
Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

author:Yu Sheng Films


CCTV is a platform full of talents, and many professional and excellent hosts have emerged over the years.

Shui Junyi is one of them.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

At the peak of his career, he served as the host of many CCTV signature programs such as "Oriental Time and Space", "Focus Moment" and "International Observation".

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

And in a few years, he interviewed hundreds of celebrity politicians.

What is even more rare is that in the course of an interview, he also received a precious hug from the king of the fighting nation.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

With high-quality hosting and interview skills, Shui Junyi has won the Golden Microphone Award and the title of CCTV Top Ten Hosts for many times.

It can be said that in the hosting world, Shui Junyi is a well-known figure.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

However, such a man surrounded by honor and aura has also had the experience of being spurned by the public.

Once, during the 2003 Iraq War, he was hailed as a "deserter" as a war correspondent who had evacuated early.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Another time was when he divorced his first wife and turned around to marry a colleague who was 13 years younger, so the label of abandoning his sick wife and marrying a new wife was also attached to Shui Junyi's body.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

So how does the mixed reputation of Shui Junyi view these two criticisms, and what kind of little-known life experience does he have?


Speaking of Shui Junyi, we have to talk about his family lineage first.

Shui Junyi is a native of Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and was once a famous and prestigious family in the local shui family.

Shui Junyi was a craftsman who made felt hats and other items, because the business of their family was very good, and the family was very well-off.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Several children of Grandpa Shui Junyi's generation entered private schools and received a good education.

Among them, Shui Junyi's grandfather had the best results, he was admitted to xiucai when he was a teenager, and his career was very bright in the Republic of China period.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Their family also built a private garden covering an area of more than 100 acres, called Shuijia Garden, when local celebrities regarded visiting Shuijia Garden as a matter of light on the face.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, this gentleman, who was known as the first in Lanzhou, also held many important positions in Gansu, and Shui Junyi's father and uncle also achieved success in their studies.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

However, with the advent of the special era, the water family also seems to have suffered a fierce wind and rain.

Shui Junyi's aunt was young, beautiful and versatile, but she died unexpectedly in that era, his father, who was a professor, was also driven to clean the toilet, and the eldest brother, who was much older, shui Junyi, also had mental problems because of the stimulation.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

The family's household does not last until the end of the month every month, and going out to borrow food is almost every month.

That is, when the tide of this era is coming, Shui Junyi was born in this down-and-out scholarly door and spent a unique childhood.


Shui Junyi was born in 1963, because of the influence of family composition, he was the one who was bullied since he was in school.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

But despite this, Shui Junyi has never been afraid.

Speaking of that time, he said that he didn't feel anything sad, I didn't lose them in the fight, and I didn't learn from them as well as me.

It is true that this is true, perhaps because of the strong cultural influence of the family, or the inheritance of the family's excellent IQ, in short, Shui Junyi's results are always among the best, and it is still in the case of not having much heart to study.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

After graduating from junior high school, Shui Junyi was easily admitted to the provincial key high school, but after studying there for a while, he felt that he was not adapted to everything here, so Shui Junyi discussed with his parents and transferred to the city key.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

I have to say that Shui Junyi's parents are really not ordinary enlightened, and he is not generally willful.

After studying for a while in the city, Shui Junyi had the idea of transferring to a normal high school, and the biggest reason why he had such a ridiculous idea was that he liked a girl at that school.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Although everyone is familiar with Shui Junyi always has a wise and stable image, he will also fight for love in the green years.

Worried that his parents would not agree to his transfer again, this time Shui Junyi did not tell them at all.

He approached the principal alone, proposed that he wanted to transfer, and made up reasonable reasons.

When the principal asked for his father's letter of attestation, Shui Junyi practiced according to his father's font for a week, forging a letter that was enough to be fake and real, and deceived the principal.


On that occasion, Shui Junyi was transferred to the school where he wanted the girl, and interestingly, his father did not know until more than a month later.

The tolerant father did not punish his rebellious son, which would have been unthinkable in the present.

However, I have to admit that Shui Junyi is indeed talented in learning.

With a few months to go before the college entrance examination, Shui Junyi did not know why he insisted on transferring to the liberal arts class, and the teachers at that time felt incredible.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

History, geography, English level are stuck in the junior high school stage, transfer to the liberal arts class crane tail?

But Shui Junyi was able to eat the scales and iron heart, those months were probably the only hard reading time in his academic career, he borrowed his own teaching materials, and reviewed and practiced at home day and night.

Four months later, Shui Junyi became the liberal arts champion of Gansu Province that year.

It was 1980, and four years later, shui Junyi, who graduated from college, went straight to work at Xinhua News Agency.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Although Shui Junyi has developed well in Xinhua News Agency, he has really been unknown in the course of 10 years.

During that time, he did cleaning and tidying up every day, and the rest of the time he spent somewhat leisurely, which was much different from the state of work he imagined.

Around the 1990s, the Chinese people fell into the boom of going to the sea, and Shui Junyi almost resigned to become the public relations manager of a company.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

However, at the thought of it, he tore up his resignation letter and continued his work as a journalist. But soon Shui Junyi's career ushered in a new turning point, and there was a new identity in life.


