
Liu Zongyuan & Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

author:There are books to read together

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The Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi was an excellent friend and a friend from all over the world.

However, there was only one most important person in his heart, and that was Liu Zongyuan.

Liu Zongyuan is extremely introverted and is known for his loneliness.

However, he became a confidant with Liu Yuxi and depended on him for life and death.

Today, let's take a look at the touching and profound story between "Liu Liu" and the two people.

Liu Zongyuan &amp; Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

At first sight

In the ninth year of Tang Zhenyuan (793), in early spring, southeast of Chang'an City, on the bank of the Qu River.

Wind shears, willows, apricot blossoms like snow.

Two handsome young people, riding high-headed horses, left the Qujiang River and ran to the famous gardens in Chang'an.

Horseshoes get it, butterflies fly.

The two of them were full of spring breeze, and with all kinds of flowers and plants picked, they returned to the bank of the Qu River, looking at each other and laughing.

After the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court would hold various wedding banquets, such as the Wen Wedding Banquet, the Cherry Feast, the Qujiang Feast, and the Moon Lantern Pavilion Ball Feast.

Among them, the most famous and poetic is the Qujiang Feast, also known as the Apricot Blossom Feast.

At the banquet, the two youngest jinshi will be selected as "Tanhua Lang" to pick Chang'an flowers to welcome the yuan.

At that time, the youngest jinshi was Liu Liu, Liu Yuxi was 22 years old, and Liu Zongyuan was 21 years old.

It was in this rain of apricot blossoms that Liu Liu began a lifelong friendship.

The old saying goes: "There is joy in making friends at first, but there is no boredom in a long time." ”

Liu Yuxi is extroverted, Liu Zongyuan is calm and introverted, why can the two get along for a long time?

This is because they share the same aspirations and share the same point of view.

For example, they all believe that social reform should be carried out, and they all oppose the Mandate of Heaven.

In the eleventh year of Zhenyuan (795), Liu Yuxi became acquainted with Wang Shuwen, a red man who was close to the crown prince Li Shu.

Wang Shuwen advocated reform and tried to revive the Tang Dynasty.

Young Liu Yuxi listened to Wang Shuwen's words and his blood boiled.

He not only often interacted with Wang Shuwen, but also recommended liu Zongyuan, who was not good at communication, to Wang Shuwen.

They often discuss the changes of the times and look forward to the blueprint of life.

Liu Zongyuan &amp; Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

Wang Shuwen

Eight years later, both Liu Liu were officials of the Supervision Department's Imperial History Platform.

They followed Wang Shuwen, who advocated innovation, and often attended secret meetings with the presence of Prince Li Shu.

Liver and gallbladder look at each other, and want to share the autumn moon with the world.

Willing to agree, want to sit with the world in the spring breeze.

In the first month of the twenty-first year of Zhenyuan (805), Li Shu ascended the throne, and Wang Shuwen's clique immediately launched a new policy.

Liu Liu and Liu Liu were both promoted to the rank of foreign lang and climbed to the peak of their lives.

They often held their arms and shoulders, and the spring breeze was triumphant, as if in the clouds.

The world did not dare to call him by his first name, but only called him "Liu Liu".

Unfortunately, the flowers are not red.

Liu Liu, who was straight up in the clouds, never expected that the turn of their lives would come so quickly.

Liu Zongyuan &amp; Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

Never leave

The New Deal opposed the eunuch dictatorship and was soon resisted by eunuchs.

The strength of Wang Shuwen's group is weak, the main members are only about 10 people, and there are too many enemies.

If Liu Liu and liu at that time realized this, they might not be so proud of it.

Worst of all, Li Xuan, the biggest supporter of the New Deal, was too weak.

The eunuchs, who had not yet had time to be overthrown by the New Deal, used this as an excuse to quickly support Li Shu's son as the new emperor.

As a result, the New Deal only flashed a star in the dark night sky of the Middle Tang Dynasty, and then fell rapidly.

Those in power immediately began to expel Wang Shuwen's clique.

