
Zhao Yunqiang investigated and supervised the rectification of outstanding problems in ecological and environmental protection

author:Yilong broadcast
Zhao Yunqiang investigated and supervised the rectification of outstanding problems in ecological and environmental protection

On the afternoon of May 13, Zhao Yunqiang, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, led a team to investigate the production and operation of industrial enterprises in Yilong Economic Development Zone. He stressed that it is necessary to keep an eye on the goal, actively act, press ahead, catch up, make every effort to sprint to "double more than half", and make every effort to promote the development of the industrial economy to speed up and increase efficiency.

Zhao Yunqiang investigated and supervised the rectification of outstanding problems in ecological and environmental protection

In Yuanxin Technology, Jingshang Intelligence, Hongfeng Machinery, Deshenglong Precision Injection Molding and other enterprises, Zhao Yunqiang walked, watched, and asked at the same time, learned more about the production and operation, scientific and technological innovation, market development and other situations of each enterprise, and listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises. He demanded that all enterprises should do a good job in top-level design, strengthen scientific and technological support, expand the scale of enterprises, increase research and development efforts, improve product quality, smooth sales channels, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, ensure that the benefits of enterprises are maximized, and make greater contributions to local economic development.

Zhao Yunqiang investigated and supervised the rectification of outstanding problems in ecological and environmental protection

At the construction site of the standardized plant project in Area F of the Machinery Manufacturing Industrial Park, Zhao Yunqiang inspected the progress of the project on the spot and inquired in detail about the construction status and completion expectations. He emphasized that the standardized plant construction project is an important carrier to enhance the function of industrial agglomeration and a powerful starting point for attracting investment. Relevant departments should further improve their ideological understanding, consolidate the main responsibility, optimize the construction organization, clarify the time node, timely study and solve the practical problems in the construction process, and make every effort to speed up the construction progress to ensure that the project is completed and put into use on the specified date.

Zhao Yunqiang investigated and supervised the rectification of outstanding problems in ecological and environmental protection

Zhao Yunqiang emphasized that the second quarter is a critical period for the economy to concentrate and accelerate breakthroughs throughout the year. All relevant departments should keep an eye on the goal, actively act, press ahead, and catch up. It is necessary to highlight key areas and key enterprises, provide all-round policy support and all-factor guarantee services, and accelerate the promotion of enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger. It is necessary to concentrate advantageous resources, make every effort to build an industrial cluster with excellent layout structure, large scale, good extension and supporting power, and do everything possible to grasp growth, fight for speed, and strive for advancement, so as to lay a solid foundation for the completion of the annual goals and tasks. It is necessary to find the gap between the benchmark and the table, and come up with targeted measures to catch up, force the task with the goal, force the progress with time, and force the implementation with supervision, and do the work practically, carefully, deeply, and excellently, and make every effort to sprint to "double more than half", and make every effort to promote the development of the industrial economy to speed up and increase efficiency.

Zhu De's hometown, Dexiang Yilong

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Source丨Yilong Rong Media

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