
Today let me tell you how to choose a good beef jerky

author:A foodie's view of history

According to common sense, according to normal logic, we can filter out a large number of low-quality and counterfeit air-dried beef with only price, for example, low-priced jerky made of zombie meat or duck meat, and sell it at the normal price of beef jerky, then this criterion fails.

Today let me tell you how to choose a good beef jerky

There are many introductions on the Internet to distinguish between true and false standards. But this is easier said than done, it is too difficult to do, many people can't even distinguish between pork and beef, you let him taste it, can you see the difference between good and bad meat? Not to mention that many people don't know what the real beef jerky tastes like. If you add some additives to spice up and you can still taste it, it is simply insulting to the majority of chemists.

If nothing else, take a piece of spoiled meat, just add a little pepper, there are ninety-nine percent of people can't eat it, if you say you are the one percent, it's because the people who cut the ingredients, heartache peppers, didn't add the amount, not spicy enough. These standards and methods are too difficult for ordinary people. Just in order to eat something, you have to become an expert first, tired or not?

Additives are an indispensable part of the modern food industry, not as terrible as everyone thinks, terrible abuse, such as the use of additives to change the properties of food, shoddy. Now food additives can turn water into thick bone broth for a second, covering up odors, and changing the taste is not easy? We have been in the industry for so many years and can only eat it, this meat is not beef, this meat is not put additives, the meat itself is good or bad can not eat at all, ordinary people do not learn those superficial skills, no hair.

So, in addition to filtering with price, what other way is there?

First, the small workshop as far as possible do not choose, this good screening, claim that they are handmade, direct pass off, there is no strict process flow, health can not be qualified, do not believe that you buy a copy to send for inspection, colony qualified or heavy metal does not exceed the standard, you come back to kill me. If you are interested, turn over this number of historical articles, there is a special analysis of this, it is very easy to find, so far I have not written a total of a few texts, you can find it at once.

Second, there must be a SC number, that is, a production license. Today, when the food industry is highly developed, what is the unlicensed mix? The most basic ones are not available, or good to come out? Direct removal without production license. Those who have a certificate are not necessarily 100% sure, do you dare to try the unlicensed?

Third, look at the ingredient list, the first place is not written beef, not directly denied (speaking of this, you don't wonder, the usual method is, the packaging is called air-dried meat, not called air-dried beef, such ingredients in the table is often pork, duck, etc.), the second is the direct rejection of various gels. The big principle is that the simpler the ingredient list, the better. If you write a hundred words on the ingredient list, you don't have to think about it.

Pure air-dried beef is actually just a kind of original taste. Clamoring that air-dried beef is Genghis Khan's military food, but also a variety of flavors, itself ridiculous, Genghis Khan era has spicy military food? Five-spiced military food? Why didn't he bring a spicy pot set? Since it is the original taste, the dependence on additives should also be minimal, and the better the beef, the less additives are needed, directly beef and salt. Do the original flavor also put other things, you have reason to doubt, why is this? If it is for seasoning, it means that the meat quality is not good. If for the sake of shelf life, the process is not good, vacuum packaging without preservatives for high temperature sterilization, conservative nine-month shelf life is no problem. If it is not for seasoning and shelf life, then it is really unimaginable that there is any need for normalcy.

Fourth, look at whether it's baked or fried. Although roasting and frying are normal processes, frying is obviously not as healthy as baking, adding a lot of meaningless calories out of thin air, which is inconsistent with modern people's advocating healthy green diet. However, frying has great benefits for merchants, that is, the rate of frying is higher, about two and a half pounds of raw meat can produce a pound of air-dried beef, and the roasted one pound is about three pounds. Considering the price of beef, each kilogram of finished jerky, fried than grilled to save half a kilogram of beef, this is not a small amount, the difference is nearly twenty dollars. To know that normal businesses, selling a pound of roast beef jerky to make a net profit of twenty yuan, is definitely a technical matter.

Fifth, roasted, high-quality air-dried beef without additive preservatives, after standing for a short period of time, there will be white grease precipitate, and some of the grease will be slightly liquefied when the room temperature is high, and the appearance is not as refreshing as fried or additived. Therefore, whether there is white oil precipitation is a very important indicator, which is contrary to the understanding of many people. It should be known that controlling the precipitation of grease and perfecting the appearance is also one of the main tasks of additives.

The sixth is to look at the place of origin, agricultural and animal husbandry products and pure industrial products have many differences, one of which is the heavy dependence on the place of origin. The high-quality products in Mengdong are more concentrated.

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