
Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Steaming buns at home, you can try sauce meat buns, sauce flavor is strong, more delicious than fresh meat buns, come and learn

Buns are a kind of breakfast that many people love to eat, whether northerners or southerners, they all have the same enthusiasm for buns, especially northerners, when they don't know what to eat for breakfast, they go to buy a few large meat buns to solve. However, to say that the best buns, or have to make their own hands, I know the taste I love to eat, and clean and hygienic, so as long as I have time, I will steam a cage of buns to relieve hunger, every time I make it, the whole family praises me for doing well, much better than buying.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

Buns can make different fillings, and the most popular bun stuffing is fresh meat filling, bite on a bite of fresh fragrant juice, mouth fragrant, eat too much enjoyment, before I always thought that fresh meat buns are the best, but later in a friend's house after eating a sauce meat bun, I found that the original meat stuffing can do this, it is even more delicious than fresh meat buns.

Don't know if you've ever eaten a meat bun with sauce? Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn!

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

Do fresh meat buns to be able to adjust the meat filling, if the meat stuffing is not well adjusted, there will be a fishy taste, eating is not fragrant, but also may not taste soft, eat some dry, some greasy, and do sauce meat buns, simple and easy to use, with sauce fried on the line.

So how to make a sauce meat bun? What materials do I need to use? Making sauce meat buns at home is simpler than making fresh meat buns, teaching you how to make noodles and mixing fillings, easy to learn! Let me share the specific method of the sauce meat bun, come and see, let's make it together.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

Steps to prepare the sauce meat bun:

Prepare a piece of pork, you can use pork belly or front leg meat, plum blossom meat can be, in short, do not use pure lean meat, otherwise the taste is not very good. Prepare some shiitake mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms and meat with a perfect match, the flavoring effect is particularly good, eating is not greasy, there is no sense of abruptness, you can use fresh shiitake mushrooms, you can also use dried shiitake mushrooms.

Don't rush to make the filling, first knead the dough and ferment well, the key to the delicious bun is not only the filling, but also the bun skin, which must be fluffy and soft.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

Take an appropriate amount of flour into the basin, such as 300 grams of flour, put in 3 grams of yeast powder, 3 grams of white sugar to increase the speed of the noodles, put it well and stir evenly, then mix it with warm water, add warm water into the flour and stir, add water until there is no dry flour, become a large dough floc.

Knead the dough into a dough, the smoother the better, cover up for fermentation, it is best to put it in a warm place, let the dough ferment quickly, if you are not in a hurry, feel free to put it, and wait until the dough is twice as large as before using it.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

After the dough is fermented, we will quickly make the filling, the pork will be peeled and chopped into a meat filling after rinsing, the particles are not too large, do not chop into the mud, the state of small particles can be, put aside and set aside.

Wash the shiitake mushrooms, cut into small cubes and set aside, mince the ginger and set aside, and finely chop the green onion and set aside.

Prepare a non-stick pan, put the oil and heat it to 50% of the oil temperature, pour the meat filling into the pan and stir-fry, fry until it changes color, if there is no non-stick pan at home, use the hot pan to cool the oil, avoid sticking the pan, the iron pot is hot after the oil is boiled and then heated again, pour out the hot oil into the cool oil, and then put the meat filling and stir-fry.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

Stir-fry until the color changes, add ginger and chopped green onion and stir-fry, stir-fry several times and then pour in a little cooking wine, stir-fry several times on high heat, and the alcohol volatilizes.

Then add shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry, stir-fry evenly, add soybean sauce, sweet noodle sauce and stir-fry, stir-fry evenly and then turn off the heat.

The filling is stirred several times with chopsticks to dissipate heat, and when it is not hot, the dough is processed. Take out the fermented dough and knead it several times on the board for at least ten minutes, the purpose is to make the dough smooth and delicate, and the skin of the bun is more delicious, so don't be lazy.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

After kneading, cut into a powder, sprinkle with dry flour, roll out into a bun skin after pressing, if the hand speed is relatively slow, pay attention to cover the dough that has not been processed, so as to avoid the surface drying out and affecting the taste.

After the filling is cool, wrap it into a bun (if you are afraid of not wrapping it well, the filling can be made in advance and refrigerated for an hour or two), the bun is put into the steamer, covered up and woke up again, when the bun becomes larger in size and the weight becomes lighter, then open the fire to steam the bun.

After steaming, continue to steam for fifteen minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for five minutes, then you can take out the bun, the first bite of the aroma is fragrant, so delicious.

Steamed buns at home, you can try the sauce meat buns, the sauce is fragrant, more delicious than the fresh meat buns, come and learn

Have you learned all the methods of sauce meat buns? Do you think it is simpler than the fresh meat bun method, have the opportunity to make a cage to taste it, and make sure you eat it once and think about it next time. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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