
Scarlett Johansson: The "Box Office Queen" stubbornly fights back

author:Bright Net
Scarlett Johansson: The "Box Office Queen" stubbornly fights back

Left: After returning to the embrace of small-budget films, Scarlett Johansson experimented with multiple scenes. The picture shows stills from "Jojo's Whimsical World".

The 92nd Academy Awards have been announced, and Scarlett Johansson, who won the double nominations for best actress and supporting actress for "Marriage Story" and "Jojo's Whimsical World", returned empty-handed. Because she played the beautiful and sexy "Black Widow" in the super blockbuster "Avengers" series, and won the highest salary of an actress in the history of American films, she never gave up the opportunity to transform and try a variety of dramas. The successful transformation of idol stars is not an easy task, Scarlett with rare stubborn courage, with strength of mind and ability to get rid of the "vase" routine, on the road of acting actors such as walking on thin ice, step by step for the camp persistently forward.

The 36-year-old American actress has been in the film for 26 years, portraying more than 60 roles, and has received heavyweight awards and nominations including Golden Globe Awards, British Academy Film Awards, and Screen Actors Guild Awards. Despite the failure of this oscar shock, the world has seen the stubborn counterattack of the "box office queen", who does not want to be squeezed out of the surplus value of "Black Widow" and refuses to be frequently consumed as a sex symbol in commercial films.

Precocious personality and hoarse voice, maverick child stars growing up

Scarlett Johansson was born in New York, her grandfather was a screenwriter and director, and her mother was a producer. Although she dreamed of being on Broadway since she was a child, Scarlett stumbled from the beginning, because one of the first things she learned when she entered the industry was to "reject the script". At that time, most children were still satisfied with taking over the commercial, but she scoffed, "I don't want to promote cereal, I just want to act." With stubbornness and pure obsession, Scarlett's wait paid off. In the Ex-Broadway drama "The Wise Debater", she was given a dragon suit role, although she only had two lines, but stood on the same stage as Ethan Hawke, who starred in "The Death Poetry Society".

Scarlett's "resources" in the film industry are not bad, and the screen debut "Prodigal Bodyguard" gathered stars such as Ilya Wood and Bruce Willis, and then she appeared in "Just Defense" starring Sean Connery. "The Prodigal Bodyguard" was released in 1994 and received six worst nominations for the "Golden Plum Award" the following year, but Scarlett saw the strangeness of Hollywood. In the vast film industry system, most actors are just vague "tool people", and all kinds of stylized performances are far from her ideals. Scarlett was fascinated by Hollywood from 1930 to 1960, a period of grace that included her favorite Judy Garland.

Her maverick personality and naturally hoarse voice have put Scarlett on a very different path from sweet child stars like Drew Barrymore. In 1996, Scarlett starred in "Sister Manny" as a young girl who assisted her pregnant sister in escaping, and her helpless and lonely look hit the softness of the audience's heart. The film not only earned Scarlett her first major Best Actress nomination, but also brought Hollywood to the attention of this beautiful face. In 1998, she appeared in Robert Redford's self-written and self-directed film The Horse Whisperer, playing a world-weary and lonely disabled girl who showed her mature acting skills. In 2003, Scarlett ushered in the transformation of the work "Lost in Tokyo", 19-year-old Scarlett played a 25-year-old young woman, the first mature she burst out of the amazing energy, the confused and melancholy loneliness and the sense of wandering in a foreign country to the fullest. Immediately after, she starred in "The Girl with the Pearl Earrings". Both films nominated her for both a Feature Film and a Comedy Actress at the 2004 Golden Globe Awards, making her the most popular newcomer in Hollywood.

