
Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

author:Archaeological Li Yan

#广州发现先秦越人墓地 #

The excavation of the Yue tomb in the pre-Qin period in Guangzhou is easy to associate with archaeology, the ancient history of Guangdong as seen by this historical telescope, in addition to the discovery of the maba people very early, there are also relatively new ten major archaeological discoveries - Yunan Modao Mountain, a paleolithic site hundreds of thousands of years ago, the history of Guangdong has also been greatly presupposed; the cave sites of the old and Neolithic transitional periods of Yingde Qingtang and so on.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Excavation site at site 1 of the Modaoshan site

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Excavation site of the Yingde Qingtang site

Because of the difference between customs and other customs and the Central Plains, the people of southeast China in ancient Times were called Yue by the northerners of the Central Plains, and this matter was more clearly stated in the "Huainan Zi" compiled by Liu An, the king of Huainan, the uncle of Emperor Wu of Han, and it is said that Liu An also invented a delicacy that modern people love more, tofu.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Tomb of Liu An, King of Huainan

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Legend has it that Liu An, the king of Huainan, contributed to tofu

Or the northerners look at Guangdong, lao Li today said that the water residents, let me and many northerners feel that it is a more special group of people, that is, the water residents living on the river, historically known as the Yan people an ethnic group. There is a clear record of them in the Northern Song Dynasty, and volume 157 of the Taiping Huanyu Records records: "The dragon household, the county administrator, was born in the river and the sea, and there were many boats and boats." With the tide of travel, fishing for the industry, if you live in the flat land, death is more, like Jiangdong Baishui Lang industry. However, "疍" or "蜑" itself is a discriminatory title, and Cantonese people believe that the word "疍" means "the day when there is no head". In 1951, after the founding of New China, the People's Government of Guangdong Province explicitly abolished the title of insulting people on the water as "Yan family". The title of "people on the water" disappeared from the written records for a period of time, the inland people were called "water residents" or "water people's homes", and the coastal people were called fishermen, and they received certain protection and care in policy.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > boats on the river are their home</h1>

Take Foshan Sanshui as an example, here, because of the confluence of the Three Rivers of the Xijiang, Beijiang and Suijiang Rivers, it is called Sanshui.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

The confluence of the three rivers, photographed by friends of the Sanshui Archives Bureau

Although Sanshui in the Pearl River Delta here is the home of fish and rice in the Pearl River Delta, the water people in Sanshui are in a rich place and tenaciously retain their own living traditions. Recently, according to personal interviews with some scholars, it is learned that contemporary people living on the Beijiang River near Sanshui in Foshan. Still surviving, they survive by fishing for aquatic products such as clams, which sell for only four yuan a pound in the current market. Although the life is poor, looking at the elderly and children, I think that I can pass it on, and when I see the industrious and watchful couple, I am full of respect!

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

2020 dinghy (photo by teacher Wang Yintian)

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Seeing happy children on the boat in 2020 is hope (Photo by Teacher Wang Yintian)

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

A hard-working couple busy with their livelihood in 2020 (Photo by Teacher Wang Yintian)

It should be said that the environment of diversity cultivates the diversity of survival and adaptation methods and diverse cultural traditions. These traditions are precious legacies in our treasure trove of history and culture.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Harvest in 2020 (Photo by Teacher Wang Yintian)

Although the life of the people on the water is poor, it is not difficult to see their love and pride in their traditional culture from their marriage customs. Taken in this group of photos in the 1980s, Lao Li sincerely blessed them every time he saw them.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

1980s Wedding Scene 1 (both provided by Mr. Liu Yonghui)

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Eighties Wedding Scene 2

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Eighties Wedding Scene 3

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Eighties Wedding Scene 4

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

At the wedding scene in the 1980s, a couple prayed sincerely for blessings, and Old Li was touched

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > look back at the shell hill site</h1>

People take food as the sky, then and now the water people, in the river to make a living, reflecting their faith and wisdom in harmony with nature, and thousands of years ago, sanshui silver island shell hill site shows us the ancestors at that time to use the river surge, fishing and hunting here, including many modern water people sell a few yuan a pound of clams.

At present, Old Li is still in Sanshui, assisting in the excavation and collation of the Sanshui Silver Island Shell Hill Site, which was when Old Li was in his early thirties, following Zhu Feisu and other teachers to carry out the project together (jointly carried out by Guangdong and Peking University). The excavation lineup of that year can be described as luxurious, Teacher Zhu led the team, Zhao Hui was the deputy leader, and the surviving team members are now all old [Yaya].

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Zhao Hui, Zhu Feisu, me and Mr. Yan, everyone listened to Teacher Zhao's briefing

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Zhang Zhongpei on the left, Gao Guangren on the left, Yan Wenming on the left, and Zhu Feisu on the right in the back row are at the construction site

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Yuan Jing, Zhao Hui and Zhu Feisu took samples to collect shell specimens that year

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

At that time, Teacher Yuan Jing was washing and screening by the river in order to obtain shellfish specimens

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > thinking through ancient and modern times</h1>

During the Republic of China, Guangzhou, when on the Pearl River, from Liede Chung in the east to Baietan in the west, there were tens of thousands of boats.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

The White Swan Pond of that year

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Modern White Goose Pond

In 1985, when old Li just came to intern, my classmate Mr. Li Ziwen took me to the food stall near BaieTan to eat boat porridge. The first time I ate the boat porridge, I felt that it was still quite characteristic, and at the beginning I was a little unaccustomed, because in the north, it was either white porridge, or porridge with sugar, at most a red date, beans, where there was meat, and peanuts, etc., the content was beyond my imagination.

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Boat porridge

When eating porridge, he told me about a song by Teresa Teng, the lyrics: "They clap and drag, hand in hand love words can not be finished", told me that the word pat drag has the meaning: pat drag was originally a shipping saying in the Pearl River estuary. Usually large ships carry cargo and tow a small boat, because when approaching the shore, the large ship has a deep draft and is difficult to dock, at this time the small boat will unload the cargo and go ashore, and the two can only become successful. Later, it was used as a metaphor for the mutual care and inseparable between men and women in love!

Guangzhou pre-Qin ancient Yue people, boats porridge, pat drag, three water on the water people's boats on the river is their home to look back at the shell hill ruins through ancient and modern thinking

Shoot the boat tow

In the 1990s, when Lao Li was doing the investigation of the Feilaixia Reservoir in Yingde, he also met these people on the water at the mouth of the Lianjiang River, that is, at the confluence of the Xiaobei River and the Beijiang River, and rented their boats to investigate the cultural relics of the area to be submerged on both sides of the strait; in the process, he also had some conversations with them,。。。 The old man still said that he was used to life on the boat and did not want to go ashore, but now, there is basically no more or very rare there, because of the government's care, they have all gone ashore.

Guangdong's floating people's homes are living fossils of history and culture, and like the cultural relics of the pre-Qin and ancient Yue ethnic groups in Guangzhou, they should be protected, perhaps become research projects, so that this unique tradition of life can exist for a longer time in a modern society; according to UNESCO, cultural diversity has irreplaceable value, and the life and culture of floating people's homes are of course part of diversity.


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