
The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

author:Looking at the history of the present and the present
The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?
The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

["Unauthorized transportation is prohibited, and offenders will be prosecuted"]

In the past two decades, China's aerospace industry has ushered in rapid development.

Although NASA has restricted China's development at every turn, stipulated that many cooperative institutions cannot cooperate with China, and even imposed a multi-faceted technological blockade on China's scientific and technological fields, we can all see the results: China's space industry has created one miracle after another.

Especially this year, the mainland space mission seems to be more than ever, whether it is the successful docking of Shenzhou 18 and the space station, or the smooth launch of the Chang'e-6 probe, it indicates that the mainland space mission is still in full swing, and it is said that the Shenzhou 19 manned mission will be completed in the second half of the year.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

NASA Nielsen

We are excited about the achievements, but the West is not so calm, especially the United States, which believes that the moon belongs to all mankind, not to China alone?

What do you mean, we didn't say that the moon is our own, and didn't the United States already achieve a manned landing on the moon in the last century? Why are you in a hurry?

The rapid development of China's aerospace industry

In the ancient myths and legends of the mainland, "Chang'e to the moon" has a high status, which is also the imagination of the ancients on the moon, there was an official named "Tao Chengdao" during the Ming Dynasty, in order to realize his dream of flying, he has made many attempts.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?
He strapped 47 homemade rockets to a chair and sat on them himself, holding two kites in his hands, thinking that this would allow him to fly into the air.

When the servant ignited the rocket, the huge thrust carried Tao Chengdao into the air and flew for a distance, and the people around him also cheered when they saw it, but the accident happened, the rocket suddenly exploded, and he fell to the ground heavily, and passed away with the flying dream.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

Tao Chengdao's behavior is relatively ridiculous in the eyes of our modern people, but his spirit of courage to explore and hard work has inspired future generations and deeply infected every astronaut.

In modern times, a series of achievements, such as the successful launch of the "Dongfanghong" artificial satellite, the launch of "Chang'e-1", the successful landing of the "Yutu-2" lunar rover on the far side of the moon, and the successful launch of China's space station, are enough to impress all countries in the world.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

However, we have never been able to realize the "manned landing on the moon" plan, which is also a regret for the mainland's aerospace industry, but everyone should not be discouraged, because this plan will soon be realized.

In June last year, the deputy chief engineer of the Mainland's Aerospace Engineering Office revealed that now that the "manned landing on the moon" has been officially put on the agenda, and in the next seven years, that is, before 2030, astronauts will be sent to the moon to realize this great plan.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

The recent successful launch of Chang'e-6 has once again created a miracle in China's history, and while we are cheering for it, some Western countries feel a little threatened.

You must know that the attitude of international aerospace towards China is not very friendly, and it often engages in small actions to restrict China's aerospace development.

But the current situation is beyond their expectations, China has achieved breakthroughs in some technologies and even caught up, which has caused some Western countries to have an imbalance in their mentality, so what restrictions have they taken?

The blockade failed

As we all know, the United States is the world's top space technology, as early as the end of the 60s of the last century, it claimed to have achieved a "manned landing on the moon" and became the only country in the world to land a man on the moon.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

Now, more than 50 years have passed, and no country has broken this situation, which is enough to prove the superb space technology of the United States.

On the other hand, the mainland's aerospace industry started too late, and the United States did not pay much attention to it at first, but as time went by, they gradually realized that something was wrong.

In order to curb China's development, the U.S. Congress passed the "Wolf Clause" as early as 2010, restricting NASA's agencies from cooperating with China.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

Great scientific research achievements should be exchanged and cooperated with countries in the world to promote the progress of all mankind, but this clause of the United States is "discriminatory" and specifically targets China, and it is extremely unfair to restrict China's scientific research development with hegemonic politics.

It is said that since the implementation of this ban, many scientific research workers in the United States have been quite dissatisfied with it, and they are more concerned about the progress of scientific research results, and they will not pay too much attention to politics at all.

However, the U.S. government is "narrow-minded" and fears that other countries will surpass it and threaten its status as a space power, so they have begun to impose sanctions even more severely.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?
For example, China's American-made satellite components are not allowed to be used, and even the International Space Station is not allowed to participate in China, but this has not crushed China.

It is precisely with the continuous efforts of scientific research workers that the mainland can achieve technological breakthroughs step by step, not only launching 105 remote sensing satellites in 2023, but also building China's space station, giving it its own "home" in space.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

Obviously, if Western countries want to use the "neck" to restrict the development of the mainland, it will not work, and in the eyes of many people, this is a failure of the blockade by the United States and the West.

