
It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

author:Squirrel kitchen
It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Born in the 70s and 80s, no one can not remember the chicken cake they ate as a child, right?

The chicken cake of my childhood, soft, fragrant, full of egg flavor, can be fragrant! At that time, there were not many delicious cakes, even such small cakes were not available every day, and occasionally two small cakes were reluctant to eat at once.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Since entering the baking pit, large and small cakes have also been made a lot, but this childhood favorite chicken cake, to this time is still particularly fond of eating, the family also likes, every time after doing it, wait for the next day to eat it.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

This chicken cake, the method is not difficult at all, do not separate the egg white egg yolk, the egg is poured into the basin, add sugar directly to send, very simple, as long as you pay attention to the degree of distribution. Pay attention to the mixing method and do not defoam. If you are sending the egg paste in place, it is not easy to defoam it!

Every step has a clear picture, it is certainly no problem to follow it, give it a try!

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

——【Old-fashioned Chicken Cake】——

【Ingredients】: 4 eggs, 30 grams of milk, 20 grams of corn oil, 60 grams of caster sugar, 120 grams of low gluten flour, melon seeds or white sesame seeds

【Preparation steps】:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients you need before you start making them, so as not to be in a hurry.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 2: Lay the mold with a paper mold, no paper mold can also brush with softened butter, it is easier to release the mold after baking.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 3: Beat 4 eggs in a clean bowl and add all the caster sugar. This is the recipe for sponge cake without separating the egg whites and yolks.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 4: Start with an electric whisk to start the whipping, first low-speed to prevent egg liquid splashing, and then adjust the high-speed whisk until you pull up the whisk, the dripping egg paste stacked together will not disappear immediately, so that the cake paste will be sent to the finished.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 5: Next, sift the low gluten flour into the egg paste. The purpose of sifting low-gluten flour is to prevent uneven agitation of flour clumps, and the second is to filter out impurities in the flour.

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It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 6: Mix the milk and corn oil in a small bowl, scoop a spoonful of beaten egg paste and stir well.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 7: Pour back into the egg paste, mix well in the way of mixing, remember not to stir at will, that will seriously defoam, directly resulting in the cake not fluffy.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 8: Put into a framed flower bag, squeeze into the mold, sprinkle with melon seeds, no melon seeds can also be used with white sesame seeds. You can also scoop it in with a small spoon without a mounting bag, but the mounting bag is more convenient.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Step 9: Preheat the oven in advance, preheat it for 10 minutes at 180 degrees above and below the heat, after the preheating is completed, send the mold into the lower layer of the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. The temperature of each oven is different, and it can be adjusted according to the temperature at which you usually bake.

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Remove from the mold and let cool on the grill. Such a small cake is ready, and the chicken cake I ate as a child tasted exactly the same, and the bite is full of egg flavor, really fragrant! This kind of chicken cake without separating the egg white egg yolk is really very simple, that is, the time to pass the time is slightly longer than the egg cake, but as long as it is delicious, it does not matter how long it is, you say no?

It's so simple! My favorite old-fashioned chicken cake as a child, full of egg flavor, really fragrant

Every foodie is happy. I'm one of them. Thanks for reading, for more home cookbooks please pay attention to: @Squirrel Chef. It is my original intention to make healthy and delicious dishes with simple ingredients. If you like the squirrel chef's article, please like, comment, share it with more friends! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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