In 1993, CCTV 1 launched a new morning news program "Oriental Time and Space", and a group of young journalists such as Shui Junyi and Bai Yansong were selected as program hosts.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

After a month as a host on CCTV, Shui Junyi was recognized by his brother when he went out to take a taxi, which gave him a feeling of being recognized.

Since then, Shui Junyi and CCTV have formed a fate for decades.

It was also in that year that Shui Junyi and the child of his first wife, Wang Jun, Were born.

There are many theories on the Internet about what Wang Jun does.

Some media outlets say that Wang Jun is the hotel foreman, with reports that she is engaged in financial work, and rumors that she, like Shui Junyi, is a journalist.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

There are also many theories about the way she met Shui Junyi, some saying that they were introduced by people, and some people saying that it was because Wang Jun picked up Shui Junyi's phone book that they were able to meet.

Judging from the above various information, Wang Jun is a very mysterious woman.

But what is certain is that she married Shui Junyi in 1991, and Shui Junyi also showed decisiveness in the matter of marriage.

Only 3 days before the marriage, he told his parents the news that he was going to marry Wang Jun, and the couple, who had always been enlightened, were not surprised.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

After marriage, Wang Jun accompanied Shui Junyi for more than ten years, during which most of the family's affairs fell on Wang Jun's body, and Shui Junyi gave more time to work.

In 2003, Shui and his colleagues traveled to Iraq to report on the battlefield, and they were ready, but a week before the war, Shui received instructions from his leaders to evacuate all Chinese journalists.

In order to stay and continue to report, Shui Junyi thought about resigning, thinking about tearing off his passport, and thinking about various ways to let him stay.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

However, in the end, he was forced to withdraw under the pressure of the leadership.

And it was this evacuation that became a point where he was ridiculed by the public.


Logically, Shui Junyi withdrew to do things according to instructions, but it happened that at that time, a female reporter from Phoenix TV entered the battlefield baghdad.

As soon as the two sides were compared, public opinion was thus generated.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

However, Shui Junyi, who was abroad at the time, was unaware of these things, because when he heard that a Chinese reporter had entered Baghdad, he immediately seized the opportunity and returned to the battlefield to continue reporting, and conducted a 20-minute connection with Bai Yansong at home.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

To this day, some people still scoff at his approach, but Shui Junyi has long ceased to dwell on it after recounting the ins and outs of the events in his new book.

He said, I am not ashamed.

In fact, if you know the resume of Shui Junyi, you will know that since the early 1990s, he has been deep into the battlefield many times, reporting on the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, and the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Whether a veteran journalist with many years of experience in field interviews will escape from the battlefield, I believe that everyone has their own evaluation in their hearts.

It is often said that blessings are incomparable, and misfortunes are not alone.

In 2004, Shui Junyi, who had just been sneered at by the public, experienced the pain of losing his father.

Since then, he has taken his mother and eldest brother, who cannot fully take care of himself, to Beijing, and rented a room for them and hired a nanny to take good care of them.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

The mother was extremely dependent on this son, and when Shui Junyi was not busy, she would basically visit her twice a week, and she would be in contact by phone every day.

Once he was too busy, forgot to call his mother, did not expect that the old man was angry, called Shui Junyi, shouted to go back to Lanzhou, for which Shui Junyi only tried to coax.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother


On this side, the mother has just adapted to life in Beijing, and Shui Junyi's marriage has problems again.

In 2009, an unknown person broke the news online that Wang Jun had been paralyzed, and although this news was not confirmed, it spread on the Internet.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Around that time, Shui Junyi was also photographed in the same frame as Yang Di, a reporter of CCTV Sports Channel.

In 2010, the news of Shui Junyi's marriage to his 13-year-old Yang Di came out, and all kinds of insults appeared on the Internet for a while.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

There are rumors that Shui Junyi's daughter Shui Yishi has publicly supported her father and clarified that her parents had divorced as early as 2007.

Although there is no corroboration on the Internet to confirm that Shui Yishi said such a thing, her support and love for her father on various occasions is indeed very sincere.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Now Shui Junyi and Yang Di have given birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, named Shui Yizuo and Shui Yiyou.

His eldest daughter Shui Yishi is also very willing to be close to the half-siblings, and she has offered to go out with her father to see the world with a pair of cute babies.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Presumably, Shui Yishi, who has experienced Shui Junyi's divorce, should know the truth better than the unknown people who broke the news on the Internet, and her attitude towards Shui Junyi also explains everything.

The attitude of these rumors is to ignore them, after all, his time should be used to forge ahead in his career, and it must also be used to carry a family with old and small.

Today, Shui Junyi is 58 years old, but his style will still appear in the dialogue column of CCTV.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

Because of the profession of reporter and host, Shui Junyi's life looks extremely wonderful, but in fact, in so many years of career, he has paid and insisted on much more than honor.

And because it did not meet the expectations of the public, it was ridiculed as a deserter, and Shui Junyi was not the first, nor the last.

Filial piety to the water is equally beneficial: after raising a disabled brother for 17 years, he can rest assured that he will take care of his old mother

In 2008, Liu Xiang, a flyer who is regarded as the light of Chinese athletes, also suffered such public attacks.

More than a decade later, volkswagen began to reflect on whether it owed Liu Xiang an apology.

In fact, everyone in this world is not a saint, the masses who have hurt others by emotional agitation are not, and the water is naturally not.

He was just an ordinary journalist, living his ordinary life.

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