
Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

author:Galaxy says the world

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Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

When the golden sunlight sprinkled on Wang Xiaoya's reddened cheeks through the brilliant window lattice, the corners of her mouth overflowed with a happy and satisfied smile, staring out the window quietly, at this moment, she was immersed in memories, reminiscing about her life journey full of twists and turns and challenges.

Time has carved deep traces on her face, but that elegant and noble temperament has always been the same, which is unforgettable. Stripped of the aura of the host, she wears civilian clothes, her figure is slightly plump, and she is occasionally nicknamed "aunt".

However, between her gestures, we can still feel her unique charm as a host. Wang Xiaoya, who is 55 years old, has devoted herself to public welfare undertakings and dedicated a lot of time and energy to this great cause.

Every time she appears in the public eye, she always smiles and gives everything she has without reservation.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

Wang Xiaoya firmly believes that knowledge is the key to changing destiny, so she actively organizes various reading activities, shares reading experiences, and inspires young people to work hard and use knowledge to shape their own life paths.

In her interactions with readers, she always shows a step-by-step, patient and gentle attitude, as if a wise elder is teaching young people who are lost on the road of life.

Looking back on the past, Wang Xiaoya has experienced countless ups and downs and setbacks. From the hardships and hardships of the North Drift period, to the brilliant achievements at the peak of her career, to the ups and downs of her personal married life, she has faced them one by one with unwavering perseverance and bravely undertook them.

Now, she has finally found inner peace and joy and is living a happy life.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

Going back to the past, 29-year-old Wang Xiaoya left her hometown with her love for hosting and came to Beijing, a bustling city full of opportunities and challenges.

When she first stepped into Beijing, she had nothing but to reluctantly rent a single room in a cramped and dark basement. The embarrassment of life forced her to spend 10 yuan on the cheapest pancakes.

To save money, she goes to the supermarket on time every day, picks out the discounted items, and spends the next few days on a budget.

Despite such difficult living conditions, Wang Xiaoya never gave up her childhood dream. She resolutely decided to take out all her savings and signed up for the CCTV intern training course.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

In the process of this training, she did her best to study the hosting skills every day, repeatedly practiced pronunciation, typhoon and other skills at all levels, and always unswervingly tempered herself.

Relying on perseverance and hard work, Wang Xiaoya finally successfully passed the strict screening of CCTV and successfully became one of the first batch of interns. However, when she stepped into the CCTV stage where a hundred flowers were blooming, she still seemed a little unknown.

The huge pressure made her frequent mistakes in her work, and she was repeatedly severely criticized by her leaders.

However, Wang Xiaoya did not lose confidence because of this. On the contrary, she has always maintained a modest and cautious attitude, humbly asking for advice and learning from senior seniors.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

After a long and arduous training, she finally gradually adapted to the program style of CCTV, and showed her style in the "Golden Land" column, winning high praise from the leaders.

It is precisely because of the various hardships experienced during that period of Beipiao that Wang Xiaoya was able to continue to grow and progress, and finally embarked on the road to the peak of her career.

The perseverance and dedication of those hard years are destined to become the most precious wealth on the road of her life.

After struggling on the stage of CCTV for many years, Wang Xiaoya finally ushered in a critical moment in her career development. She won the hosting rights of the newly launched variety show "Happy Dictionary", which is undoubtedly a full recognition and reward for her outstanding hosting talent.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

Standing on this new and challenging stage, Wang Xiaoya unreservedly showed her unique charm. With her unique humor and simple hosting style, she has won warm praise and eager pursuit from the audience.

As the ratings of the show continued to rise, Wang Xiaoya's name became widely known throughout the country.

In this way, Wang Xiaoya's career is thriving, she has hosted many high-profile programs, and has become the most popular and influential first-line host at that time, and is respected by the audience as "CCTV First Sister".

