
Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

author:International Online
Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

The picture on the left shows Jabari's previous appearance, and the picture on the right shows his new face after undergoing facial reconstruction surgery in Melbourne. (Screenshot of web page)

International Online Article: According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on June 28, Yahya El Jabaly, a 3-year-old boy in Morocco, has not been able to see his eyes, nose and maxillae on his face since birth. After he underwent facial reconstruction surgery in Australia a few days ago, Jabari changed the facial bone structure and obtained a new face, hoping to live a normal life.

Jabari was born in a village near the northern Moroccan city of Casablanca. He suffered complications in his mother's body that resulted in unsuccessfully shaping the facial bones and deforming the back of birth. In 2014, Jabari's story was reported by the media and he was taken to Melbourne for surgery.

Despite rare deformities in appearance, Jabari strives to grow into a happy and healthy child. But in his hometown, Jabari is socially ostracized, and parents can only hide it, fearing that his appearance will scare others. Due to facial defects, Jabari was unable to speak and could only communicate with people through a muffled voice.

The reconstructive surgery was scheduled to take 8 hours, but it was performed for 18 hours. When they first saw their son's new face, Jabari's parents burst into tears of joy. His father, Mostafa, said: "It is a great joy and happiness to see a new face of a son in such a situation. ”

Jabari's photo was posted on Facebook and happened to be seen by Fatima Baraka, a well-wisher who lives in Melbourne. She searched for doctors willing to operate on the "faceless" child, and finally managed to find Dr. Tony Holmes, who was willing to help. (Shen Shuhua)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Despite rare deformities in his appearance, Jabari strives to grow into a happy and healthy child. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Jabari was born with deformities and no eyes, nose, or maxillae on his face. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Jabari, 3, lives with his parents in a small village near Casablanca. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

The reconstructive surgery was scheduled to take 8 hours, but it was performed for 18 hours. Jabari lost almost half of his body's blood, and even his skull was opened. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Jabari poses with his sister. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Although Jabari was loved by his parents, he still needed to cover his face when he left the house so as not to frighten people. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Jabari was ostracized in the village and doctors refused to operate on him. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Baraka, who lives in Melbourne, heard about Jabari and tried to help him. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Dr Holmes has performed separation surgery on Bangladeshi-born twins and reconstructed Jabari last December. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

Jabari underwent a series of tests, including MRI and CT. (Screenshot of web page)

Moroccan boy born without nose eyes went to Australia for plastic surgery to get a new face (Photos) - News

The surgery connected Jabari's skull and doctors reshaped his nose with skin. (Screenshot of web page)

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