
Niu Baiye's different approach, hurry up and learn it

author:Cattle and sheep state

Cow louver is also the cow's stomach. It is one of the internal organs of cattle, that is, the third spacer valve in the stomach of cattle. Beef blinds can generally be made into hot pot ingredients or fried for consumption. Fresh beef blinds must be treated to be crispy and delicious. Tripe contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., which has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and nourishing blood.

Ingredients required:

Beef blinds 200g, onion 50g, ginger 3g, garlic 5g, coriander 5g, salt 3g, sugar 3g, oil 3ml, Pixian bean paste 10g

Cooking steps:

1. Add water to a pot, bring to a boil and add blanched beef shutters

2. Place blanched beef louver slices in cold water, rinse and drain

3. Cut the onion into strips, finely chop the parsley, mince the ginger, and finely chop the garlic and set aside

4. Add oil to the pan, heat the oil and add the bean paste, sugar, minced ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant

5. Add the shredded onion and beef shutters and continue to stir-fry for about 3 minutes until the beef shutters are micro-rolled

6. Add salt and greens after stir-frying, and when cooking is complete, you can eat it

Niu Baiye's different approach, hurry up and learn it

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