
"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

author:Shuxian flavor industry

When it comes to eating hot pot, it is absolutely impossible not to mention the hot pot base. In the Sichuan-Chongqing region, the most popular is spicy hot pot base, but not everyone can accept the same degree of spicy! In order to meet the taste needs of different consumers, a variety of hot pot bases appear frequently. Types like bone broth, clear broth, spicy and so on instantly give foodies more choices.

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

Tomato hot pot base

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

High-quality Xinjiang tomatoes are carefully fried, and a pot of sweet and sour soup is the highest standard in the industry. Spring arrives, the cool weather to eat a few bites of tomato hot pot, the temperature of the hot pot with the fragrance of tomatoes, warm soup slipped into the stomach, is very enjoyable. In addition to the hot ingredients, you can also drink soup. The taste of tomato hot pot is not as heavy as spicy hot pot, and the sweet and sour taste coupled with the natural fragrance is irresistible for drinking soup.

Rattan pepper hot pot base

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

The aroma of the cane pepper hot pot base is emitted from the inside out. The high-quality Hanyuan green peppercorns are matched with dozens of hot pot accessories, with a unique base stir-frying process, which perfectly integrates the two elements of the hot pot and the different vine peppers, which is a masterpiece. When you have time, call a few good friends, take advantage of the city night, walk into the familiar hot pot restaurant, order a bite of rattan pepper hot pot, think about it makes people fascinated!

Lemon hot pot base

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

Lemon hot pot is spicy and more fragrant, and just a pot of golden soup makes people feel appetizing. Taste the lemon hot pot, the taste is fragrant, sour and spicy after the entrance, the aftertaste is fragrant, it is the god of the hot pot shop to attract customers, increase customers, and stay. The lemon soup hot pot base is delicious and fragrant, and it is made of high-quality fresh lemon. Rich in vitamin C, lemons are effective in preventing colds and skin care, and the citric acid contained in lemons helps to eliminate fatigue and restore energy.

Matsutake mushroom soup base

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

Compared with the traditional spicy hot pot, the hot pot base of matsutake mushroom soup is more fragrant and in line with the taste tendencies of most people at present. Matsutake mushroom soup hot pot base is made of wild matsutake mushrooms, morel, porcini mushrooms and other precious mushrooms boiled for 3 hours, the soup base is fragrant, the taste is refreshing and fragrant, eat it more than it smells! Matsutake mushrooms can not be artificially cultivated, wild ingredients added to the hot pot base, suitable for the elderly and children to eat, can increase the body's resistance, cold weather can also avoid colds.

White fruit chicken soup base

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

The fresh and delicious chicken soup coupled with the high-value nutrition of white fruit, slow simmering 7 hours of hot pot base, do you love? The base of the white fruit chicken soup hot pot is made of old hens from the stock, which is removed from the blood water and boiled with the white fruit. The faint aroma of white fruit complements the mellow aroma of chicken soup, which has a unique mountain flavor, and the bottom of this pot is suitable for spring. White fruit is ginkgo biloba, and eating white fruit in spring can nourish the lungs. The hot pot base of the white fruit chicken soup simmered over the slow heat is mellow enough, just drinking the soup, the whole person is fresh and refreshing, and the shabu ingredients are an excellent choice for the taste buds!

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

For eating hot pot, today's consumers are more inclined to the concept of healthy nutrition! It's almost summer, and these clear soup hot pots are unique, nutritious and healthy, suitable for restaurant owners to drain and suck customers.

"Clear soup hot pot base" has a strong taste, and the hot pot feast for the elderly and children is super strong

Shuxian pays attention to taste and adheres to quality! To make a base is to make a conscience. Shuxian people have achieved unique clear soup hot pot with ingenuity, which has become a hot pot trend that more and more catering industries and consumers are eagerly pursuing!

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