
Hot pot base sales soarEd fresh bone broth, fragrant tomatoes and other clear soup pots are the most favored

author:Panda Investment

I have to admit that some people admit that they start with weight loss.

The people who want to lose weight before the summer every spring and the people who have to lose weight every winter before the New Year are the same people. Of course, in the end, they were all "punched in the face" by themselves.

Hot pot base sales soarEd fresh bone broth, fragrant tomatoes and other clear soup pots are the most favored

Just yesterday, a topic of "weight loss people are not really happy" landed on Weibo hot search. In the video, the muscle brother who was originally happy to run and jump rope, when he saw the people who were eating food and riding bicycles leisurely next to him, the will to hold the jump rope to work out instantly disappeared.

Hot pot base sales soarEd fresh bone broth, fragrant tomatoes and other clear soup pots are the most favored

Countless people who are torn between weight loss and good food have found their own figure in this video: poked, I suspect that someone is following me!

In the eyes of the Chinese of "the people take food as the sky", diet has long been not only to satisfy the appetite of the mouth, but also to rise to the spiritual level. In a bad mood? Eat something to drive away the frustration; too much stress? Eat something and stop worrying; don't work well? Eat something full of blood to revive... The most direct consequence of the change of dietary concept to people is that it becomes more difficult to lose weight. Hot pot, milk tea, cake... All of them have become stumbling blocks on the road to weight loss.

Hot pot base sales soarEd fresh bone broth, fragrant tomatoes and other clear soup pots are the most favored

Take the recent example, the whole country ushered in a large-scale cooling, cold and frozen, the most likely to stimulate people's various small emotions. How to crack? Eat hot pot!

As the saying goes, there is nothing that a hot pot can't solve, and if there is, then two. According to the latest news from Suning, from November 20 to December 2, the sales volume of hot pot base increased by 162% year-on-year, and the top five cities were Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan and Suzhou.

No wonder it is said that behind the winter fat, no package of hot pot base is innocent, and people in first-tier and new first-tier cities have already confirmed this sentence with data.

Think about it, in the face of the N kinds of eating methods of hot pot base, from spicy pots to hot pot stir-fry, there is always a way for people to surrender their weapons. Not only that, the deliciousness of the hot pot, even the bowl is "drama". Chinese can mix out 108 kinds of oil dishes, pure oil dishes, dry oil dishes, sauce plates, juice plates, mushroom saucers, etc., each kind of oil saucer has several classifications, a variety of ingredients are mixed with each other, the taste is countless, try to ask who can stand up?

Although under the magic of the hot pot material, it is difficult for the weight loss party not to surrender, in fact, they still retain a trace of last stubbornness.

According to Suning's recent hot pot base sales rankings, most of the popular products are clear soup hot pot base. Among them, fresh bone broth, fragrant tomatoes, and soup three fresh three flavors are the most popular.

Seeing this message, I couldn't help but make up such a picture: someone opened the Suning Tesco APP and wanted to order hot pot base, but considering his identity as a weight loss person, he was instantly sober and obediently ordered all the clear soup hot pot ingredients... Heck, it's hard to lose weight.

Hot pot base sales soarEd fresh bone broth, fragrant tomatoes and other clear soup pots are the most favored

However, now that the cold air has swept the country, is it not too miserable to worry about how many calories you have eaten today? Weight loss people still give up the struggle, fully embrace the happiness, eat it up is the right thing.

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