
17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

author:5 minutes to read

"The first person in the family will be tied to a tree, and the last person in the family will be eaten by ants."

The story of the Buendia family begins with this fable and ends with this fable.

Hello everyone, today brings you García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude", a history of loneliness about seven generations.

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

The legend of the Buendía family, which began with the marriage of José Arcadio Buendia and Ursula,

They were cousins who grew up in the same Indian village, but their marriage was unanimously opposed by both families.

Because an aunt of Ursula had given birth to a son with a pig's tail after marrying an uncle in Buendia,

The child grew up wearing large crotches until he was 42 years old, when he was cut off by a butcher and killed.

This incident has become a disgrace for the two families, but the two people who are overwhelmed by love do not care.

Even after being opposed by their parents and friends, the two brave young people still did not give up on each other and married each other.

But after getting married, Ursula, fearing that she would really give birth to piglets, not only wore special tights night and night, but also refused to share sex with her husband.

Husband Buendia was often ridiculed by his neighbor Prudenceo Aguilar for this,

He felt so humiliated that he killed Prudenceio in a cockfight. Aquilar.

Since then, the ghost of Prudonsio Aquilar has often appeared in Buendia's life, making him uneasy day and night.

In order to get rid of the entanglement of ghosts, Buendia had no choice but to move her family and go outside to find a place to live, and after two years of running, they finally arrived at a flat beach.

Guided by a dream, Buendía decided to settle here, taking the name Magundo, where the story of seven generations of the Buendia family begins.

Buendia and his wife Ursula did not give birth to a pig cub with a tail as they feared, they had two children and a daughter after marriage, they were very smart and healthy,

The eldest son, José Arcadio, the younger son Aureliano Buendía, and the daughter Amaranda

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

Buendia is a man of rich imagination and creative ability, for example,

He saw the magnet from a gypsy named Melchiades and thought of using it to mine gold;

Stumbling upon the ability of a magnifying glass to focus on sunlight, he tried to use it to produce a lethal weapon;

He also obtained a navigational sextant and a visionary from Melchiades, and did experiments to know that "the earth is round, like an orange",

He began to complain to his wife Ursula about the poor and backward life in front of him:

"Incredible things are happening in the world, next to us, just across the river, there are many kinds of magical machines, but we are still living here like stupid donkeys." 」

Her husband, Buendia, is an adventurous man at heart, but Magundo is isolated from the rest of the world in a vast swamp.

To connect Magundo with the great civilization, it was necessary to open a path to the outside world, and Buendia decided to do so.

So he led a group of people to cut through thorns and thorns for more than half a month, but finally failed, and he said to the crowd sadly:

"We can't go anywhere anymore, we're going to rot here and not enjoy the benefits of science."

Soon after the failure of the road construction, the depressed Buendia began to lock himself in a workshop and indulge in alchemy.

His quest for science, freedom, and openness was at odds with Magundo's backward, conservative, and narrow reality, leaving him solitary and insane

After mental problems, Buendia was tied to a chestnut tree by his family.

He was sometimes sober, sometimes confused, his family brought him food and drink every day, and his wife Ursula built a shack for him with branches to cover the rain.

Mosquito bites have become habitual, excretion like animals is also the norm, all year round, Buendía is tied to a tree, only eat and do not exercise, the body is getting fatter and fatter every day,

When he was completely old, his wife Ursula lifted him out of the tree and asked seven or eight people to help carry him back to the room and watch him die

"The first person in the family will be tied to a tree"

The previous sentence of this parable has been fulfilled, and the latter sentence of the parable will be witnessed by posterity

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

The second generation of the Buendía family was Ursula and her husband's two sons and daughters

Eldest son Jose. Arcadio was born on the way to Magundo and grew up on the way to Magundo, he was as strong and stubborn as his father Buendia, but he did not have the imagination of his father.

When he was 14 years old, he had an affair with his elder Pilar Ternella and had children; later he became entangled with a gypsy girl in the circus and ran away from home.

