
Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

author:Yan Xiao Chef talks about food

It's crab season again, but my family is not in good health and can't eat seafood that is too cold.

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Racing crabs

Yan Xiao Chef had a flash of inspiration, remembering that in "Longing for Life", Sun Honglei and Huang Xiao Chef ordered a dish to eat - sai crab.

At that time, it was just a few times to put the eggs in the pot and fry them, and they said that they were so amazingly delicious, and at that time, they could spoil me. I even wonder if it is for the sake of the effect of the program to scare people, then I have to verify it myself.

Later, after my yan xiao chef's research, I found that the original sai crab was a famous dish of Han nationality, which was related to Empress Dowager Cixi. It has a tender, nutritious texture and tastes like crab meat. There is no crab meat, but it is better than the reputation of crab meat.

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

It is not crab meat, but it is better than crab meat

And just such a simple scrambled egg, there are different grade versions of it!

Now Yan Xiao Chef shares a simple and high-end crab race with you, which is tall in minutes, let's do it together.

The version of the crab I share with you is high-end: 1. The egg yolk and egg white are separate 2. Salted duck egg yolk and shrimp are added


Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

3 eggs, 1 salted duck egg, shrimp or shrimp skin

A piece of ginger

2 scoops of white vinegar

1 scoop of sugar

A pinch of salt

【Detailed steps】

First, peel the ginger and cut it into small pieces with a knife, shrimp or shrimp skin into small pieces, the finer the better.

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Minced ginger, minced shrimp

2. Start mixing the sauce and pour 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar and 1 spoonful of sugar into the chopped bowl of minced ginger and shrimp. Add a toss of salt and stir well to set aside. (Shrimp and salted duck egg yolks are inherently salty, and there is no need to add a lot of salt)

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Pour in 2 scoops of white vinegar

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

A spoonful of sugar

Third, borrow egg shells to separate the yolks from the egg whites (no mineral water bottles, no egg separators, I am too lazy, use them to wash up trouble, or their own hands are easy to use)

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Borrow eggshells to separate the yolks from the egg whites

Fourth, add half of the mixed shrimp ginger vinegar sauce to each bowl and stir quickly in one direction

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

egg white

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor


Fifth, put a little oil in the pot, after heating, turn the heat down, pour in the egg whites, use chopsticks to quickly scatter, immediately after molding out of the pot, must not fry the old, forming can be.

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Reduce heat and pour in the egg whites

6. Before scrambling the egg yolks, add the duck egg yolks and sauté them. Pour in the egg yolks.

The frying method of egg yolk is the same as above, note that the egg yolk is easier to fry than the egg white, you can heat the pot and then pour in the egg yolk, then turn off the heat, scatter and fry at the remaining temperature, after forming

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Stir-fry at residual temperature

7. Spread the scrambled egg yolks on top of the scrambled egg whites, and the aroma is delicious! While the flavor has not yet drifted too far, quickly cut some cucumber slices and place the carrots on the plate. Take a photo, send a circle of friends, and ask for advice on skills.

Color, aroma, taste, type are excellent, the food is fresh and smooth, crab flavor aftertaste is endless! Don't miss it when you walk by, it turns out that eggs also have such a tall highlight moment!

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Spread the yolks on top of the scrambled egg whites

A plate of ordinary eggs suddenly became what we couldn't afford to eat. This is really a great dish for entertaining guests during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Autumn equinox arrives, teach you to make Huang Lei version of crab, 5 yuan 3 minutes eggs can also make crab flavor

Premium version of Racing Crab

【High-end crab racing skills summary】

1. Want to be high-end, egg yolks and egg whites must be fried separately, yellow and white will look special

2. When scrambling egg yolks and egg whites, the heat must be mastered, do not fry the old. Especially the egg yolks, stir-fry at the remaining temperature

3. Shrimp or shrimp skin, salted duck eggs are relatively easy to buy, this is the basic seasoning to achieve high-end taste, there is really no can only do a low-grade first

4. Salt must be put less or not, because the salty taste of shrimp and salted duck eggs is enough, adjust according to their own taste

5. Find the green and red dishes at home, change the knife, and the placement will be more beautiful and tall

Well, today's crab race will be shared here with you. I am Yan Xiao Chef, understand life, starting from chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea!

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