
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!

author:Yilong broadcast
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!

On May 14, the 2024 Enrollment Examination Work Conference of Yilong County was successfully held in Hongde Primary School. A total of 220 people attended the meeting, including the heads of relevant units and directly affiliated units of the County Education and Sports Bureau, the leaders of the education supervision groups, education cadres, and the secretaries and principals (principals) of primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) run by citizens. More than 800 people, including the school's vice principal, academic director, grade leader, and sixth and ninth grade class teachers, attended the meeting online.

Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!
Yilong County's 2024 Admissions Examination will be successfully held!

At the meeting, representatives of outstanding collectives and outstanding class teachers made exchange speeches and shared good practices in the work of stabilizing and controlling students. Schools with serious outflow of high-quality students made statements.

Song Dengyou, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Bureau, organized the study of the "Ten Prohibitions" of Nanchong City to standardize enrollment and the "Notice of the Yilong County Education, Science and Technology and Sports Bureau on Serious Enrollment Discipline in Primary and Secondary Schools in 2024".

Tang Dongyu, member of the party group and deputy director of the County Education and Sports Bureau, arranged the deployment of the 2024 primary and secondary school (kindergarten) enrollment examination. He pointed out that it is necessary to ensure that the enrollment work is in order, preschool education adheres to the coexistence of citizens and independent choice, compulsory education adheres to relative proximity and full coverage, and general high school enrollment adheres to the overall planning and voluntary admission of the municipal bureau. He asked all schools to clarify their goals, consolidate their responsibilities, do practical work, do a good job in this year's admissions examinations, and respond to parents' expectations, social concerns, and educational fairness with a good image.

Huang Kui, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the County Education and Sports Bureau, pointed out in his speech that doing a good job in enrollment is a "must-answer question" to practice the mass line, a "breakthrough question" to meet the work of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, and a "rush to answer the question" to maintain a good education ecology.

He asked all schools to strictly implement the policy to ensure that the enrollment of volunteer education is standardized; It is necessary to innovate work measures to ensure the effectiveness of stable control of students; It is necessary to pay attention to the details of the service to ensure the safety of the high school entrance examination.

He stressed that we must be strict in discipline, adhere to principles, strictly control enrollment discipline, strictly abide by enrollment principles, strictly enforce discipline and accountability, do a good job in the enrollment examination, and strive to reach a new level and create new brilliance in 2024!

Zhu De's hometown, Dexiang Yilong

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Source丨Yilong County Education, Science and Technology and Sports Bureau

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