
Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Yellow peaches are listed, make canned yellow peaches at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, want to eat and learn to do

Summer is coming, the hot weather makes people a little troublesome, but in addition, the summer is still very good, such as the summer can eat ice cream cold ice cream, can eat spicy and delicious crayfish, can eat a variety of seasonal fruits, and so on, these people can not hate the summer. I like most people especially like to eat fruit, and the summer fruit is particularly rich, like watermelon, cantaloupe, dragon fruit, peach are very delicious, and now see the yellow peach on the market, I made a few bottles of yellow peach canned, children especially like to eat, than eat yellow peach directly is happier.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

Yellow peach this fruit, although it is a kind of peach, but always feel that direct eating is not delicious enough, not as sweet as red peaches, perhaps because of this, yellow peaches are mostly in the form of canned, made into canned become very popular, sweet and delicious, eat and want to eat.

Supermarkets sell canned yellow peaches, but most of these cans have additives, in order to extend the shelf life has to do this, and we want to eat if you may wish to make your own hands, while the yellow peaches are fresh on the market, it is the best time to make canned yellow peaches.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

Yellow peach canned production is simple, there is no too complicated process, as long as you know the correct steps to do one by one, you can make a delicious canned yellow peach, want to eat do not have to go out to buy, fresh and delicious nutrition, very good.

Yellow peach listed, at home to make canned yellow peach, sweet and delicious, no additives, want to eat and learn to do! Let me share with you the method of making canned yellow peaches, learn to eat themselves, yellow peaches contain a variety of nutrients, eat more is good, take a look at it.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

Steps to prepare canned yellow peaches:

Prepare fresh yellow peaches, if you eat them directly, you should choose the softer one, but to make canned yellow peaches, you have to choose a harder one, so that the canned ones are more delicious and taste good. And the softer yellow peach is easy to cook and rot when boiled, so remember to choose a harder one when buying yellow peach.

Wash the yellow peach, and then use a knife to remove the outer skin of the yellow peach, keep the pulp part, be careful when cutting, do not cut the pulp, peel and then cut into small pieces.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

Put it in water to wash it again, add salt and water to the clean basin, stir and melt, put it in, and soak for five minutes.

Then put the yellow peach into the oil-free pot, fill it with water, add rock sugar, boil on high heat, then reduce the heat to cook, after the rock sugar melts, you can taste the taste, if the sweetness is not enough, add some rock sugar to adjust your favorite taste.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

Boiling time is not more than twenty minutes, the bottle containing yellow peach should be cleaned, blanched with boiling water, and disinfected well, so that the treatment in place can extend the storage time.

Finally, put the boiled yellow peaches into the bottle, and then pour the sweet water into the bottle, tighten the lid while it is hot, and then put the lid on the board and place it upside down, so that the sealing effect is better.

When the bottle is cool, put the canned yellow peaches in the refrigerator and refrigerate, after a few hours you can eat, it tastes sour and sweet, it is so delicious, better than what you bought.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

There are two points to note when making canned yellow peaches:

Yellow peaches should be used harder, do not use soft yellow peaches;

The bottle should be ironed, kept clean, oil-free and raw water-free, and the kind of bottle that uses canned bottles has a good sealing effect.

Yellow peaches are listed, canned yellow peaches are made at home, sweet and delicious, no additives, and learn to do them if you want to eat

Such homemade canned yellow peach does not have any additives, shorter than the preservation time bought, it is recommended to eat for a week or so, every time you want to eat, you have to use a clean spoon or chopsticks, and the canned bottle can be smaller, get a few more, eat a bottle at a time, will not pollute other cans.

Have you learned how to make canned yellow peaches? If you have yellow peaches near your house, why not make some canned food to try? Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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