
Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

author:Food R&D and production

Source: food R & D and production, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

China is an ancient civilization with a history of 4,000 years, and the traces of porridge have always accompanied it. The earliest written record of porridge is found in the Book of Zhou: "The Yellow Emperor first cooked the valley as porridge." "In China, four thousand years ago, porridge was mainly eaten to fill hunger.

The word porridge has historically been synonymous with poverty. At that time, those who were called "can't even eat porridge" represented your situation. But in modern times, the economy has developed, and eating porridge has been given another meaning.

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

Porridge is easy to digest and can nourish the stomach, so the ancients regarded porridge as a way to maintain health. When in pain, a bowl of porridge can detoxify and eliminate stagnation; in times of disaster, a bowl of porridge is like a life-saving straw; when you are tired of eating delicious food, of course, you crave a bowl of thin porridge.

Su Dongpo of the Song Dynasty has a book post: night hunger is very bad, Wu Ziye persuades to eat white porridge, Yun can push The Old to the new, and the diaphragm is beneficial to the stomach. Porridge is both fast and beautiful, and after porridge, it is wonderful. Lu You, a famous poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, also strongly recommended eating porridge for health, believing that it can prolong life, and once wrote a poem of "Porridge Food": "People in the world have studied for a long time, and they have not realized that for many years At present, I have to be like a hill and easy to change the law, and only eat porridge to the gods." Thus raising the world's understanding of porridge to a new level.

It can be seen that the relationship between porridge and Chinese is just like the porridge itself, thick and sticky, and it is full of foam; porridge, as a traditional food, has a status in the hearts of Chinese that exceeds that of any other nation in the world.

For Guangzhou, porridge is even more varied, there are light open fire white porridge, rotten skin white fruit porridge, peeled egg lean porridge to the fire, bamboo cane porridge and so on, so it is called "the kingdom of porridge". Walking into Cantonese restaurants, there must be four major items of porridge, flour, noodles and rice on the menu, which can be chosen by the jun, so porridge has become a brand of Cantonese catering. Cantonese people love to drink porridge, the most representative is tripe porridge, boat boy porridge, and the first porridge, etc., rich in nutrition, delicious taste.

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

Teochew people cook porridge, with more rice, generally cooked in a casserole pot, soup, rice is clear, porridge can be seen in the complete cooked rice, looks like porridge.

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

And Guangzhou people cook porridge, with a casserole cooked for about two hours, the finished porridge can not see the rice grains, the rice grains have been completely melted in the porridge, the real presentation of "water rice fusion, soft as one", Guangzhou people call it open fire white porridge.

The essence of the open fire white porridge is the essence. When a pot of porridge is boiled to the time of water and rice fusion, the porridge water rolls in the shape of a chrysanthemum, and the layers are turned out from the inside out, at this time, from the flower center, the porridge water on the scoop is called porridge essence, taste a mouthful of sweet and soft, smooth as soup.

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

The boat porridge in White Goose Pond or Lychee Bay is also a favorite food of Yangcheng people. In summer and autumn, especially on starry nights, boats often row dinghies, hang wind lanterns on the boats, play melodious Cantonese songs, and sell boat porridge to guests who are swimming on the river or tourists on the shore.

Boat boy porridge is famous for its "porridge smooth soft cotton, aromatic and umami taste", the main ingredients are fish, lean meat, fritters, fried peanuts, floating skin, jellyfish, squid, dried shrimp, shallots and so on. Boat porridge boiled with river water or well water has a local flavor, but now people are afraid of trouble, and they use tap water to cook porridge, and the taste is not as good as before. Now the boat porridge is not only eaten on the water, but has developed to the land, and the "manji" boat porridge in Fangcun Flower Land is the most prestigious.

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

The types of porridge also include skinned egg lean porridge, fragrant beef porridge, north mushroom slippery chicken porridge, lettuce fish fillet porridge, smooth fish mouth (head) porridge, pork liver porridge, field chicken porridge, abalone chicken porridge and so on. In addition, almost no one in Guangzhou does not know "and the first porridge", which is the abbreviation of sanyuan and the first porridge, and it is also a traditional brand-name snack in Guangzhou.