Liu Yuxi was demoted to the history of the Lianzhou Thorn, and Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the history of the Shaozhou Thorn.

A burst of blood, suddenly into ice and snow.

Liu Liu, who had just passed the age of establishment, realized at this time that he was still too naïve.

Shocked and confused, they did not have time to sort out their emotions, so they dragged their families and rushed to the degraded places.

However, the journey was not over, and greater disasters swept in behind them.

The imperial court once again degraded the two, Liu Yuxi again degraded Sima Langzhou, and Liu Zongyuan degraded Sima Yongzhou again.

Yesterday's peak, today's bottom.

Liu Liu and the two thought that this was the darkest moment of their lives.

However, something more cruel has come—"Even if there is forgiveness, it is not within the limits of the measure." ”

Even in the face of amnesty, it cannot be recalled.

It turns out that under the valley floor, there is still an abyss.

After arriving in Langzhou, although Liu Yuxi was depressed, his nature was bold and open, so he could still support it.

However, after Liu Zongyuan arrived in Yongzhou, he was seriously ill and very emaciated.

Because both of them were degraded officials and could not leave the debasement office at will, they could only exchange letters.

Liu Yuxi first enlightened Liu Zongyuan, and then with his early experience of becoming a doctor, he gave Liu Zongyuan a lot of health advice and prescribed some formulas.

Liu Zongyuan's illness gradually improved, people also became cheerful, and with Sima being an idle post, he began to play in the mountains.

Because of this, there is such a beautiful text as "Eight Records of Yongzhou" that has been circulated to this day.

Liu Zongyuan &amp; Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

Liu Zongyuan

Liu Zongyuan in turn suggested that Liu Yuxi visit the scenery of Langzhou, and Liu Yuxi readily agreed.

In addition, they also discussed calligraphy and poetry, and talked about the shortness of parents.

Liu Yuxi complained to Liu Zongyuan, and my son took a pen and blindly wrote scribbles.

Liu Zongyuan also complained to Liu Yuxi, your son still knows how to practice calligraphy, my daughter knows how to play with mud!

In this way, Liu Liu and Liu Liu have never seen each other in ten years, but they support each other.

The green mountains are hidden, and they can't hide the truth; the green water is leisurely, hindering the continuous friendship.

It was also in this decade that Liu Zongyuan became a generation of Wenzong, with the posture of "fishing alone in the snow of the Cold River", proudly standing in the tang dynasty.

It was also in this decade that Liu Yuxi carefully inspected the local customs and customs and left a lot of precious historical materials.

It was also in this decade that "Liu Liu" changed from a pronoun that did not dare to call his name directly to an honorific title that everyone respected.

True friendship can be both happy and bitter.

True confidants, never abandoned, and soaked in each other.

Liu Zongyuan &amp; Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

Life and death depend on each other

Ten years after Liu Liu and liu were degraded, the imperial court recalled them.

The two went all the way north and met in Xiangyang City.

Tanhua Lang, who was once a fluttering green silk, is now two sideburns of white frost.

They held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes, and together they broke into laughter.

After returning to Chang'an, the two anxiously awaited their appointment while revisiting Chang'an.

It was as if I had returned to that spring twenty years ago, with a melting sun and a faint breeze.

It's just that the apricot blossoms have been thanked, but the peach blossoms are red and burning.

They went to Xuanduguan to see the peach blossoms together.

Looking at it, Liu Yuxi, who had always been generous, suddenly sighed and said:

"When there were any peach blossoms in this view, they were all planted after we left."

So he indignantly chanted a poem:

Purple and red dust came to the face, and no one looked at the flowers back.

The peach trees in the Xuandu Temple were all planted after Liu Lang went there.

Who knew that this poem had caused a great disaster.

There was already a dispute between the DPRK and China over whether to use the two of them, and now Liu Yuxi used the "peach blossom" innuendo to bring down the villain who came to the throne after them, which naturally aroused disgust.

After only a month, the two were degraded again.