Being labeled puts Starway in a difficult situation and returns to Broadway to find the true nature of the actor

"Lost in Tokyo" brings Scarlett not only success, but also difficulties. In Hollywood's most beautiful millennium era, the film company is becoming a gluttony devouring all the elements of commercial value, and Scarlett is its freshest prey, after all, blonde and plump female characters are the standard hollywood commercial films. Soon, her collaborators included the names of big directors such as Christopher Nolan and Brian de Palma, and even became Woody Allen's "muse." However, in films such as Escape from Clone Island, Deadly Magic, Black Dahlia, Scoop, and Endgame, Scarlett plays the role of sweet seduction, but is frequently consumed as a sex symbol.

"I'm going to disguise myself as someone else's." Scarlett once admitted to encountering confusion during that time, "They labeled me 'sexy', and I had to dive into the image set by others and try to adapt." The huge commercial success made "sexy" the sign that Scarlett wanted to tear off the most but couldn't let go, and she still resisted inside. In 2009, Scarlett returned to Broadway and starred in the classic stage play "A Glimpse on the Bridge", "reinventing" as a newcomer. Eight performances a week, 14 consecutive weeks, overloaded performances made Scarlett reborn. She used a Tony Award for Best Supporting Actress trophy to find the authenticity of the actor.

Since then, charm and unrestrainedness are no longer shackles that restrict acting skills, thousands of styles are only the appearance of skin bags, and interesting souls release deadly charm. In 2010, Scarlett joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe as "Black Widow" Natasha Romanov in Iron Man 2. Black skinny leather jackets, short fiery red curls, beautiful fights, cool and sexy superheroes "ruled" the Marvel Universe for 10 years. The new film "Black Widow" is expected to be released in May this year, and Scarlett Johansson has reportedly paid $25 million (excluding dividends), making her the highest-paid actress in a single Hollywood film. "It took me a long time to peel back the surface to reveal the mental trauma of the characters." Scarlett revealed in the interview, "Hopefully, this film will give the audience inspirational power." ”

Jump off the superhero chariot and get back into the arms of a low-budget movie

"Black Widow" became Scarlett Johansson's identity, pioneering a new style of "superhero" cinema. She has successively starred in the science fiction movies "Under the Skin Bag", "Superbody", "Ghost in the Shell" that are both acclaimed and popular, and even in the movie "Her" only rely on a unique low smoke voice to interpret the "heart" of artificial intelligence. However, when the "Avengers" series came to an end, Scarlett resolutely jumped off the "chariot" and returned to the embrace of small-budget movies. "I don't judge a movie by the numbers in my budget table, I don't judge a movie that I don't want to go to out of my own pocket." The biggest benefit of her $45 million in annual income is that she has to turn around and never have to work for a living or compromise for her reputation.

In fact, not everyone can get away with the mature big IP, and Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow, who also bid farewell to Marvel, are in trouble. It's even easier for a "phenomenal" idol star to make a successful transition, with Kate Winslet nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress in Titanic in 1998 and not winning the jury's approval for "The Reader" until 11 years later; Leonardo DiCaprio "ran" for 23 years from "A Different Sky" to "The Revenant Hunter" before he got the Oscar. Scarlett Johansson did not get caught up in the role of "Black Widow", but with a stubborn courage, she used her mind and ability to create many identities that made her comfortable, the most important of which was the actor.

Today, the topic surrounding Scarlett is Jojo's Whimsical World and Marriage Story, the first two films of her career to actually play the role of parent. In "Jojo's Whimsical World", Scarlett Johansson's mother Rosie, played by Scarlett Johnson, is the warmest light, bright and gentle and strong and stoic; in "Marriage Story", she has become a wife Nicole who has suffered a marriage change, and has experienced a divorce dilemma from grievances and helplessness to fierce determination. Neither of these characters wins by appearance, but with a frank but precise interpretation, it shows the struggle of women facing fate. Coincidentally, in both films, there are scenes of shoelaces, with Rosie tying jojo's shoelaces as a metaphor for the child's growth, and Nicole's interaction with her divorced husband attests to the strong inertia of marriage. A set of simple actions expresses very different subtexts in different situations, and contains a touching appeal. (Reporter/Xuanjing)

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