
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners

author:Live a good life anthony

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#佛山美食 #

#艇仔粥 #

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Business trip to Foshan, late at night because of hunger can not sleep, did not choose to help takeout, and colleagues wear slippers from the hotel to the middle of the night foshan street, not far from the hotel, bright lights, it turned out to be a shop selling porridge, noodles, the main boat porridge.

A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners

Cantonese people can eat porridge from breakfast, lunch, dinner to supper, which is a common staple food, but with different materials, it can be described as ever-changing.

Guangdong porridge and northern porridge is actually very different, to cook rice very smooth and slippery, basically will not feel any particles when eating, friends in different places of course have different hobbies, but from the snack used to this Kind of Guangdong porridge, of course, there will be a preference.

In addition to the porridge bottom pot is enough cotton, the material matching is very important, like the boat boy porridge, and the first porridge, peeled egg lean porridge this kind of material, the new is not fresh, there is no correct treatment is very obvious, really not casually pile the material into the porridge noodle pot can be.

The porridge pot of this family is very smooth and slippery, and the porridge and the first porridge material are handled very well, and the result is that the material and the porridge are fully integrated into one, which is authentic!

A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners

In addition to porridge, other dishes also have a mind, fried flower nails are very fragrant, fried chicken wings and fried chicken are a must, send beer first-class.

A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners

If there are not enough people to eat, you can also try intestinal powder, fried beef river, fried noodles, the heat is enough to be different!

A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners
A bowl of boat porridge conquers the tongues of countless diners

Xinzheng Ji Boat Porridge, No. 136 Wenhua North Road, Foshan

Only by preserving the tradition of food can we pass on the Chinese culture well!

Live a good life anthony

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