At the peak of her career, Wang Xiaoya and the famous host Li Yong joined forces, and the two showed a tacit understanding of sympathy in the on-site interaction, which won the applause of the audience.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

They answered questions fluently, humorously, as naturally and smoothly as two old friends talking about family life.

"Are you sure of the answer?" This classic question from Wang Xiaoya's "Happy Dictionary" program has been widely praised and has become a well-known buzzword.

After 12 years of hard work, as a TV program host, she has shaped the unique charm of the program with her unique hosting style and deep-rooted image.

However, just when her career was in full swing, her private life unfortunately suffered major setbacks and twists and turns, and her marriage to her first husband Lu Chenggong gradually drifted apart due to a long separation between the two places and the difficulty of balancing work and life, and finally broke up.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

For Wang Xiaoya, this marriage change is tantamount to a heavy blow. In order to heal the wounds of her soul, she threw herself into her work, trying to cover up the pain in her heart with the glory of her career.

Time flies, and now looking back on the past, Wang Xiaoya said frankly that their separation did not stem from emotional alienation, but caused by many problems in real life that could not be solved Despite this, she does not regret it, life is full of ups and downs, and the key is how to deal with it.

After the divorce, Wang Xiaoya met Cao Jianming, a 54-year-old university professor, at a friend party. The two hit it off, quickly fell in love, and eventually entered the palace of marriage.

Although they had been looking forward to having the crystallization of love, unfortunately, the doctor told Wang Xiaoya that she had missed the best opportunity to have children, and that if she forcibly got pregnant, it could cause serious damage to her body.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

Faced with this cruel reality, Wang Xiaoya burst into tears on the spot and was in pain. However, Cao Jianming always silently accompanied her and comforted gently: "We already have each other and formed a happy family, which is enough to make people feel satisfied."

Under the care of her lover, she gradually accepted this fact and turned the focus of her life to a warm family life.

With the passage of time, Wang Xiaoya gradually faded out of the public's sight and was no longer as active on the major screens as in the past. She devotes more energy to family life, spending quality time with her lover Cao Jianming, and enjoying a quiet and comfortable life.

Although she is a little plump as she grows older, and is occasionally nicknamed "Big Mom", from her gestures, we can still feel the elegant demeanor and noble temperament that belongs to the senior host.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

The glory of the past is still shining brightly, deeply engraved between her eyebrows.

In this context, Wang Xiaoya resolutely decided to leave the long-lost TV screen and devote herself to public welfare education. She is passionate about organising various activities and lectures aimed at promoting the culture of reading, and each time she attracts the attention of a large number of book lovers who listen intently to her wisdom.

With her patient and meticulous attitude, Wang Xiaoya explained her personal reading experience to the readers in simple terms, and taught effective ways to acquire knowledge.

Her words are sincere and her views are unique and profound, which always resonates with the readers present and attracts thunderous applause.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

In the interactive session with readers, Wang Xiaoya has always maintained a kind and amiable attitude, as if a loving elder is earnestly teaching those young people who are lost in the journey of life.

She hopes that everyone can draw nourishment from reading, enrich their inner world, and establish an independent outlook on life.

At the same time, Wang Xiaoya has also devoted a lot of effort to the field of public welfare and charity. She opened public welfare courses to convey positive energy; Actively participate in environmental protection actions and advocate people to cherish the earth's homeland; Sponsor poor students and light the way for them to seek knowledge...... Every time she pays, she goes all out and has no reservations.

From a certain point of view, this public welfare undertaking has become all the sustenance of Wang Xiaoya's life in her later years. Through selfless dedication, she passed on what she had learned to more people, and she experienced an unprecedented sense of value and accomplishment in life.

Time passes, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya's current situation is keen on public welfare, and her married life is as happy as ever

In the face of doubts and criticism from all walks of life, Wang Xiaoya has never wavered and has always firmly adhered to her beliefs. In her eyes, there is no big or small difference in public welfare, and every meager contribution is to write her own chapter of life.

It is this firm belief that makes her later life full of color and shine.

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