
When ordering hot pot, beef blinds, tripe, and hairy belly are silly! What's the difference?

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

When ordering hot pot, the least worrying thing is the variety of dishes, compared to ordinary meals, you can eat more fresh tricks, such as mushrooms, leafy greens, eggs, seafood, and many foodies are indispensable to animal offal.

When ordering hot pot, beef blinds, tripe, and hairy belly are silly! What's the difference?

Even if you are new to the city, you also like to order some strange foods, such as cow blinds, hairy belly, and some people call cow blinds, some people are still stupid and unclear, today I will tell you what is the difference between them?

The first thing we have to figure out is that tripe and cow blinds are actually one thing, and some restaurants treat the title of cow blinds, and may divide a large piece of tripe into a silken strip of cow louvers, and the tripe is a piece.

When ordering hot pot, beef blinds, tripe, and hairy belly are silly! What's the difference?

In fact, they are all the same substance. Beef louver and tripe are all beef stomachs, which are the internal organs of the cow, mainly the third spacer valve in the stomach, the main function can absorb water, usually as a hot pot material, but also can cook spicy pots, spicy hot and other delicacies.

Among the Cantonese people who eat everything, they also like to treat tripe as a food for meals, turning it into crisp and delicious tripe. Some people also say that eating tripe can nourish the stomach, and this idea is also an old idea of the past.

When ordering hot pot, beef blinds, tripe, and hairy belly are silly! What's the difference?

Let's first look at the nutritional value of tripe, from the perspective of each 100 grams of tripe, there are 83.4 g of water, 72 kcal of energy, 14.5 g of protein, 1.6 g of fat, 104 mg of cholesterol, 2.5 mg of niacin, 40 mg of calcium and so on.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that tripe has the ability to tonify qi, nourish blood, and strengthen the spleen, and can be used for people who are weak and malnourished after childbirth. But whether it is recorded in medicine or modern nutrition, tripe or pork belly has no effect on nourishing the stomach, and everyone should not take it seriously.

When ordering hot pot, beef blinds, tripe, and hairy belly are silly! What's the difference?

Looking at the hairy belly, some people think that the hairy belly is actually the stomach of an animal. This statement is not appropriate, it is mainly the part of the rumen, the reason why in real life, you can see a variety of colors of hair belly, such as yellow hair belly, black hair belly, white hair belly, is because of the feed problem.

According to the test investigation, the overall color of the hairy belly fed by ordinary grain is black. The feed made of scientific ingredients, the overall color is yellow, and the white belly on the market is likely to have been processed by the merchant.

When ordering hot pot, beef blinds, tripe, and hairy belly are silly! What's the difference?

It is recommended that when you buy, mainly black and yellow, if you see a white hairy belly, smell irritating, do not buy, it is likely to have food safety problems, which is not good for physical health.

For such animal offal, because of the high cholesterol content, it is not recommended that you eat often, eat once or twice a month, each time you eat less than 100g, eat more is not good, especially high cholesterol, suffering from high blood lipids and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases people should pay attention to.

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