The United States and the West have reversed black and white

Not long after the successful launch of the Chang'e-6 probe, the American and Western media published an unbelievable statement, claiming that "the moon is owned by mankind, and China cannot take it for itself, but must jointly develop it!" ”

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

This may sound like a warning, but it makes people wonder why they are making such remarks before we have achieved a "manned landing on the moon".

Besides, when we say that we want to occupy the moon for ourselves, it is pure "rumor-mongering" and "smearing", in fact, this is a common method used by the Western media.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

After all, the mainland is always willing to become a partner with all countries in the world, explore the unknown space, and contribute to the development of all mankind.

Take the mainland's launch of Chang'e-6, for example, as you may have heard, it carried the scientific payloads of four countries, including Pakistan's satellite.

On May 4, with the help of Chang'e-6, this satellite was successfully launched into space, and the Prime Minister of Pakistan made a special trip to congratulate it, and the friendship between China and Pakistan will be deepened again.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

Therefore, China has always been open and inclusive in the field of aerospace, but the US and Western media have produced such great malice and even released various "space threat theories" to smear China, which is really ill-intentioned.

Many netizens speculated that the reason why the United States did this is not only to smear China and restrict the development of China's aerospace industry, but also to cover up its failure in the "return to the moon" plan.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

As a matter of fact, in order to save face and maintain its "space hegemony," the United States put forward the "Artemis" program more than 10 years ago, with the aim of returning to the moon and further lunar exploration.

To this end, NASA specially invited a large number of international partners to participate in the decision to realize this great plan.

I thought that this plan could be carried out smoothly, but I never thought that due to financial problems, the new crown epidemic, and the impact of factors such as the complex international situation, the plan did not go smoothly.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

The Artemis 1 moon rocket was originally planned to be launched in 2016, but it was repeatedly postponed due to various factors, and it had to be postponed again due to a failure during the launch in August 2022, and finally successfully launched in November.

The second and third were originally planned to be launched this year, but at the beginning of this year, the United States announced that it would be postponed.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

It seems that the United States is unwilling to accept its own defeat, so it has used the method of "smearing" China to ease the pressure of internal public opinion and give full play to its pride and prejudice.

China's aerospace industry is no longer what it used to be

More than 50 years ago, the mainland was far behind the United States in the field of aerospace, when the first artificial satellite had just been launched, and the United States had already achieved a "manned landing on the moon," and Apollo brought back some rocks from the moon, which could be described as priceless and precious to mankind.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

In 1978, when China and the United States were about to complete the establishment of diplomatic relations, the United States at that time actually gave 1 gram of moon stone to China as a "gift" in order to show its sincerity.

This is the first time that mainland scientists have come into contact with lunar samples, and it is such a soybean-sized stone, and the mainland has successively carried out various tasks and taken steps to explore space.

It would be a shame to study it all, so the engineering team divided the stone in two, half for research and half for collection.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

Later, this incident also became an occasional mention in the United States, and became a joke among some Americans.

It's just that now it's no longer what it used to be, and the Chang'e-5 spacecraft launched by the mainland in 2020 has successfully brought back 1,731 grams of lunar soil from the moon.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

However, due to the restrictions of the ban on the US Congress, cooperation between China and the United States in the field of space seems to have become quite difficult.

But guess what? NASA tried to break through this ban last year and apply to study lunar soil samples collected by Chang'e-5, good guys, this scene is really unexpected.

It is a contradiction to impose a ban on U.S.-China cooperation in the space field while hoping to obtain lunar soil collected by China.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

So have you ever thought about one thing, why does the United States want to reach the moon as soon as possible and establish its own circle on it? What exactly is the attraction on the moon? The main reason is that there are many abundant resources on the Moon.

As we all know, oil, minerals and other resources on the earth are limited, they are basically difficult to regenerate, according to the current consumption of the world, some important resources may be used up in forty or fifty years, what should we do at this time?

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

As a result, the United States and Western countries have set their sights on the moon, which has a lot of ilmenite, rare earths, aluminum, silicon and other important resources, and has high development value.

This is a rare and precious resource for mankind, and if any country takes the lead in developing these resources, it may be able to gain the initiative in the competition, and what the United States wants is to develop these resources on its own.

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

At present, China's "manned moon landing" program has been put on the agenda, and there will be more miracles at that time, so let's wait and see!

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China News Network2013-12-19——The moon contains huge treasures: rare minerals, special environmental resources, etc, 2023-12-01, "Under the "Wolf Clause", NASA was revealed to have applied for a rare study of Chang'e-5 lunar soil samples: too unique"

The West made outrageous remarks, questioning China's desire to take the moon for itself, how to allocate lunar resources?

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