
The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

author:Shi Hai Guanfu
The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

From the end of the Gannan Conference in November 1931 to the beginning of the Long March in October 1934, Chairman Mao endured countless tests in three years and survived an extremely difficult and lonely trough.

These injuries came not only from the enemy, but also from internal struggles, which were extremely cruel, not only because he was removed from his post, but also from his work, and even from being able to participate in the Long March.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > the "international route" of the spring breeze</h1>

On the night of September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army deliberately plotted to blow up one end of the South Manchuria Railway track, thereby attacking the northeast, and the 918 Incident that shocked the world occurred.

Previously, since the rupture of relations between the Kuomintang and the Communists in 1927, the main situation in the country was the confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, chiang kai-shek's repeated large-scale "encirclement and suppression" campaigns ended in failure, while the Communist Party of China successively organized armed operations such as the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the Pingjiang Uprising, and established more than ten revolutionary base areas for "armed division of workers and peasants" such as Jinggangshan, Gannan and Western Fujian, and Xiang'exi.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

These victories and major breakthroughs made by the Communist Party of China in just a few years are inseparable from the party and the people, and of course, from an important and great man, Chairman Mao.

The Japanese army invaded and occupied China much faster than people thought, Changchun fell, Jilin fell, Qiqihar fell... When the Sino-Japanese national contradictions had become so serious that they had risen to become the main contradictions in the country, the domestic situation began to undergo qualitative changes.

However, although Chairman Mao, Zhu De, and others resolutely advocated resisting Japan, Wang Ming, who had returned from the Soviet Union who held the leadership of the central authorities at that time, and the left-leaning dogmatism represented by Wang Ming could not correctly estimate the major changes in the national situation and adjust tactics in a timely manner.

Wang Ming still believes that the biggest contradiction in China is struggle and counter-struggle, the Japanese invasion of China is mainly related to the Soviet Union, the Japanese occupation of northeast China as the "fuse of the anti-Soviet war", in the september 20 issued a declaration out of touch with the actual slogan of "armed defense of the Soviet Union".

Wang Ming rose up at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, first launching an attack on Qu Qiubai, then moving out his mentor Mifu as a representative of the Communist International, and then proposing a more "left" program than Li Sanli's line by approving Li Sanli's line.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

After Wang Ming went to the Soviet Union with Mifu, Bogu (Qin Bangxian) served as the provisional head of the Central Committee, and in 1933, after Li De, who had just graduated from the Frunze Military Academy, came to China, he moved to the Soviet union with Zhang Wentian (Luo Fu) and Chen Yun, and the Comintern appointed Li De as a military adviser.

In sharp contrast to the "international line" of triumph after entering the central revolutionary base areas was Chairman Mao, the founder of the revolutionary base areas.

In November 1931, ruijin, Jiangxi, the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the first congress of the Central Soviet Region of the Communist Party of China, that is, the "Gannan Conference", which was mainly to summarize the work of the Central Soviet Region in the past.

Chairman Mao attended in his capacity as acting secretary of the Central Bureau of the Soviet Union, at which Chairman Mao was severely criticized.

They threw stones of "narrow experience and short vision," "backward thinking of the peasants," and "mistakes in the line of the kulaks" at Chairman Mao.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

Finally, it is proposed: "We must concentrate all firepower against the rightward leaning", set up the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, exclude Chairman Mao from the leading position of the Red Army in the Central Soviet Region, and the erroneous "Left" ideology will prevail.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > the scenery is unique</h1>

Since the Gannan Conference, Chairman Mao's situation has become extremely difficult, and this difficulty and loneliness has lasted for three long years.

The cruelty of the internal struggle is extreme, the dismissal of posts, the holding of meetings to criticize, and even the absence of any work for a period of time, even silence will be slandered as taoguang and obscurity, but Chairman Mao has not stopped moving forward in the face of severe blows.

He obeyed the leadership and command of the Party, did not have a passive intention to do things, and strived to do more work within a limited scope.

At the time of severe criticism at the Gannan Conference, Chairman Mao became the chairman of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, and even though the efforts of the Central Soviet Region were greatly approved at the Gannan Conference, he still insisted on affirming at the First National Congress of the Chinese Soviet Region the leading and encouraging role of the Central Soviet Region in the national Soviet region, affirming the development achievements of the Central Soviet Region, and acknowledging that there were mistakes and shortcomings in the Central Soviet Region in the past, which must be corrected next.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

Soon after, the Ningdu Uprising broke out, and Ji Zhentong, who led his troops to the Red Army, once said: "When I joined the Red Army, the first thing I believed in Chairman Mao and the second was to believe in Liu Bojian. ”

When Ji Zhentong was sentenced to execution under the influence of the "Left" mistake, Chairman Mao, who was in adversity, still stepped forward to save himself, "from the death penalty to ten years imprisonment", but unfortunately, the 33-year-old Ji Zhen on the eve of the Long March still did not escape the tragic end.

The day after the Ningdu uprising, Zhou Enlai, secretary of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China's Soviet Union, secretly arrived in Ruijin from Shanghai, where Zhou asked Mao about attacking the central city of Jiangxi.

Mao did not agree to attack Ganzhou and advocated hitting Zhangzhou, but the provisional Bogu and the comintern representatives insisted that the original proposal to attack the big cities remained unchanged, and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission ordered the capture of Ganzhou.

