
Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

author:Tian Xiao 66
Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

"Seriously, I love all of Green's books, but I prefer Factors of Human Nature, which is a novel that's close to perfection. This is the high evaluation of The Nobel Prize in Literature García Márquez for Green.

Márquez also said that although the Nobel Prize was awarded to me, it was also given indirectly to Green, and if I had not read Green, I could not have written anything.

Green was regarded not only by Márquez, but also by top writers such as William Faulkner, Naipaul, Goldin, Mario Llosa, and others, as a spiritual icon and mentor.

William. Golding also said that Graham Green is a classic of his own, and he will continue to be read and mentioned as the preeminent recorder of human consciousness and anxiety in the 20th century.

So who is this Grimm Master?

He is a legendary master who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature 21 times and is a literary icon admired by Márquez.

The novel "Factors of Human Nature" is Graham and Green's exploration of human nature, which writes all the possibilities of human nature.

The title page of the novel reads: "People who really understand human nature know how rare it is to always be kind."

Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

In the "Longing for Life" variety show, there was an issue that invited two cultural people, namely Parrot Shi Hang and Zhi An.

During small talk, Zhang Yixing asked several teachers to recommend several good books to read, Shi Hang recommended "Visiting the Zoo is a Serious Thing", Huang Lei recommended "The Three-Body Problem", and Zhi An recommended "Factors of Human Nature".

However, at that time, a joke was made on the Internet.

Shinan recommended Graham Green's novel The Factor of Human Nature, but Maugham's short story collection The Factor of Human Nature was sold out.

Leave a word, fans are not readers after all.

But on the other hand, we are more familiar with Maugham, derived from his novel The Moon and Sixpence. But he knew nothing about Graham Green, author of Factors of Human Nature.

Why didn't Green win the jackpot? Readers don't have a high opinion of his book either?

Some people have pointed out that the greatness of Green may lie in the fact that he is always writing about things that are "too human", have nothing to do with the righteousness of the family and the country, nor do they have to write about the anxiety and hopelessness of the heart, and this thing is obviously too straightforward and too weak, so that once it encounters reality, it is impossible to avoid a sad ending. The walking people of the world, like most of the writings, are wrapped in a veil of grandeur in order to move in and out and please people--so the value of Grimm is self-evident.

His books, though great, did not sell well.

But it's worth reading.

The English novelist, Graham. Green, who has been engaged in journalism, editing, diplomacy, footprints throughout South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, etc., although he did not win the Nobel Prize in his lifetime, but was nominated 21 times, which shows his skill.

In The Human Factor, the author is a dispassionate bystander, neither critical nor praising, he is only responsible for stating and showing the facts, while all the curious, stagnant ripples, the undulating, turbulent emotions, are done by the reader.

This is not just a pure spy novel, but it tells the ups and downs of an ordinary person's life.

Some people have commented that his story, not like a complete story, always ends abruptly, with regret and unfinished, like all the loss in life.

In Factors of Human Nature, there is a saying that if fear and love are inseparable, then so is fear and hate. Hatred is an automatic response to fear, because fear brings humiliation.

Just like the protagonist in the book, fate always has a pair of invisible hands pushing him forward, and driven by human nature, he inevitably eventually becomes what this era needs him to be.

Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

"The Factors of Human Nature" is Green's exploration of human nature.

In this book, he writes about all the possibilities of human nature. Whether it's love, friendship or affection. The protagonist, Cashel, makes a human choice.

Cashel was an ordinary British intelligence worker during the Cold War. Like our current civil servants, we live the most ordinary life every day. In addition to going to and from work, it is at home with his wife and children. He had few hobbies. Except for having dinner, drink a little wine.

But it is such an ordinary public official, but it has an unimaginable side. His real identity is actually that of a double agent.

Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

Cashel is white, but his wife, Sarah, is a black African.

Many years ago, during the Cold War, Cashel was sent to work in South Africa, where he met his wife for a while, but the environment was very harsh.

Sarah was persecuted. In order to save Sarah, with the help of a KGB agent, Carter, Kassel successfully brought Sarah and her son to England.

In gratitude to the Soviet agent, he betrayed his loyalty to the country and provided intelligence to the Soviet Union.

For love, for gratitude, he betrayed his motherland. But in the end he found that only he was being used. At this moment, the leak of a secret document put him in danger of being exposed. He had to face the choice of humanity again.

His constant choice, in fact, has only one purpose, that is, to save this home, guard his love, and be with Sarah forever.

But the ending was unexpected.

Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

Cashel is actually a tragic figure.

Despite his choices again and again, indifference, cruelty, freedom, kindness, compassion, violence, calmness and so on. Whether it's for work, family or country, he makes his own choices.

But in the end he didn't realize his self-worth. Instead, he was abandoned by this era again and again, and finally separated from his wife.

Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

Kassel, though, lived during the Cold War.

But projected into our current society, in fact, we are not Kassel one by one.

We are just a grain of sand in the times. Some people say that it is not Ma Yun who created this era, but this era that created Ma Yun. At any time, we can only go with the flow, and no one can go wild on their own.

Once the general trend is violated, then the conflict is bound to arise and it must be a tragic ending.

Márquez "This is a near-perfect book": the human element

Once heard the story of a teacher.

Although this teacher is from the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.

But his family was actually the son of the family, who had served as an official in the Kuomintang army, but in the late 1960s, this birth was very bad, so it was criticized in various ways. Finally, he settled down in the grassland.

This teacher said that in the great era, people's fate is like a reed, and it can be as tenacious as a bamboo root.

In fact, all human choices are their own choices, and our lives are superimposed on a continuous choice.

Watching "The Factor of Human Nature", it is thought-provoking.

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Factors of Human Nature Graham Green ¥26 purchase

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