
These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

author:Talk about food moments

No matter which step people take, they always have to find some fun and think of a way. Yes, food is the fun I'm looking for, the way I think! Talk about food carvings and take the food you eat seriously together!

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?


When it comes to childhood snacks, what do you think, these 5 childhood snacks, unpalatable but especially "famous", lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten? When I was a child, there was a lack of materials, and snacks were even more pitiful, unlike now, a variety of snacks, perhaps too few snacks to eat, some snacks are particularly unpalatable, but they are very famous, including lard candy.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

Most of these unpalatable snacks have a characteristic, either the taste is more special, or the smell is more intense, of course, there is a particularly poor taste, and then we will take stock of these 5 childhood snacks to see if everyone has an impression of them.

The first, lard candy

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

Lard candy, square, golden brown, when eaten, has a lard aroma, put in the mouth slowly chewed, very soft and sticky. The earliest lard candy was made from lard, flour and sugar. The reason why lard candy is popular is not because of its taste, but because people were relatively poor at that time, buying meat or sugar, all need evidence, and after the advent of lard candy, the sweet and mellow taste attracted a large number of people.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

Nowadays, there are fewer people eating, one is that the living conditions are good, and the other is that the lard candy itself is a little greasy, and the taste is still relatively poor compared to other candies.

The second, orange cakes

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Red Orange Cake Old Fashioned Handmade Sugar Orange Cake Chaoshan Specialty 500g Citrus Cake ¥29.9 Purchase

When is orange cake? The orange meat is marinated with honey and dried, and can be eaten directly. Its color is relatively good-looking, yellow-red, the cortex is fine, the fruit is also relatively firm, it tastes sour and sweet, and has a natural fragrance.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

The surface of the orange cake will generally have frosting, which is also the most favorite thing to eat at that time, but when you eat this frosting, you will find that there is still a little sweet and bitter and a little sour, sweet and greasy, bitter and astringent, but also relatively sour, even if there is a layer of sugar on the surface, but after eating, you feel that this taste is really poor.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

The third, durian sugar

【Durian Sugar】A poinsettia rabbit Thai golden pillow durian flavor milk candy 100g/pack Add fresh durian meat ¥9.9 Purchase

Mention durian candy, friends who have eaten, have you been disliked by the people around you, durian sugar because of the participation of durian, so the smell will be more "special", fresh durian will be disliked, not to mention this durian candy?

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

I remember reading that meeting, the same table brought a handful of durian candy, it was a math class, I asked him to give me two, the result was to tear open and start to eat, the taste was really too strong, it happened that the teacher passed by this side, smelled this smell, asked who was eating, the result was that the two of us were invited out of the classroom, stood in the hallway for a class, now think about the smell is really unacceptable.

The fourth kind, turtle balm

【Fawn Recommended】Authentic Double Money Turtle Balm Original Flavor 200g*9 Bowl Ready-to-Eat Jelly Pudding Casual Snack ¥42 Purchase

This kind of "snack" is unpalatable, I think it is no less than lard candy, although turtle paste is a healthy snack, which adds a variety of licorice and other ingredients, but the taste is really difficult to accept, bitter is not bittersweet nor sweet, and I don't know what kind of taste it is.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

It may be that the turtle cream itself has the ingredients of Traditional Chinese medicine, so it will be particularly bitter to eat, as for the sweetness, it is likely to add other ingredients, this taste is unpleasant, but also with bitter snacks, even with other things to eat together, I think it is still a little difficult to accept, just like herbal tea, love to eat.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

The fifth, ginger candy

Preserved fruit sugar ginger slice Tongling special produce ginger slice sugar ice ginger net red snack snack snack ginger candy 120g free shipping ¥55 purchase

Maybe it's too hard to eat, and ginger candy is rarely seen now. I remember the first time I ate this kind of sugar, I wanted to spit it out directly, at that time to eat snacks, are shared with children, see friends eat very happy, so I wanted to taste a little taste, did not expect that spicy taste, really do not know how the people who made it think of this taste.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

The ginger candy that has just been imported has some sweetness, and it begins to be a little spicy and a little bitter after eating, this sweet and spicy bitterness is put together, and people who have eaten this taste should be more impressed.

These 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, have you ever eaten?

The above 5 childhood snacks, "unpalatable" but famous, lard candy ranked first, the other four have you eaten? Although they are all childhood tastes, there is no doubt that there are still relatively few people who love to eat, perhaps too niche, and many products are now missing.

[This article is original by "Small Talk About Food Carving", and shall not be deleted or misappropriated without permission, and infringement shall be investigated】

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