
The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

author:Looking at the history of the present and the present
The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons
The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

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In the huge fruit market, durian is extremely controversial, after all, its smell is unacceptable to many consumers.

Although the mainland has a large land area and a very advantageous geographical location, most of the areas are not suitable for growing durian at all, and can only rely on imports from foreign countries.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

In this case, Thailand and Vietnam, two durian-rich neighboring countries, have become our largest durian importers, and they are also making a lot of money in trade.

But in the recent period, there has been a voice on the Internet, that is, the price of durian has plummeted, and durian, which used to cost fifty or sixty yuan a catty, has now fallen by 10 yuan a catty in some parts of Guangxi, which is too outrageous.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

A few days ago, I also swiped a video on the Internet, two durian sellers had a quarrel for some reason, they angrily threw durian into the river one by one, why did the durian suddenly dive? Fruit vendors believe there are three reasons.

The king of fruits - durian

In life, we can buy a variety of fruits in the supermarket, bananas, pineapples, kiwis, grapes and other fruits, which one is your favorite?

According to some data, in 2022, the mainland will import the largest amount of fruit in recent years, in fact, durian, the import volume has more than tripled compared with ten years ago, which can also reflect the improvement of people's consumption level.
The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

After all, durian is expensive among fruits, and it can be sold for two or three hundred yuan if it is larger, which is really exaggerated.

For most ordinary people, eating durian is a very luxurious thing and quite uneconomical.

After all, the size of durian looks big and heavy, but its meat yield often does not exceed 60%, which means that 5 catties of durian can have 3 catties of pulp, which is already a miracle.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

Even so, mainland consumers are still enthusiastic about durian and are willing to spend a lot of money to taste its mellow and luscious flesh.

According to the past trend, the demand for durian in the mainland will continue to rise this year, and the price will continue to rise.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

In fact, as early as the end of April, the price of durian has been greatly reduced, at that time the price of durian was about 20 yuan a catty, and it was less than 100 yuan to buy a four-kilogram durian, which was quite cost-effective. So why did durian take a big dive? The fruit merchant explained why.

What is the reason for the plunge in durian prices?

  • The output is large, and the market demand tends to be saturated

As mentioned earlier, the mainland durian importer is in Southeast Asia, where the special climate and geographical environment are very suitable for growing durian.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

And this year's durian production in Southeast Asia seems to have increased again, and some people have compared it like this: "People in Southeast Asia eat durian as much as Chinese people eat watermelon in summer." ”

In addition, the mainland's import and export efforts have also increased a lot in recent years, coupled with the increase in durian planting area in Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan and other places in the mainland, which has led to a sharp increase in the number of durians this year.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

When a commodity is in a situation of "oversupply" in the market, its price will most likely be reduced, and the audience of durian is not high, and the repurchase rate is relatively low, so the price is more likely to be attractive.

  • The market is highly competitive

In the past two years, online e-commerce platforms have begun to rise, in order to make their own goods sell better, merchants can be said to rack their brains, but the most effective way is to reduce the price of goods to attract consumers to buy.

Commodity prices have been severely suppressed, and it is incredible that many people can now taste fruits that were once "unattainable" at low prices.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

However, this is bad news for durian growers, after all, the sharp drop in durian prices has hit them hard, and many people are trying to recoup their investments, but the exaggerated price reduction of their peers has left them with little to do, so they can't let the durian break down in the warehouse.

It is important to know that durian itself is a perishable fruit, and its pulp is rich in water and oil, which is easily attacked by bacteria.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

Usually, durian has a shelf life of only a few days to a week, and it is more likely to rot after ripening, so merchants need to sell it in a short time.

No one buys durian, what should I do if there is an oversupply? What merchants can think of is to drop their prices, and in the peak season of durian, the price should be low.

Some farmers have resorted to creative solutions, such as using durian as animal feed, or even selling durian at a loss to clear their stocks.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

When we buy durian, we should consider the price factor, and also pay attention to the freshness of the durian and the preservation method to ensure the taste of the durian.

  • Promotions are increasing

The production and supply of durian is large, so durian sellers will launch a variety of promotional activities in order to sell it early, the most common is discounts, gifts, etc., in order to reduce inventory pressure.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

In such an environment, the increase in durian promotions will lead to a significant drop in the price of durian.

Since the price of durian has dropped significantly, why are there not so many people who eat durian?

The number of people who eat durian has not increased much

As mentioned earlier, durian contains a lot of fat in the body, and eating too much may make the body fat.

But in today's society, people are very concerned about the appearance of the human body, health, etc., and many people will not try fruits with high sugar content like durian, because they are afraid of health problems.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

Of course, part of the reason is the large cultivation of domestic durian, which is said to not smell too bad and tastes bad, which is bad news for durian lovers.

From the appearance alone, it is difficult to see the difference between domestic durian and imported durian, and durian lovers are afraid of buying durian with poor taste, so the number of purchases is greatly reduced.

The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

In fact, many people have a kind of resistance to durian, and it is unacceptable to smell it, which is why the number of people eating durian has not increased much.

Do you have anything to say about that?

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The price of durian has plunged, why haven't the number of people who eat durian increased too much? Fruit Merchant: There are 3 reasons

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