A few days later, Chairman Mao presided over a meeting to talk about the domestic situation after the September 18 Incident, holding that the domestic upsurge of resistance against Japan would trigger an upsurge of resistance against Japan and that the situation would inevitably change, but the criticism given to him by the Central Delegation was: If he did not firmly "defend the Soviet Union by force," "it would be a typical right-leaning opportunism," the criticism would come fiercely, Chairman Mao would remain silent and silent, and the situation would become even more difficult.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

In the end, the Red Army failed to attack the city, and just in the middle of the attack on Ganzhou, some people also talked: "Open Ganzhou and settle accounts with Chairman Mao!" ”

In 1962, when Zhu De went out to investigate, he revisited his hometown and wrote "Feelings of Nostalgia through Western Fujian", and explained in his commentary: "The following sentences in the first sentence of this poem are the spirit of Chairman Mao's instructions at that time", "but this is a correct proposition, which has not been adopted":

Don't listen to the immortals' fingers, and seek Wuyi Peak. Cross the Xianxia Ridge and ascend Tiantai Mountain early.

Gan and Fujian are in one piece, until Hangzhou Bay. Attack to strengthen, destroy the enemy here.

In the past three years, Chairman Mao has become a minority again and again, and time and again the correct opinions have not been adopted, and time and again he has foreshadowed failure and must witness failure with his own eyes. Many people read Chairman Mao's poems during this period and think that he always faced it with optimism and that all this was a floating cloud covering his eyes for him at that time, which was more like a process derived from the result, the so-called opening of the "Perspective of God".

In fact, during this period, his poetry and heart were synchronized, and during Chairman Mao's more than two months in Huichang, the southern line of the Central Soviet Region achieved relative stability, which was in stark contrast to the successive serious setbacks on the northern front.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

There is a lanshan mountain outside Huichang City, and one day he took a few warriors up the mountain to look at the distance, so he wrote "Qingping Le Huichang", leaving a famous sentence recited by thousands of people:

The East wants to know, and Mo Daojun is early. The people who have stepped through the green mountains are not old, and the scenery is unique here.

In 1958, Chairman Mao made a comment on this poem, "People who have not aged in Qingshan", "In 1934, the situation was critical, and I was preparing for the Long March, and my mood was depressed.

This "Qing Ping Le", like the previous "Bodhisattva Man", expresses the same state of mind. "How can a poem that many people read with optimism be written depressed?

Reading this poem carefully, "the East wants to know" is actually the bleakness before dawn, "the scenery is good on this side" is only better on this side, while the situation on the other side is still not optimistic, and Chairman Mao is concerned about the entire Chinese battlefield.

He knew that he still had the ability to contribute to the cause of the Chinese revolution, but he could only be excluded and criticized, and the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" failed, and the road of the Chinese revolution would not be so easy.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

But he still believed that the East would dawn. After writing this poem, Chairman Mao hurriedly left Huichang for Ruijin, knowing that the Red Army was about to move through the western expedition, but did not know that he was not on the transfer list.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > thousands of rivers and mountains are just idle</h1>

After Li De arrived in the Central Soviet Region, he became the "Minister of Chincha" of the Communist International, and Wu Xiuquan served as an interpreter for him, and Wu Xiuquan recalled: "At the beginning, they planned not to even take Comrade Chairman Mao with them, but at that time they had already excluded him from the core of the central leadership and were sent to Yudu to conduct investigations and studies. Later, because he was the chairman of the Chinese Soviet and enjoyed high prestige in the army, he was allowed to go on a long march together. ”

History proves that if Chairman Mao had been left behind without the Long March, the history of the Chinese revolution might have been different.

Initially, Bogu and Li De were looking forward to letting Chairman Mao go to the Soviet Union to "recuperate," and Bogu sent people to the Soviet Union to report to Wang Ming: "Mao is wrong in big things, but there is nothing wrong with small things", "Mao and Zhou think of recuperating in the Soviet Union."

I do not want the Comintern to be confused about their meaning, believing that this is the crucial period of anti-"encirclement and suppression" and that "the Soviet union is inseparable from Chairman Mao, so it is not agreed that Comrade Mao will go to the Soviet Union to recuperate."

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

Bogu and Li De, who stole chickens and did not corrupt the rice, were still not dead-hearted, and they also had a plan in mind, since the Comintern would not let Chairman Mao go, then in the name of the Comintern ordered Chairman Mao to stay in the base area of the Central Soviet Region and not let him participate in the Long March, so as to throw Chairman Mao away.

Chairman Mao did not know this news at that time, he first arranged the work of transferring the places in the capital, and then went to Talk to Bogu about Wang Jiaxiang's transfer after returning to Ruijin, and when Chairman Mao helped Wang Jiaxiang win the transfer qualification, he did not know that he was excluded from the transfer list. How did the conspiracy come to light?

Seeing that the other guards of the central leadership had gone to collect the transferred materials, and Chairman Mao's guards had also gone to the collection office for the transferred materials, he found that Chairman Mao was not on the transfer list at all, and hurried back to report.

As soon as the incident broke out, the overwhelming majority of people criticized this, unanimously believing that Chairman Mao, like other central leaders, should be transferred with the army.

The internal struggle on the eve of the Red Army's Long March: Bogu Lide once wanted to get rid of Chairman Mao's spring breeze-ridden "international line" scenery

Bogu and Li De realized that the Central Soviet Zone was established by Chairman Mao alone, and once he was not controlled in the palm of his hand. It is likely that he was still able to achieve great results, so he agreed to Chairman Mao's transfer and was complacent about these thoughts of his own, feeling that he was far-sighted.

Chairman Mao then joined the Long March of the Red Army, and after passing through the first blockade line set up by the Kuomintang army, Chairman Mao sighed: "From now on, we will go out of the Central Soviet Zone!" ”

For the Chinese revolution and Chairman Mao himself, which has withstood countless tests, the beginning of the long march that has attracted worldwide attention and is unprecedented also means that a blockade line has been broken, which has led to the "waiting for idleness in thousands of rivers and mountains."

Text/Shi HaiGuanfu

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