His mother Ursula did not find him back with great effort, and when he returned home again, he married rebecca, his adopted daughter Rebecca, despite his family's objections, and finally died under the robbery of his wife Rebecca.

The second son, Aureliano Buendia, is also a legend, he is lonely and taciturn,

He learned to cry when he was in his mother Ursula's belly, and when he was born, he opened his eyes widely, and he fell in love with Andreys Ofe, Theradon, and married, but his wife Meredith was poisoned by his sister Amaranda.

In order to stay away from the boring life, he joined the army, launched 32 failed uprisings in his lifetime, experienced 14 assassinations, 73 ambushes and one shooting, and was even poisoned in coffee, but did not die.

He had 17 children with 17 women, but was killed one by one overnight, and he was promoted to the commander of the revolution, but he never allowed anyone to take pictures of himself.

In his later years, he made small goldfish in Magundo's workshop like his father, and finally died while urinating under the chestnut tree where he had tied his father

The only daughter, Amaranta, was once in love with an Italian pianist, Rex.

But Rex proposed marriage several times, Amaranda refused, and finally Rex committed suicide by cutting his wrists, and in order to repent of his sins, Amaranda put his hand into the burning charcoal fire until the skin and flesh were charred.

From then on, these hands were wrapped in black gauze and never removed for a lifetime;

She never married in her life, but raised two generations, and had an unrequited love affair with them, almost causing a big mistake.

Finally, the lonely Amaranda shut herself in her room all day long to sew shou clothes, sewing during the day and dismantling them at night, day after day, until the last moment of her life

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

The third generation of Buendia has only two people,

Jose. Arcadio, born to Arcadio and the elder Pilar Termella,

and Aureliano. Buendia was born with the elder Pilar Ternera Aureliano. Jose

They are half-siblings

Arcadio was the most brutal and tyrannical ruler Magundo has ever seen,

Grandmother Ursula scolded him as a bitch-raised little bastard, he ordered the whole town to guard the funeral of his aunt's pianist lover, and fooled around with his mother in a dimly lit photo studio.

On the eve of the War of Defense of Magundo, his mother, Pilar Terne, spent half of his possessions to buy the prostitute Sophia to meet him, and after the war, when he was captured and executed by shooting.

His first daughter with Sophia is 8 months old, and in another 8 months, her second child will come into the world

José was raised by his aunt Amaranda from childhood, and in the course of getting along day and night, he and his aunt had a spark of love, but in the end reason triumphed over feelings.

As an adult, José followed his father Aureliano. Buendia left home and worked for many years as a sailor on a German freighter,

When he figured out how to live for the rest of his life, he returned to Magundo and decided to marry his aunt Amaranda, but her aunt rejected him strongly.

Because of this, José was discouraged and messed with flowers, so his mother, Pilar Terné, spent half of his family property to choose a virgin Carmelita for him.

But just as he decided to return to stability, he was shot and killed by government forces at the entrance of the theater

Buendia's fourth generation was all children born to the brutal ruler Arcadio and the prostitute Sophia, daughters Meredith and twin sons Aureliano II and Arcadio II

Daughter Meredith has a strange fragrance, which can attract beautiful butterflies and can also attract men with bad intentions.

She was born pure, beautiful, and did not want to provoke the troubles of the layman, and one day she grabbed a sheet as white as jade, rose into the blue sky, and disappeared forever

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

Twin brother Aureliano II Was a bright and studious child who had been studying the parchment scrolls left by the Gypsy Melchiades.

But then seduced by a debauched woman, just as grandfather and uncle shared a woman,

Aureliano II and younger brother Arcadio II also began sharing a lover Petra Cortez.

Under the control of his lover, Aureliano bought a lottery ticket for the second time and won an accordion, and he practiced intently to become a master organist, winning the respect of many people in Magun,

What is even stranger is that as long as he is with his lover, the family's livestock will breed wildly, the mare will give birth to three foals at a time, the hen will lay eggs twice a day, and the sow's body will grow rapidly.

