
The Standing Committee of the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to study and make arrangements for the work of intensively rectifying and promoting unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses

author:Youyang release
The Standing Committee of the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to study and make arrangements for the work of intensively rectifying and promoting unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses
The Standing Committee of the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to study and make arrangements for the work of intensively rectifying and promoting unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses
The Standing Committee of the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to study and make arrangements for the work of intensively rectifying and promoting unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses

On the afternoon of May 17, the Standing Committee of the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and study and deploy the work of centralized rectification and promotion of unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses.

Qi Meiwen, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Yang Tongsheng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Wu Biao, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee attended. Tang Yingshan, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Dai Chengyao, chairman of the County Political Consultative Conference, and all the leaders of the county attended as observers.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, stand at the political height of ensuring that the party's cause and the construction of a modern socialist country have successors, fully understand the great significance of the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, fully implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, put the construction of ideological and political courses on the important agenda of party committees (party groups) at all levels in the county, tighten and consolidate the main responsibilities of all types of schools at all levels, and effectively strengthen the construction of ideological and political teachers. Serve the needs of students, grasp the characteristics of young people, strive to improve the attractiveness of ideological and political courses, let students love to listen, love to learn, understand and learn, and strive to cultivate more new people of the era who can reassure the party, love the country and dedication, and take on the important task of national rejuvenation.

The meeting stressed that carrying out concentrated rectification of unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses has a bearing on the vital interests of the masses and the foundation of the party's governance, and the task is arduous and the responsibility is heavy. The whole county should earnestly improve its political position, deeply understand the importance and profound connotation of this centralized rectification, and pay close attention to all tasks of centralized rectification with a strong political responsibility and resolute fighting spirit.

  • It is necessary to tighten the responsibility for compaction. Strengthen organizational leadership, pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, regularly dispatch the situation, do a good job of supervision, guidance and overall planning, establish and improve the supervision mechanism, further consolidate the main responsibility and supervision responsibility, form a joint work force, pay close attention to the centralized rectification work, and vigorously punish flies, greed, ants, and corruption, and carefully safeguard the people's livelihood and interests.
  • We must persist in being problem-oriented. Focus on the field of rural revitalization, the field of people's livelihood, the style of work problems that the masses have strong reactions to, corruption and "umbrella" problems related to crime and vice, etc., efficiently dispose of problem clues, vigorously promote the investigation and handling of cases, and earnestly grasp the rectification of outstanding problems. Let the people see real changes, feel real results, and get real benefits.
  • It is necessary to strengthen precise policies. Strengthen the coordination and linkage of discipline inspection commissions, letters and visits, auditing, and public security, procuratorate, and law, concentrate time, energy, and strength, and earnestly integrate supervision, case handling, rectification, and governance, highlight key points, target corrections, eradicate the breeding ground for problems from the source, and achieve the comprehensive effect of investigating and handling one case, warning one area, and governing one area, so as to ensure the organic unity of political effects, discipline and law effects, and social effects.
  • It is necessary to build a strong ideological embankment. Solidly carry out warning education, deeply analyze typical cases, pay attention to educating people around them with things around them, so that party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, know and respect, create a strong atmosphere of advocating honesty and honesty, and cultivate a clean and upright political ecology.

The principal responsible persons of the relevant departments at the county level attended as observers.


Reporter: Tang Yu, Li Song ▏Editor: Xiong Yi Duty: Ren Guirong ▏Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Rong Media Center of Youyang Autonomous County

The Standing Committee of the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to study and make arrangements for the work of intensively rectifying and promoting unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses

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