
Revealed: Why was Ji Zhentong, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, mistakenly killed?

author:Chen Guanren

In December 1931, the Kuomintang 26th Route Army revolted in Ningdu, which nearly doubled the strength of the Red Army, and this unit was subsequently reorganized into the Red Fifth Army. However, Ji Zhentong, one of the main leaders of the uprising and the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, was later executed.

What's going on here?

This has to be said in relation to the situation after the uprising of the Fifth Red Army and the situation of Ji Zhentong himself.

Revealed: Why was Ji Zhentong, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, mistakenly killed?

Ji Zhentong was a native of Cangzhou, Hebei Province, at the age of 30. He came from a large family of landlords, lived the life of a young master since he was a child, and had a guard squad in the army, and seven or eight people served him exclusively. He served as the commander of the Feng Yuxiang Pistol Brigade, and after being reorganized into the 26th Route Army, he became the brigade commander of the 74th Brigade. This brigade was strong and well-equipped, and was the main force of the 26th Route Army. It was precisely because Ji Zhentong led the 74th Brigade to participate in the uprising that this large-scale uprising was successfully realized.

Therefore, Ji Zhentong made a great contribution to the Ningdu uprising.

Because of this, he was subsequently appointed by the Party Central Committee as the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army.

After the Ningdu Uprising, Xiao Jinguang was appointed political commissar of the Fifth Red Army, with Ji Zhen as his partner. At first, Ji Zhentong was wary of him, timid and cautious in his work, afraid of being caught by Xiao Jinguang with his pigtails. However, Xiao Jinguang respected him very much, maintained his prestige everywhere, and told him a lot of revolutionary truths. Xiao Jinguang recalls:

Revealed: Why was Ji Zhentong, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, mistakenly killed?

"Ideologically and emotionally, I tried to get as close to him as possible, and I deliberately talked to him about my revolutionary experience, about the National Revolution and the Northern Expedition, and together with him I found common ground in the revolution, so that he could dispel his misgivings, yearn for revolution, build up confidence, and be a good commander of the Red Army... [We] are very harmonious and we trust and help each other. ...... Compared with Zhao Bosheng and Dong Zhentang, the ideological foundation is different, the habits of the old soldiers in him are stronger, the task of ideological transformation is more arduous, and the work we have done to him also needs more. Judging from my contacts with him, his performance is still good, and some of the problems are of an ideological nature, especially after Comrade Mao Zedong talked to him, he often flowed out of high respect for Comrade Mao Zedong. ”

But why was Ji Zhentong later executed?

After the uprising of the 26th Route Army, the enemy was very rebellious against Ji Zhentong, and often sent people and wrote letters. For example, Feng Yuxiang sent Gao Shan to contact him, and he reported Xiao Jinguang. Xiao Jinguang reported to the Party Central Committee, which agreed to meet with the other side. He also sent some of the enemy's counter-letters to Xiao Jinguang. In this regard, Xiao Jinguang later said:

Of course, it is difficult to say whether he has reported the enemy's counter-offensive activities. I think that these reactionary activities of the enemy are very natural, and we cannot stop the enemy from doing so... We did not find any secret anti-water activities carried out by him (Ji Zhentong) on his own initiative. ”

Revealed: Why was Ji Zhentong, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, mistakenly killed?

After a period of time, Ji Zhentong also made a request to Xiao Jinguang to join the party.

At this time, Ji Zhentong was still an old soldier's ideology, which was not enough to meet the conditions for joining the party, but the party Central Committee believed that his proposal to join the party was a manifestation of demanding progress, and it was also conducive to the reorganization of the troops and the stabilization of the thinking of the officers and men of the uprising, and it was necessary to absorb him into the party. Subsequently, the Central Military Commission approved Ji Zhentong as a special party member.

The introducers were Zhou Enlai and Zhu De.

However, Ji Zhentong is Ji Zhentong. Subsequently, the Red Army attacked Ganzhou, Jiangxi, but it could not be attacked for a long time, and there were many casualties. After the Battle of Ganzhou, Ji Zhentong's thinking changed somewhat, and he proposed to leave the Red Fifth Army to study in the Soviet Union. To this end, Xiao Jinguang talked to him from the heart and sincerely retained him. He still did not change his original intention, saying: "I am a young master, I do not understand the military, the Red Army has to march and fight every day, I have no command ability, and I cannot bear hardships, and I still wear the hat of an old warlord, and I still hope to go to the Soviet Union to study military affairs." ”

He also said to Xiao Jinguang: "Please rest assured, I will not go back to Chiang Kai-shek, I have already led the troops to revolt, I have become the commander-in-chief of the Red Army, I am still a party member, I will definitely kill the head when I go back, and I will not give the head to them to kill." I won't go back to Feng Yuxiang either. I wanted to go to the Soviet Union to study. ”

Revealed: Why was Ji Zhentong, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, mistakenly killed?

After the uprising of Ji Zhentong, the general attitude was good, actively cooperated with the reorganization, and also performed well in the Battle of Ganzhou. Xiao Jinguang said that he did not find that he had any regrets or rebellious intentions. But why did he leave the Red Army? Xiao Jinguang believes that the main reasons are:

He felt that the lack of military command of the Red Army and the fear of the hard life of the Red Army were real. At the same time, they are still not at ease with our party's policies, they still have concerns, and they still carry a certain ideological baggage. The rebels went back, knowing that there would be no good results, and proposed that going to the Soviet Union to study was the only better way out. After studying, he was reborn, had a good reputation, and came back to join the revolution before he could have a future. ”

Xiao Jinguang sent a telegram requesting instructions to the Party Central Committee.

The Party Central Committee agreed to Ji Zhentong's request to study in the Soviet Union.

Ji Zhentong asked to be given some travel expenses, and the Party Central Committee agreed.

As a result, Ji Zhentong left the Red Fifth Army. While leaving, Xiao Jinguang held a farewell party in the Red Fifth Army. Ji Zhentong left everything behind, including the guard squad, and only took a bodyguard to Ruijin, preparing to go to the Soviet Union.

After Ji Zhentong left, Dong Zhentang took over as the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army.

Revealed: Why was Ji Zhentong, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Red Army, mistakenly killed?

Who knew that soon there would be a "Rebellion by Ji and Huang".

What's going on?

In May, the so-called "Ji and Huang conspiracy rebellion" occurred. First Huang Zhongyue, commander of the Red 15th Army in Zhangzhou, was arrested, and then Ji Zhentong was also arrested.

Huang Zhongyue and Ji Zhentong are classmates and close associates of Ji Zhentong. After the Ningdu Uprising, Huang Zhongyue's troops were reorganized into the Red 15th Army and assigned to the Red First Army. Huang Zhongyue's "conspiracy to rebel" occurred in the Red First Army.

Historical data on the causes and consequences of the Ji Huang conspiracy rebellion are unknown.

After their arrest, Ji and Huang were held at a public trial and sentenced to death, but later sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for their meritorious efforts in leading the Ningdu uprising.

Originally, ten years in prison, they would not die. However, in 1934, before the Long March, Bogu and others ordered the execution of the two before evacuating the base area.

In this regard, Xiao Jinguang later said: "For decades, I have always had some ideas about this case. ”

While in Yan'an, Mao Zedong also said: "It is not right to kill Ji and Huang." ”

After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong said at a meeting of high-ranking cadres: "Ji and Huang were meritorious in the Ningdu uprising, without them, the victory of the entire uprising would be impossible, and it would be wrong to execute them." ”

In 1982, Ji Zhentong and Huang Zhongyue were publicly rehabilitated and their reputations restored.

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