In just a few years, he became one of the richest in Magun, but as soon as he returned to his wife, Fernanda, the family would decline and face bankruptcy

His younger brother Arcadio II worked as a supervisor in a banana company run by the Americans, and because of his dissatisfaction with the exploitation and oppression, he led the workers on strike.

But he was suppressed by the military police, who were strong in force, and he was the only one who survived more than 3,000 people.

The merciless cruelty of fate terrified him, and the surviving Arcadio II began to continue his brother's work, studying the parchment scrolls of Melchiades the Psychiarian in Magundo's small workshop until the last moment of his death

The twins were born on the same day, died on the same day, and were put into a coffin at the same time and died

There are three people in the fifth generation of the Buendia family, all of whom are the second child of the twin brother Aureliano,

He had a son, Jose Jr., born to his lover Petra Cortez. Arcadio,

Born to his wife Fernanda, two daughters, Renata Meredith and Amaranda Ursula

The only son Jose Jr. Arcadio was pinned high hopes on, and was personally raised by Ursula, the centenarian of buendia's first generation, just after birth.

His family wanted him to become a priest or pope in the future, but was sent to Rome to study Jose The Younger. Arcadio, however, did not concentrate on studying theology, but used false studies and achievements to deceive his mother Fernanda's financial pillars.

After his mother's death, he returned to Magundo and, in a state of guilt, found three bags of gold coins buried by Ursula.

Since then, he has completely abandoned the instructions of his relatives and lived an extravagant and lavish life relying on three bags of gold coins.

But the good times are not long, Jose Jr. Arcadio was soon drowned in a bathtub by the local rascals, and the unfinished three generations of gold coins were robbed

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

The eldest daughter, Renata Remedios, fell in love with mauritio, an auto mechanic. Babylon, but was stopped by Fernanda,

For this reason, the mother also specially hired a bodyguard to stay at home to prevent her from going out to meet her lover.

But Maurichaeu. Babylon climbed onto the roof of her house one night and was beaten to death by dutiful bodyguards, and her mother, Fernanda, sent her pregnant to the convent on the grounds that the family was ugly

Youngest daughter Amaranda. Ursula was an advanced intellectual, having attended school in Brussels in his early years, where he married the pilot Gaston.

Later, she returned to Magundo, bent on rehabilitating her homeland, breaking all stereotypes, saving the disaster-stricken Magundo, and finally abandoning her husband Gaston and settling in Magundo

Buendia's sixth generation is left with only one person, Reinata Remedios and the auto mechanic Maurichaud. Babylon's illegitimate son Aureliano. Buendia,

He was sent back to the Buendia family after his birth in the monastery, and was raised by his great-grandmother Sofia, who had been communicating with the soul of the gypsy Mergychiades since childhood, and learned many languages.

And is about to successfully decipher the mystery of the parchment scrolls that the previous five generations have not solved

Later, great-grandmother Sofia chose to run away because of the decline of the family road, Aureliano. Buendia was with Amaranda, the aunt who was scheduled to be in Magundo. Ursula lives together,

Eventually he fell in love with his aunt and had a relationship with her. They were born to the seventh generation of the Buendia family,

"He is the only baby born in Buendía in a hundred years who was conceived by love",

But it was a child with a pig's tail on its body, and soon after the child was born, it was eaten by a group of ants.

Just as the pig-tailed boy was eaten by ants to the point where only a piece of skin remained, his father finally deciphered the riddle of the parchment scrolls:

17 minutes to read Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude": the loneliness of seven generations of a family

This parable is the fate of the Buendía family, after a hundred years, from scratch, and then from existence to nothing, the glory of seven generations, the worldly detachment, are hidden in similar names,

Repeated sewing of the mortuary, repetition of the making of small goldfish, repetition of the nephew falling in love with the aunt ....... This is not a simple repetition of family accidents, but the inheritance of a lonely personality,

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" is the fate that seven generations cannot get rid of, everyone here is closed to themselves, does not understand love, does not understand humanity, struggles to change but ends in failure, until they fall into the endless abyss,

It is said that no one in this world is an island, in fact, a family is the same, isolation is doomed to extinction, openness can usher in a new life

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