
Qi Meiwen investigated and supervised the rectification of problems pointed out by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group

author:Youyang release
Qi Meiwen investigated and supervised the rectification of problems pointed out by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group
Qi Meiwen investigated and supervised the rectification of problems pointed out by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group
Qi Meiwen investigated and supervised the rectification of problems pointed out by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group

On the afternoon of May 17, Qi Meiwen, secretary of the county party committee, went to Taohuayuan Street and Zhongduo Street to investigate and supervise the rectification work of the Sixth Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group, and held a special promotion meeting. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chongqing, deeply study and practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, conscientiously implement the requirements of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and grasp the rectification of inspection problems with the highest standards, strictest requirements and the most practical style, win the recognition of the masses with tangible results, and build a solid ecological security barrier for building a high-level demonstration site for ethnic unity and common prosperity, a pioneer place for beautiful Chongqing, and a model land for Bayu and the United States.

Yang Tongsheng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Tang Yingshan, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Dai Chengyao, chairman of the county CPPCC, Wu Biao, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and other leaders of the city at home attended the meeting.

The meeting informed the Sixth Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group of the investigation of Youyang, listened to the report of the county housing and urban-rural construction committee, the county forestry bureau, the industrial park management committee and other rectification lead units on the progress of the rectification work, and studied and deployed the next rectification work.

The meeting pointed out that carrying out environmental protection inspections is a major measure to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, and it is also an important institutional arrangement, which is a comprehensive physical examination and precise guidance for the construction of ecological civilization in Youyang. The whole county should take the initiative to support and cooperate with the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors with a high degree of political consciousness, further strengthen measures, pay close attention to implementation, speed up the progress, strictly and meticulously grasp the rectification of the inspectors' feedback problems, and ensure that each piece has a response, each piece has been settled, and each piece is effective, so as to promote the continuous improvement of the county's ecological environment quality.

The meeting emphasized

  • It is necessary to improve the standing position and deepen the understanding. Always keep in mind that the construction of ecological civilization is the "great man of the country" that will benefit the present and the future, deeply understand the political and serious nature of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and consciously take the rectification and implementation of the inspectors' feedback problems as a specific action to firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances", as an important opportunity to improve the county's ecological environmental protection and governance capabilities, and support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment.
  • It is necessary to respond quickly and make immediate changes. Sincerely accept the problems and opinions fed back by the inspection team, accept them in full, accurately grasp the requirements of the rectification work, establish and improve the working mechanism of research and judgment scheduling, special class promotion, and closed-loop implementation, formulate task lists and rectification lists one by one, and immediately assign them, supervise them by special personnel, and complete them within a limited time, so as to ensure that all feedback problems are rectified in the shortest possible time.
  • It is necessary to consolidate responsibilities and pay attention to practical results. Firmly establish the idea of "a game of chess", strictly implement the same responsibilities of the party and the government, and double responsibilities of one post, tighten and consolidate the territorial responsibilities of towns and streets, departmental supervision responsibilities and corporate main responsibilities, strengthen overall coordination, pay attention to tracking and efficiency, strengthen multi-cross coordination, form a concerted and joint work force, and solidly and effectively promote the feedback problems to be corrected in place, thoroughly, and effectively.
  • It is necessary to draw inferences from one case and treat both the symptoms and the root causes. Combine the promotion of problem rectification with the establishment of a long-term mechanism, focus on key areas and weak links such as direct discharge of domestic sewage in urban areas and enterprise waste gas and wastewater treatment, comprehensively carry out the rectification of previous ecological and environmental protection inspectors, carry out in-depth investigation and governance, and promote the solution of a class of problems by solving a problem, establish and improve the normalized supervision mechanism and long-term mechanism of ecological protection, and promote the management of water, gas, soil, waste, plastic, mountain, shore, city and township. Continuously promote the county's ecological and environmental protection work to a new level, and strive to hand over the high-score report of ecological environmental protection.

After the meeting, Qi Meiwen led a team to the Longwan International Section of Youyang River, Binjiang Garden Section and other places to inspect the sewage discharge situation on the spot, understand the root cause of the problem, and discuss the optimization and rectification plan. Qi Meiwen emphasized that the problem of direct sewage discharge is the focus of attention of the masses, and it is also a hard task that must be rectified. It is necessary to firmly establish a correct outlook on political achievements, face up to problems, grasp the key points, find out the root causes of problems, clarify the responsibilities of all parties, do everything possible to solve difficult problems, and grasp the rectification work with more practical measures and higher efficiency. It is necessary to adhere to the combination of immediate reform and long-term establishment, immediately take emergency measures, simultaneously plan the root cause, accelerate the transformation of rain and sewage diversion and rain and sewage mixed connections, resolutely correct the problems of misconnection, missing connection, and mixed connection, and thoroughly realize the rainwater and sewage in their own way, improve the construction of sewage treatment facilities, strengthen the operation and maintenance management of the sewage collection pipe network, improve the sewage disposal capacity, solve the problem from the root, and ensure that domestic sewage is collected and the water quality is stable and up to standard.

The principal responsible persons of the relevant departments at the county level and the relevant state-owned enterprises under the county attended the meeting and conducted investigations.


Reporter: Tang Yu, Li Song ▏Editor: Xiong Yi Duty: Ren Guirong ▏Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Rong Media Center of Youyang Autonomous County

Qi Meiwen investigated and supervised the rectification of problems pointed out by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group

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