
Mengzi Bridge Meter Line (Additional Technical Information)

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Mengzi Bridge Meter Line (Additional Technical Information)

Mengzi Bridge Meter Line (Additional Technical Information)

Features: exquisite selection of materials, a variety of materials, fine production, fresh and sweet, fragrant and smooth. Nutritious and nourishing, unique eating method. Introduction: The Mengzi Bridge Rice Line has a history of more than 100 years. Originated from Mengzi in southern Yunnan. According to legend, the novel way of eating rice noodles across the bridge originated in Mengzi, Yunnan during the Qing Guangxu period, and has a history of more than 100 years. There is a beautiful and moving story in folklore: in the beautiful mengzi county, there is a sparkling south lake surrounded by green trees, like emerald, and the environment is very elegant. At that time, there was a scholar studying poetry in the Huxin Pavilion of the South Lake, and his wife came to deliver food every day, because her family was still a long way from the island, and on the way, she had to cross a long bridge, and often the meals were cold as soon as they were delivered. Because this scholar is eager to learn, reading very hard, often sleeping and forgetting to eat, often eating cold rice and cold vegetables, so that the body is getting thinner and thinner, the wife looks in the eyes, the pain is in the heart, she kills the old hen of the family, stews the fragrant incense with an earthen pot to send to the students, due to overwork, when passing the long bridge, I suddenly feel sleepy, so I rest in the shade of the tree next to the bridge, and unconsciously fall asleep. When she woke up, the sun was about to set, thinking that the husband was still hungry, the heart was very anxious, when she took the clay pot in her hand, she found that the clay pot would still be hot, open the lid to see, the pot was still hot outside, a closer look, the original soup surface was covered with a layer of yellow chicken fat, a lot of heat sealed in the soup, a taste, but also very hot, really overjoyed, hurriedly sent the meal to the husband while it was hot. Knowing the above truth, the wise wife changes the pattern to cook for her husband. She knows that her husband likes to eat rice noodles, so she often takes the soup, raw thin meat slices, rice noodles and tender vegetables and condiments covered with chicken fat, crosses the long bridge and sends them to the Huxinting Study, where the students put raw meat slices, vegetables, rice noodles, and condiments in the soup and can be eaten, which is delicious and delicious and nutritious. Thanks to her meticulous conditioning, the students gradually recovered their health, were full of energy, read more diligently, and finally passed the examination. This story is widely spread in the local area and is known as a good story by the masses, because the wife has to go through the long bridge to the Huxin Pavilion when delivering food, so the way she invented this rice noodle is called "cross-bridge rice noodles". Later, because the students were admitted to the yuan, it was also called "yuan rice line". Special note: This site now has another related "bridge rice noodles" recipes are as follows, you can master the authentic bridge rice noodle technology for members and colleagues, provide a comprehensive reference role (the following recipes can be injected with the keyword "rice noodles" through the "recipe search" tool of this site, and then click "search", The relevant recipes will be quickly displayed): Yunnan Mingjieqiao rice noodle production technology (this site purchased to join the technical information) Suqiao rice noodle production recipe and process (Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Center Executive Chef: Liu Zhongming) assorted cold rice noodles (Kunming "Qiao Xiangyuan" gold medal Wangcai) intestinal Wang rice noodles


Mengzi Bridge Meter Line (Additional Technical Information)

Ingredients: 3000 g of sour rice noodles (10 servings), 1500 g of artificial egg noodles. Soup ingredients: 2500 grams of jingwuding zhuang hen, 1200 grams of jingzhuang old duck, 1000 grams of pig tube bone, 1000 grams of pig back backbone; raw flakes: 250 grams of net mullet meat, 250 grams of pork through the spine, 350 grams of pork loin, 250 grams of tender chicken breast, 200 grams of skinny cloud legs; lettuce ingredients: 200 grams of peeled chicken longitudinal, 200 grams of fresh grass sprouts, 300 grams of young pea tips, 200 grams of water hair tofu skin, 300 grams of young leeks, 200 grams of mung bean sprouts, 300 grams of cabbage hearts, 10 pigeon eggs. Seasoning: 200 g of refined salt, 30 g of monosodium glutamate. Pepper 30 g, lard 500 g, chicken fat 200 g, sesame oil 15 g, chili oil 50 g, allspice powder 3 g, green onion 150 g, ginger 100 g, coriander 120 g, pepper noodles l g.

Preparation method: (1) Respectively, the strong hen, duck, pig tube bone (broken), pig back backbone washed and rinsed out, put into the soup bucket, inject 15,000 grams of water, put on the high fire to boil, scoop off the foam, put in the ginger block, move to the low heat to cook for 4 hours, when the soup is still 2/3, use a fine sieve to drain the soup into another soup bucket, add 150 grams of salt. Keep on low heat and set aside. Then remove the chicken and duck and set aside. Fill the original soup bucket with an appropriate amount of water and continue to boil as it is used. (2) Chop off the head and neck, feet and backbone of the cooked chicken and duck, cut it into a note, neatly code it in the soup blue, sprinkle with five-spice powder and pepper noodles. Before eating the rice noodles across the bridge, pour in the boiling soup and serve. (3) Pork loin to the waist to wash, slice for thin slices, soak to remove blood stains, put into boiling water to cook and fish out and soak into water; cloud legs cut into thin slices; the mullet meat, tender chicken breasts, pork loin washed and rinsed, respectively, sliced into thin slices, together with waist slices, cloud leg slices together with 10 plates with a diameter of 16 cm (each plate must have the above 5 kinds of raw materials, the laying should be neat and uniform), and then take a little water, drip sesame oil, brush on the raw slices for use. (4) Wash the leeks, cabbage hearts, pea tips, grass sprouts, chicken fir, mung bean sprouts, tofu skin, green onion, and coriander respectively. Put the bean tips, cabbage hearts, leeks and mung bean sprouts in boiling water, squeeze out the water, and neatly load them into a plate with a diameter of 14 cm (leeks and cabbage hearts cut into strips; green onion cut into green onions; chopped coriander; shredded tofu skin; grass sprouts and chicken fir cut into thin slices); beat the pigeon eggs into 10 small vinegar dishes and set aside. (5) First put the lettuce bean tip, tofu skin, cabbage heart, bean sprouts, leeks, chicken fir, grass sprouts, green onions, coriander, pepper oil, sweet and salty soy sauce on the table, and place them in the center of the table. Then put the raw slices and pigeon eggs on the table, l servings per person. Blanch the rice noodles thoroughly, l bowls per person (300 grams); the egg noodles are cooked, one bowl per person (150 grams). (6) Take 10 large bowls, put them in the steaming box and steam them thoroughly, wipe the water in the bowl and set aside. Mix the lard and chicken fat together, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil, add the green onion and ginger pieces and fry them to remove it, and the oil remains slightly boiling. (7) Put an appropriate amount of MSG and pepper in each bowl, scoop in 50 grams of boiling oil, pour 800 grams of boiling soup, serve immediately, l bowl per person, first blanch raw slices, lettuce, pigeon eggs, then put down rice noodles, condiments, mix well.

Mengzi Bridge Meter Line (Additional Technical Information)

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