Liu Yuxi was demoted to the history of the Bozhou Thorn, and Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the history of the Liuzhou Thorn.

When Liu Zongyuan learned about it, he immediately wrote to the book.

He did not want to sue for his own grievances, but to intercede for Liu Yuxi.

He said:

Liu Yuxi's mother is 86 years old and has just returned with her son Wanli.

If you don't follow your son to Bozhou now, it will be a death sentence. If you follow, I am afraid that I can't stand the bumps.

I am a good friend of Liu Yuxi, how can I stand by and watch?

Please exchange my Yongzhou for him, it is better to be closer. ”

Liu Zongyuan has a bright heart, but it is considered to be bargaining.

Eventually, at the mediation of other ministers, Liu Yuxi was demoted to Lianzhou.

Although it is not much closer, it is easy to walk on the road and more prosperous on the other.

And Liu Yuxi did not know everything that Liu Zongyuan had done for him until he received a new letter of depreciation.

The two traveled together, and when they arrived at Hengzhou Huiyan Peak, they were about to be separated.

Liu Zongyuan's tears rolled down his growing face and wet his hat.

Liu Yuxi advised him, after all, there is still Guijiang that connects our two states.

Liu Zongyuan wiped away his tears and said:

"If we can come back, let's live in seclusion together and be neighbors."

Liu Yuxi sighed and said:

"A lifetime has passed like this, and it is really better to go into hiding."

Liu Zongyuan asked undeadly:

"When are you coming back?"

Liu Yuxi immediately said:

"Resign, we'll see each other after we resign."

By the end, it was gibberish.

Because no matter when "when to come back" or "resign", it is unlikely that they will decide.

I know it's impossible, but I can't put it down.

But in the end, there will be separation.

One rides a horse, one boat rides, and from then on each is in the sky.

In the years that followed, they continued to write and talk about everything.

It's just that Liu Zongyuan's health is getting worse and worse, and Liu Yuxi sends him prescriptions from time to time.

Liu Zongyuan &amp; Liu Yuxi: Really good friendships are all friends of life and death

Liu Yuxi

In the fourteenth year of Yuan He (819), Liu Yuxi's 90-year-old mother died.

He resigned his official post, helped the spirit to return home, and passed through Hengzhou.

Four years ago, the scene of the two people shedding tears and parting is vividly remembered.

At this time, the messenger suddenly brought Liu Zongyuan's letter.

Liu Yuxi was overjoyed, maybe Liu Zongyuan wanted to set a time and place for the meeting.

Who knew that when he opened it, it was Liu Zongyuan's suicide note.

Liu Yu Xi suddenly felt the heavens spinning, he shouted and cried, as if he had lost his heart.

Thousands of feelings attacked at the same time, and he burned all five.

He hates! Hate heaven for being so ruthless that he took Zong Yuan's life at the age of 47.

He repented! Why did he write that poem, causing Zong Yuan to be degraded again.

He hurts! There are so many friends, there is only one confidant, and now we can no longer see each other.

He pity! Zong Yuan'er's young daughter is small, and she still has a widow.

After crying for a long time, he went to look at Zong Yuan's instructions.

Liu Zongyuan asked Liu Yuxi to raise his eldest son and sorted out his own collection of essays.

What a trust!

Liu Yuxi did it all————

Five years later, Liu Zongyuan's collected writings were printed.

Years later, the son not only grew up, but also entered high school.

More than twenty years after Liu Zongyuan's death, Liu Yuxi's friends are still many.

But which one does not have the feeling of being dependent on Liu Zongyuan in life and death and having a heart-to-heart feeling.

This situation is already bone-chilling, and it is difficult to surpass it in this life.

"Half the world, only the old people know."


1. Old Book of Tang and Biography of Liu Zongyuan

2. "Liuhe East Collection"

3. The New Book of Tang and the Biography of Liu Yuxi

4. The Biography of Tang Caizi

5. "Commentary on Liu Zongyuan"

- END -

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