
Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter


Boiling yuanbao shrimp

Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter

Ingredients & Ingredients:

Green shrimp, broth, green line pepper, millet pepper, dried chili pepper, garlic, red oil, fresh rattan pepper, salt, soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce, cooking oil


Remove the shrimp shell, remove the shrimp line with the back open, rinse and mix well with onion ginger juice, salt and white pepper

The marinated shrimp are used in kitchen paper to absorb moisture and chilled in small bowls with ice cubes

Heat the oil in a casserole dish, put more oil than usual, add green pepper, millet pepper, dried pepper segments, garlic, and fresh vine pepper to fry until fragrant

Pour in the appropriate amount of broth and bring to a boil, add salt, soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce to taste, boil again, put in the processed shrimp while the pot is still boiling, and use the residual temperature of the casserole to simmer the shrimp to maturity

Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter

Hanging pot fresh lamb chops

Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter

Lamb chops, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, star anise, peppercorns, cumin, chicken essence, sugar, salt, cooking oil

Treat the lamb chops cleanly and chop into pieces, put cold water into the pot, add shallots, ginger, cooking wine and blanch the water, skim off the foam, fish out and rinse

Heat the oil, add ginger, green onion, garlic and chili peppers and sauté until fragrant, add star anise, peppercorns and cumin to stir-fry until fragrant, add lamb chops and sauté until slightly brown

Pour the broth over high heat, add salt and other seasonings, turn the heat to a low heat until the lamb chops are rotten, and finally pour in sesame oil to add flavor, garnish with coriander leaves

Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter

Farmhouse brine platter

Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter

Chicken, goose, pork, pig ears, brine, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken essence, red oil, cooking wine, green onion, ginger, cooking oil

Treat the ingredients separately, add green onion, ginger, cooking wine and blanch the water to remove the fish, rinse well

Bring the brine to a boil, add the ingredients and all the spices to a boil over high heat, then cool and cut to a desired size plate when the brine is ripe

Add an appropriate amount of edible flowers and herbs to garnish

Boiling yuanbao shrimp, hanging pot fresh lamb chops, farmhouse brine platter

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