
Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

author:Yunnan Honghe release
Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate
Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Zhao Ruijun emphasized when he investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Legislative reform, real reform, real reform, inference, both the symptoms and the root causes

Earnestly solve the outstanding ecological and environmental problems around the masses

On May 16, Zhao Ruijun, secretary of the state party committee, went to Mengzi City and Gejiu City to investigate and supervise the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, take the opportunity of the rectification of the problems assigned by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, adhere to the implementation of reforms, real reforms, and make inferences from one another, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses in the field of ecological and environmental protection, effectively solve the outstanding ecological and environmental problems around the masses, and promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment in the state.

Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the remediation of smelting waste residue

Zhao Ruijun has successively conducted field research on the remediation of smelting waste residue stacking and shop noise disturbance, learned about the causes of the problem in detail, deeply analyzed the crux of the problem, carefully studied the solution measures, and urged relevant units and enterprises to implement reforms, do a good job in rectification work, and respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner.

Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the problem of shop noise nuisance

Zhao Ruijun emphasized that the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate is a major institutional innovation and major reform measure personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and is a hard move and institutional guarantee for the implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. All departments at all levels in the state should improve their political positions, effectively enhance the ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness of accepting the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and quickly investigate, verify, and deal with every mass petition report assigned by the inspection team, and do not evade or cover up, and promote rectification and reform accurately, scientifically, efficiently, and in accordance with the law, so as to ensure that rectification can stand the test of history, practice, and the people. It is necessary to firmly establish the people-centered development philosophy, strengthen daily supervision, increase law enforcement in the field of ecology and environment, adhere to professional, strict and civilized law enforcement, make great efforts to solve the outstanding ecological and environmental problems reported by the masses, win the trust of the people with visible results, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. It is necessary to continuously improve the long-term mechanism of ecological environmental protection, combine "immediate reform" with "long-term establishment", adhere to both the symptoms and the root causes, take the opportunity of problem rectification, draw inferences from one case to carry out investigation and governance, make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses in the field of ecological environmental protection, and solve a class of problems through rectification of a problem, so as to comprehensively improve the level of ecological civilization construction and ecological environmental protection. It is necessary to consolidate the territorial responsibilities of party committees and governments, departmental supervision responsibilities, and corporate entities, establish the idea of "a game of chess", strictly supervise and ask for efficiency, improve governance efficiency, form a joint work force, and support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment.

Huang Jie, Secretary-General of the State Government, and responsible comrades of Mengzi City, Gejiu City and relevant units at the state level participated in the investigation and supervision.

Reporter: Cheng Liyin, Huang Chuanlong, Yang Junce, text/picture

Editor-in-charge: Wang Jingni

Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Honghe State Rong Media Center

Legal Counsel: Yunnan Lingyun (Honghe) Law Firm

Phone: 0873-3990877

Address: 3rd floor shop, No. 301, Building 2, Fenghua Modern City Community, Mengzi City, Honghe Prefecture

Zhao Ruijun investigated and supervised the handling of the mass petition reports assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Statement: Please indicate the source of Yunnan Honghe release (hhrb_hh)!

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