
Lotus seeds, caramel lotus seeds and ice heart sugar lotus seeds, there is always one that suits you lotus chamber

author:Lotus Chamber of Commerce - Huang Junwen

Now is the season of lotus seeds ripening and harvesting, lotus seeds have now become a favorite food of everyone, freshly picked lotus seeds have a green germ in the center, this is the lotus heart, the taste is very bitter, but can reduce the fire, can be eaten directly, the lotus seeds can achieve the effect of diet therapy after drying, prevent many kinds of diseases, the protein and carbohydrates in it are very high.

Everyone generally stews lotus seeds and silver ear mushrooms into a soup, there is a beauty and beauty effect, especially now into the autumn, drink a little more silver ear lotus seed soup for dry heat has a good recovery effect, but today we do not do this, and use lotus seeds to make two different styles of food, a caramel lotus seed, a kind of ice heart sugar lotus seed, the method is simple, the taste is sweet, but also nourish the body, the following start to make it!

First of all, prepare a large plate of Xianglian seeds, this lotus seed is excellent in appearance, the taste is sweet and pure, each one is very full, the size is also very uniform, and the outer skin and the inner lotus heart have been removed, the nutrition is more abundant, the most suitable for doing these two desserts, first put the lotus seeds into the bowl, pour enough water to bubble the hair until it becomes soft, put it into the refrigerator to refrigerate and soak, soak the lotus seeds is 1.5 times the original size, and then remove some of the skin that has not fallen off, just gently peel it off.

Put a wet mesh cloth inside the steamer, drain the soaked lotus seeds into the pot, steam over medium and high heat, steam until soft glutinous, in this process has been kept on the medium heat on the line, almost steamed when the lid is opened, first taste one, if it is powder glutinous, it means that it is cooked thoroughly, directly take the wet mesh cloth to the basin, squeeze with your fingers, can become a powder on the line.

First come to make a heart sugar lotus seed, prepare half of the lotus seeds, goji berries to taste, green beans, and then prepare a pot, boil hot water inside, add a spoonful of salt, open the green beans after putting down, so that you can maintain the emerald green color, fish out and then put the goji berries down to blanch the water, time does not take too long, otherwise the taste will become very bitter.

After the pot is cleaned, pour in the right amount of water again, boil and then put in a handful of rock sugar to boil and melt, turn the fire on after the lotus seeds, goji berries and green beans are put down, gently stir after all into the taste, this time the action must be light, otherwise the lotus seeds will be easy to break, almost two or three minutes after you can watch the pot, a delicious ice heart sugar lotus seeds will be made.

Spray the remaining lotus seeds with a little water, then sprinkle with the right amount of dry starch, gently shake the plate so that each lotus seed can be evenly wrapped with starch, and then remove the excess starch.

Put a little more cooking oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 70% hot, use a colander to put the lotus seeds up, directly into the pan to fry, the time is about two minutes, until the surface of the lotus seeds has a thin layer of crisp shell on the line, so that it has a crisp and tender taste, very rich, drain the oil and fish it out directly into the basin, and prepare a plate, brush a thin layer of cooking oil on it, which can prevent sticking.

After the pot is cleaned, add a large spoonful of sugar, and then pour in the appropriate amount of water, slowly boil into a bowl of sugar water with a low heat, until the sugar water is boiled into a pale yellow after it will bubble, and then continue to stir until amber when the lotus seeds are poured down, and do not wait until the lotus seeds cool and then put it, it must be a little hot, so that it is easier to maintain the effect of crispy inside, to keep stirring, stir until the lotus seeds are all covered with caramel can be out of the pot and plate, the rest of the pot can also be drizzled into the lotus seeds to do a decorative role.

A good-looking and delicious caramel lotus seed is made, looking very much like pulling silk sweet potato and other delicacies, the taste is very sweet, the two desserts made with lotus seeds are very tempting, the taste is very rich, there are layers, the method is very simple, at home can be easily started, leisure time to do to eat feel very comfortable, like to try it!

Lotus seeds, caramel lotus seeds and ice heart sugar lotus seeds, there is always one that suits you lotus chamber

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