
"The unit price fell below 10 yuan" rushed to the hot search, did the price of durian really "dive".

"The unit price fell below 10 yuan" rushed to the hot search, did the price of durian really "dive".


2024-05-16 20:08Posted on the official account of Shanghai Yicai

In previous years, the expensive fruit durian was unattainable, but this year it has repeatedly been low. Topics such as "5 100 yuan on the streets of Guangxi" and "the unit price in some areas of Kunming, Yunnan fell below 10 yuan" have attracted much attention.

The first financial reporter learned through an interview that the price of durian in Shanghai has also been reduced, due to the short-term changes in supply and demand caused by centralized listing.

On May 16, the first financial reporter learned from a visit to a farmers' market in Pudong New Area that the current retail price of Thai Golden Pillow durian on the market is 22.8 yuan to 30 yuan per catty, whether it is year-on-year or month-on-month, the price has declined.

"The unit price fell below 10 yuan" rushed to the hot search, did the price of durian really "dive".

The owner of a fruit shop on Chengshan Road in Pudong New Area said: "The retail price of Thai Golden Pillow durian is 22.8 yuan per catty today, and it may drop to 19.8 yuan in a few days." The price of durian is about 6-7 yuan a catty lower than last week, and it was sold for more than 30 yuan before. In the same period last year, the price was also more expensive, selling for more than 40 yuan. "Another fruit store's Thai Golden Pillow durian flavor costs 29.8 yuan a catty, and according to the owner, it will be sold for more than 30 yuan in April.

Hema durian procurement Hongshan told reporters that compared with last year, this year's durian production season and market are normal. Last year, the durian production season was relatively early, and there was a period of interruption after the "May Day" consumption peak, which caused the price of durian to soar. This year's shipments from the origin are large and stable, taking the recent Hema just launched Thailand Golden Pillow Durian as an example, the current price is 25.9 yuan/500g, a decrease of about 23% compared with the same period last year. In addition, the price of Vietnamese Ganyao durian sold by Hema has also been lowered due to the recent large number of Thai golden pillows, which is 15% lower than before the "May Day" holiday.

Su Yingyi, a senior buyer of Benlai Life, analyzed: "The decline in durian prices at the domestic sales end is due to the fact that the centralized listing of durian in the short term has affected the supply and demand relationship of the market, and the price will inevitably decline in the case of oversupply; On the other hand, it is also related to the decline in durian quality caused by drought: firstly, high temperature and drought weather will cause durian to ripen too quickly, but it cannot grow to the largest and most valuable size; Secondly, when the rain is insufficient, farmers will buy their own water for irrigation, but if the control is not good, excessive irrigation will occur, which will further reduce the quality of durian; Third, in order to avoid over-ripening of durians, farmers will go to pick them in advance, and some durians may be pinched. ”

However, in the coming period, the price of durian may increase.

According to Hongshan, the decline in durian prices is phased. "The current price decline is due to the peak of shipments in the production area, and it is expected that after mid-May domestic time, the market will rise as the arrival of Thai gold pillows decreases."

Su Yingyi said that at present, the durian at the end of the eastern Thailand production area is expected to end in 10-20 days, and the reduction of the stock will lead to a rise in the price of the production area.

The demand for durian from mainland consumers is increasing year by year, and fresh durian is almost imported. According to data from the General Administration of Customs of China, from 2017 to 2023, except for 2020, when the epidemic just broke out, the annual import volume and import value of mainland durian increased year by year. In 2017, the annual import volume of durian from mainland China was 224,400 tons, and in 2021, the import volume of durian reached 1,425,900 tons, more than six times that of 2017.

It is worth mentioning that the production of durian in mainland China is increasing year by year. According to Sanya's release, Hainan has planted more than 30,000 acres of durian in Sanya, Baoting, Ledong and other places, and the total output of 1,400 mu of durian hanging fruit in Hainan Province will reach 50 tons in 2023. This year, the fruit-bearing area of durian trees in Hainan will increase to 4,000 mu, and the total output will reach 250 tons.

(This article is from Yicai)

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  • "The unit price fell below 10 yuan" rushed to the hot search, did the price of durian really "dive".

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