slices, rice wine and broth into the cup, cover, steam and simmer for 1 hour, add fine salt to taste.

Famous chef points out: This soup needs to use broth, because high-grade dried sea products such as fish maw and shark fin have no fresh food itself, otherwise the taste is not good.

Nutrition Stand: Chinese medicine believes that yellow fish belly has the effect of tonifying the kidneys, replenishing qi and blood, moisturizing the lungs and spleen, and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on tuberculosis, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer and other diseases. In addition to health benefits, it can also provide more protein and nutrients such as calcium in the human body. Supplemented by astragalus and angelica, it has played a role in activating blood and dissolving stasis, relieving pain and enhancing resistance, and is a good tonic.

Suitable for people: people who are weak and have insufficient qi and blood.

How to oil yellow fish belly?

Thick quality water hair, oil hair can be. Thin and thin people should have oily hair, not water hair. Oil hair: that is, put the pot on the fire, add oil to the large-half pot, heat the oil into one percent, put the fish belly in, slow down the heat to soften, remove and then enlarge the oil pot, 60% of the oil temperature under the pan, press with a spoon, simmer and fry. If the oil temperature rises, you can put the pan down; after the oil temperature drops, put it on the fire and repeatedly heat it. The length of the frying time can be determined according to the quality of the fish maw. Thick ones take a little longer to fry, while thin ones take a shorter time to fry. It should not be fried at high temperatures to prevent the skin from being impenetrable.

The criteria for frying through the fish maw are:

The oil in the pot does not turn over, the fish belly is broken as soon as it is patted, and the section is sponge-shaped. Put the fried fish maw in the basin, press it with something, then pour boiling water to make it soak back into the soft, and then fish it out and squeeze out the water. It can also be diluted with a small amount of alkali, washed off greasy, rinsed through with cool water, alkaline, and changed twice a day. Water hair: wash the fish belly with warm water, add cold water to the pot and boil, simmer for two hours, wipe the fish belly with a cloth, change the boiling water to continue simmering. Each time you change the water, first wash the fish maw with cold water, and then simmer it in hot water until it is thorough. When making fish maws, avoid touching shrimp and crab water to prevent diarrhea.

Brittle Bumper Ladder

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

Pig ladder (i.e. pork palate) 300 grams, garlic knots 150 grams, soaked bullet pepper pieces 50 grams.


Bean paste, ginger slices, garlic, minced pickled pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, pepper oil, pickled pepper oil, salad oil to taste.

1. Clean the pig ladder and cut into small pieces, put it into a pot of boiling water, and then fish it out; put the garlic knots in the oil pot and pull the oil, pour it out and drain the oil for use.

2. Heat the soaked pepper oil in the net pot, first add ginger slices, garlic, pickled bullet pepper pieces, bean paste and pickled pepper and stir-fry, add the pig ladder and garlic knot and stir-fry well, put salt, MSG to adjust the taste, and finally hook a little wet corn starch and drizzle with pepper oil, and then put the pot on the plate.

The new school nine turns the large intestine

Eight-course restaurant best-selling dish

This large intestine is different from the traditional method, which is colored with red yeast rice and stir-fried with garlic chili sauce, and the garlic flavor is prominent, the spicy taste is prominent, and the taste is rich. When walking, it is placed on a marble slab to keep warm, accompanied by four small dishes of lapped garlic, sour cucumber, kelp shreds, and dried radish, which is very greasy.

Batch prefabrication:

1. Turn over 1500 grams of large intestine, scrape off the grease, add salt, vinegar and flour to wash it clean, take the thinner end into the thicker end, straighten it, fix the two ends with a toothpick, blanch it in boiling water to remove impurities and set the shape.

2. Blanch the water intestines into the pot, add 200 grams of red yeast rice, add water without raw materials, cook for 5 minutes on medium heat and then soak until colored.

3. Put 1500 grams of colored intestines into the brine and bring to a boil, reduce the heat to brine for 40 minutes, soak for 20 minutes after stopping the fire, remove and cool, cut into 3 cm long segments.

4. Crush 100 grams of minced garlic chili sauce into the blender, remove and put it in the pot, add 4 grams of beautiful fresh soy sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

Cooking process:

1. Heat the pan in the bottom oil until 50% heat, take 12 large intestine segments and fry them in the pan until they are caramelized on both sides.

2. Heat the oil under the pot to 50%, add 15 grams of stir-fried garlic chili sauce and slip it out, add 12 wrapped sauces in the large intestine section, put the pot on the marble slab, sprinkle with parsley, and serve on a small plate with garlic, sour cucumber, kelp shreds, and dried radish.

Brine modulation:

1. 150 grams of shallots, slices of ginger and garlic are fried together, wrapped in gauze to make vegetable packets; star anise, fragrant leaves, cloves, cardamom a little each, soaked in warm water for 20 minutes, put into a gauze bag.

2. 4000 grams of broth under the pot, put in spice packets, vegetable packets, add 150 grams of Meiji fresh soy sauce, 150 grams of cooking sauce, 150 grams of Lee Kum Kee brine juice, 120 grams of steamed fish soy sauce, 100 grams of Donggu Yipin fresh soy sauce, 100 grams of dried shallots and shallots, 15 grams of rock sugar and boil over high heat to form brine.

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