
How zhou Fohai, the father of the son of an underground CCP member, poisoned Li Shiqun with a pufferfish

author:Martian phalanx
How zhou Fohai, the father of the son of an underground CCP member, poisoned Li Shiqun with a pufferfish

Li Shiqun

Author: Wang Dehua

Li Shiqun, the head of the Wang Pseudo No. 76 Demon Cave, had his hands stained with the blood of the Resistance Fighters. Accounts vary as to how he was poisoned. Zhou Zhiyou (1922~1985), formerly known as Zhou Youhai, was the only son of Zhou Fohai. Zhou Fohai was a major representative of the CCP and later degenerated into a traitor. But his only son, Zhou Zhiyou, did the opposite, and in June 1946, through the introduction of Tian Yunqiao, a Shanghai underground party organization, he became a special party member of the intelligence department of the Central China Sub-bureau and was sent back to Shanghai to engage in underground struggle. He went from being a playboy and a clumsy boy to a member of the Communist Party of China and a soldier on the new Chinese public security front. In a memoir, he recounted how his father poisoned Li Shiqun.

The popular way of li shiqun's death is that Li Shiqun ate the beef cake served by the Japanese lady Okamura and died of poisoning. Zhou Zhiyou's statement is fresh, and it is the author's father, Zhou Fohai, who told him personally, and has a high degree of credibility, so it is introduced to everyone.

On September 6, 1943, Okamura Shizosan Nakasa, chief of the special high-tech section of the Central China Gendarmerie Command of the Japanese Army, came forward to hold a banquet at the Shanghai Broadway Building (now the Shanghai Mansion), nominally to mediate the contradiction between Li Shiqun and Xiong Jiandong, the head of the Wang Pseudo Tax Police Regiment. Xiong Jiandong is a member of Zhou Fohai, the third figure of Wang Pseudo, and his relationship with Li Shiqun maintains a superficial relationship, which is actually full of gunpowder. The two sides are fighting for power and profit, biting each other's dogs. Zhou Fohai saw the Japanese sunset on the Western Mountains, so he stepped on both sides of the boat, secretly contacted Dai Kasa, the director of the military command, and was ordered by him to assassinate Li Shiqun.

Beforehand, Zhou Fohai bribed a Japanese subordinate daughter with a huge amount of money to let the next woman give a poison. This poison is dried with puffer fish and ground into powder. It has a characteristic that after eating it, it will not die immediately, because the murderer will be found.

That evening, Li Shiqun was invited to the Broadway Building in Shanghai. In advance, Okamura told the lower daughter who was sitting where, and showed li Shiqun's photo to the next daughter, asking her to deliver the poison dish to Li Shiqun. Li Shiqun has always been vigilant, going anywhere, neither drinking tea nor eating, and leaving after speaking. But that day was a Japanese guest, And Li Shiqun couldn't leave without eating, which would hinder the japanese face, so he only barely ate a little cold dish. When I went back, I tried everything I could to vomit something out, but it was too late. Within a few days, Li Shiqun died in Suzhou.

Although Li Shiqun's death was related to the internal contradictions of the traitors, it was secondary. The Japanese would never kill a dog for the sake of a dog biting a dog, because they loved it. Mainly, it hindered the interests of the Japanese in invading China. Li's death was just a demonstration of a dog biting a dog and poisoning him to death. In a simple word, the Japanese devils think that his tail is too big to fall, and kill him to get rid of the troubles.

After Li Shiqun was poisoned, Zhou Fohai and Dai Kasa tied more tightly. Zhou Fohai was very filial to his mother. After he fled to Shanghai, he sent someone to take his mother from his hometown of Yuanling, Hunan. But the old lady refused, because she had a bad relationship with Zhou Fohai's wife. She said, I am not a traitor, I am afraid of something. In order to control Zhou Fohai, Dai Kasa took Zhou Mu away from house arrest.

In late June 1945, Zhou's mother died of illness. When Dai Kasa found out, he immediately rushed over and buried Zhou Mu as a "filial son". Zhou was extremely grateful to Dai for this. Dai Kasa's move was due to the situation at that time, and he wanted to stabilize Zhou Fohai in order to protect Shanghai, and Zhou Fohai was a pseudo-mayor of Shanghai at that time. After his mother's death, Zhou Fohai held a funeral at the Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai for a total of 7749 days. This is the last scene of Zhou Fohai's life. At that time, there was a rule in the Chinese officialdom that parents should resign after death, Zhou Fohai also proposed to resign, and Chen Gongbo said that he would stay and leave for January.

Chiang Kai-shek wrote a letter to Zhou Fohai in 1944, the content of which was roughly: Wen Jun has the intention of repenting and thinking of reform, which is very good. However, Wangjun stayed in the enemy camp for a while and made meritorious deeds. As for the future of the jun, it will be reliably guaranteed, do not worry. Final signature: Well-known is not possessed. Later, Zhou Fohai's wife brought the letter to Hong Kong and placed it in a foreign bank safe. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhou Fo Customs also used this letter when he was in Laohuqiao Prison.

In September 1945, the Nationalist government arrested the traitors, and Zhou Zhiyou was detained with his father by Dai Kasa to the White Mansion in Chongqing. On April 29, 1946, the military commander suddenly informed Zhou Zhiyou that he would prepare his luggage and explain that he could go out tomorrow. Zhou Zhiyou moved from Chengdu to Shanghai, and then to the Liberated Area of Northern Jiangsu.

No matter what the situation, giving the Japanese a traitor is the greatest shame in life, and no matter how meritorious it is, it is difficult to atone for his sins! Zhou Fohai was sentenced to death by the Kuomintang Nanjing High Court in November 1946 for "conspiring with the enemy country and attempting to rebel against his own country", and the following year Chiang Kai-shek signed an amnesty for his meritorious service in the middle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and died of a heart attack in February 1948.

After the founding of New China, Zhou Zhiyou served as the deputy chief of the second section of the second room of the Social Department of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, and later experienced hardships. From 1955 to 1975, he was twice thrown into Qincheng Prison and imprisoned for 18 years because of the Pan (Hannian) Yang (Fan) unjust case and the Liu Shaoqi unjust case. Two strokes at a young age.

On August 22, 1983, the Ministry of Public Security issued the "Conclusion on the Review of comrade Zhou Zhiyou's problem", which pointed out: "Comrade Zhou Zhiyou was detained and examined twice in 1955 and 1967, which is a purely unjust case and should be rehabilitated, restored to reputation, and eliminated. On July 24, 1985, Zhou Zhiyou died. The Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau and the State Security Bureau held a memorial service for him and sent away Zhou Zhiyou, who was wearing a police uniform.

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