
Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

author:South Window Cultural Life

On December 3, 1976, radio DJ Tao Xiaoqing organized the "Western Folk Concert" at Tamsui College of Arts and Sciences, and Hu Defu was one of the invited guests.

But when he was eating hot pot the night before, he had a big fight with the hooligans, and a chopstick was inserted into his back, so naturally he couldn't act, so he asked his friend Li Shuangze to perform instead of him.

During the performance, because the repertoire was all Western music, Li Shuangze became more and more angry the more he looked at it, so he took the Coca-Cola in his hand and questioned the students on the stage:

"We're in the Philippines, drinking Coca-Cola and listening to these songs; in Spain, drinking Coca-Cola, listening to these songs; in the United States, drinking Coca-Cola, listening to these songs.

Now, in Taiwan, we still drink Coca-Cola and listen to these songs.

So where's our song? ”

Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

The students in the audience were stunned.

What is "Our Song"? No one knows.

Li Shuangze sang the tune of "The Commemorative Song of the Father of the Nation" on the stage——— which is the second page of the Taiwanese primary school textbook.

The era of Taiwanese campus folk songs led by Hu Defu and Li Shuangze began.

At Li Xiangshan's "funeral" in "Very Do Not Disturb 2", when he said goodbye to his friends and lovers one by one, Hu Dev's "Hurry" came from the background music of the movie.

This is probably the first time most people have come into contact with the work of the musician, who rarely does commercial operations, and in this part of the film that is unclear whether it is drama or tragedy, this "Hurry" brings a hint of black humor to the film.

There are always people who say that these keywords are inseparable from folk songs: distance, time and life.

Khudev has always believed that folk songs are music that grows from the land.

Therefore, he never shy away from the words ideals and vicissitudes, because everyone's personality is different, and his life experience is different, but in the face of time, everyone is small.

Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

Most folk singers like to look at the world pessimistically, and the songs they write are naturally negative energy, so they bring the audience a subconscious of "folk singers are either poor or lost".

But Hoodev, the silver-haired old man, faced with the rush of time, smiled and said that I was still childish.

Hudev wrote songs, and it gave me a feeling of not being happy with things and not being sad with myself, because he stood too high.

Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

My two favorite songs, "Hurry", one from Li Zongsheng and Li Jianqing, and one from Hu Defu.

Li Zongsheng's "Hurry" is like eating freshly baked corn by the fire while telling a story, and Hu Defu seems to be at the end of the world, but he stands on the highest reef on the east side of the Taitung Sea and looks out.

Hoodev graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages, but he chose to make his own music, insisting on expressing his deep love for the land with aboriginal expressions.

Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

He has been singing in a Colombian café since 1972 and has met friends in the literary and art circles such as Jiang Xun, Hu Yinmeng, Zhang Aijia, Li Zongsheng, Cai Qin, and Qi Yu, but in 2005 he released his first solo album "Hurry".

In 2006, Hu Defu received 6 nominations at the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards for "Hurry", and won the Best Song of the Year and Best Lyrics Awards.

In the same year, he gave a solo concert in Taipei, which is said to have brought together more than a thousand Taiwanese cultural figures and blue-green politicians.

The two parties, sitting calmly side by side, listened to Hoodev.

This is Hoodev. The meaning conveyed by his music can transcend partisanship and race, and no matter how much political prejudice people are, under his piano and thick voice, they will let down their guard and hatred.

He has been singing for decades, never because others are more popular than himself, nor has he made money on albums that he is not satisfied with, and he has never shown the slightest impetuosity for fame and desire, and has always maintained a pure heart.

Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

Some people call Hoodev's singing style "Ocean Blues", whether singing or composing, he never is delicate and contrived, and unlike the reasons why folk songs are criticized, he is upright, kind, enthusiastic and calm.

He writes the scenery song is to write the scenery, the homesickness song is to miss his hometown, his output is not high, but no one blames him, because his music is all feeling.

Not to mention that Hu Defu sings blues, and even covers Qi Yu's "Olive Tree" has its own charm and understanding in it.

I listened to Hu Defu in Beijing and have been to Taiwan because of his music.

If I had to find a word to describe this great musician and his hometown, there would be only the word "clean", and his singing voice was like a church hymn, so clean that I felt that my soul was humble and obscene.

One man, one city.

Chinese deep-seated attachment to his hometown is vividly expressed in his work. Listening to his album is like standing on a boat sailing in the Pacific Ocean, across the sea from The Beautiful Island.

And he is the black-footed albatross who hovers around the island and sings for a long time.

Who is Hudev, who makes Bai Yansong admire?

As I rode around the coastline of Kenting, blowing the clean and refreshing sea breeze of the Pacific coast, all that came to mind was the appearance of this old man with gray eyebrows and gray hair when he threw himself into the ground.

Meanwhile, at the end of the prelude, he set the microphone straight and took a deep breath, which was the familiar song "The Wind of the Pacific Ocean."

"As soon as he spoke, the whole world fell silent."

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