According to legend, there was a Xiucai in the Qing Dynasty who went to the Beijing Examination Yuan, and his wife was worried that he would travel a long way and be hungry, so before leaving, he specially put meatballs, pork liver, pork belly and other ingredients that could fill his hunger into porridge and cooked them together and took them with him. Xiucai was very touched at that time, redoubled his efforts to prepare for the exam, kung fu did not pay off, and finally won the title, Yi Jinrong returned. Later, some people named this porridge and the first porridge, and because the porridge has meatballs, pork belly, pork liver three ingredients, so it is also called "three yuan and the first porridge".

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

People in Shunde, Guangdong (now part of Shunde District, Foshan City) are more fond of porridge, and from the smooth mouth of "eating raw porridge for fish and late tasting boat porridge", it can reflect that porridge occupies an important position in the lives of Shunde people.

Shunde people have a spirit of reform and innovation in porridge culture, they use open fire white porridge instead of hot pot soup base to play the side stove, and do everything possible to make the porridge instead of hot pot soup base non-stick pot, which is very successful. It is said that the use of porridge base to make hot pot soup base is not afraid of fire, not afraid of greasy, more can highlight the umami taste of hot pot materials, porridge also has the effect of lowering fire and nourishing the face, so once launched, it is very popular and has been renewed for a long time.

With the circulation of information and the opening of the market, after four thousand years, China's porridge culture has a long history, profound and enduring, which is unanimously respected by people and has been accepted and recognized by the whole world.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > with two hot porridge recipes:</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > boat porridge recipe</h1>

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

1. Boil the porridge base:

35 kg of northeast rice, soak in water for 2 hours, drain, add 300 grams of peanut oil, 100 grams of salt and mix well, keep fresh and leave for one night.

20 kg of pork bones, 10 kg of fish bones, respectively, after passing the water, go to the pot with 2 chickens, add about 200 kg of water, 150 grams of ginger slices, 100 grams of jade bamboo slices, 4 slices of tangerine peel, change to low heat after boiling on high heat for 2 hours, filter impurities, that is, get the soup base.

Remove the refrigerated rice, put it in a pot with the soup base, bring to a boil and simmer for 3 hours, then add 300 grams of shells, continue to cook for 1 hour, turn on low heat to keep it slightly boiling.

Before starting selling, add 200 grams of salt and 100 grams of rock sugar to the porridge and stir well.

2. Accessories treatment: roast duck meat into knives and cut into small cubes; fry fish cakes into coarse strips; vermicelli soaked through the knife cut into sections, fried in hot oil to make golden crisp, fished out of draining oil. Cut small fritters into 1 cm segments; jellyfish skin washed and cut into fine strips; Anhui fish washed and boneless, sliced obliquely; peanuts fried golden brown; squid cut into thin strips; lettuce shredded.

3. Cooking: 15 grams each of shredded squid, jellyfish, fried peanuts and rice, 8 grams of shredded lettuce and fried vermicelli in the bowl, 500 grams of boiling white porridge, 20 grams of small fritters, and garnish green onions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > tripe porridge</h1>

Winter warm people good "porridge" road - talk about the porridge of those things (with boat porridge, tripe porridge method) with two popular porridge methods: boat boy porridge method tripe porridge method

Batch production of porridge bottom: rice panning, then soaked in water for 30 minutes, drained, mixed with salad oil and salt, pot into water to boil, down into the rice, the ratio is about 12:1, low heat and cover the pot for 4 hours.

Tripe prefabricated in advance: 1. Wash the tripe with water first, put it in the basin, add salt, corn starch, white vinegar and scrub it, and then rinse both sides with water, blanch the water too cold.

2. Put the treated tripe into the pot and add water until it is completely empty. After bringing to a boil, change to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, fish out and let cool, change the knife into strips, then pour into the pot, add star anise, cumin, cinnamon, add water over tripe, simmer for about 90 minutes, fish out quickly into ice water, and then fish out and put it into the crisper box for refrigeration.

Cooking: Put 750 grams of porridge in the casserole dish, bring to a boil over medium heat, add 100 grams of tripe, 30 grams of steamed mustard, 30 grams of fish fillets with good pulp, boil again, sprinkle ginger shreds, pour soy sauce, add salt and chicken powder and stir well.

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