
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Food Savvy Program

Today, we recommend a unique soup that attracts countless diners with its unique fragrance and rich nutritional value. This soup not only combines the essence of traditional stewed soup, but also cleverly uses durian skin, a seemingly ordinary but surprising ingredient, to create a new taste experience: Pork Rib Soup with Durian Skin.

Durian, known as the "king of fruits", has a unique rich aroma that makes people love and hate. However, durian skin is often overlooked. In fact, durian skin is rich in dietary fiber and a variety of trace elements, and after clever cooking, it can not only remove its own bitter taste, but also release a light fragrance, adding a different flavor to the soup.

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

For this pork rib soup stewed with durian skin, we used fresh pork ribs as the main ingredient, paired with sweet corn and nutritious carrots. After the pork ribs are blanched, the blood and fishy smell are removed, making the soup more refreshing. The addition of corn and carrots not only enriches the taste of the soup, but also provides the body with a variety of vitamins and minerals.

The selection and treatment of durian peel is the key to this soup. We took fresh durian skins, removed the partition in the middle, washed them and cut them into small pieces. This part of the durian skin not only contains the aroma of durian, but is also relatively soft and easy to cook. Put it in a pressure cooker with pork ribs, corn, and carrots, add an appropriate amount of water, and after a long time of stewing, the fragrance of durian skin gradually penetrates into the soup, and the deliciousness of pork ribs, the sweetness of corn, and the sweetness of carrots are fused with each other, forming a unique taste.

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

When this stewed pork rib soup with durian skin is served, the first thing that catches your eye is the colorful ingredients and the rich soup base, which exudes an enticing aroma. Gently scoop up a spoonful of soup and taste it gently, only to feel the fragrance overflowing and the aftertaste is endless. After drinking, there is a faint sweetness left in the mouth, which is refreshing.

This stewed pork rib soup with durian skin is not only delicious but also nutritious. It blends the essence of a variety of ingredients to satisfy the taste buds and provide sufficient nutrients for the body. In these busy times, you might as well make a pot of soup like this for yourself and your family to nourish and relax your body and mind.

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

【Stewed pork rib soup with durian skin】

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

Ingredients: 1 pork rib, appropriate amount of durian skin, 1 corn, 1 carrot, 2 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon of salt


Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

1. Yesterday I spent more than 100 to buy a durian, and we asked for 29.9 a catty here, I don't know how much you have a catty! This durian skin has not been thrown away, today I will share the delicious method of durian skin;

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

2. Remove the partition in the middle of the durian, wash it and cut it into small pieces; In fact, the nucleus can also be used to make soup when it is dried;

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

3. Blanch the pork ribs and add them to the pressure cooker, add carrot cubes and corn cubes;

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

4. Add durian skin, add 2 slices of ginger and salt to the seasoning; Cook in soup mode for 50 minutes;

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

5. The durian skin soup is not durian-flavored, it is a very unique fragrance, it is a little sweet after drinking, and the taste is very good!

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

6. The stem of durian can also be eaten, the outside is soft and glutinous, put it in the mouth and chew it, and the fascia inside cannot be eaten; I don't know if you have ever used durian skin to make soup, I personally think it is very good, and children also like to drink this taste!

Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!
Durian skin is a good thing, don't just throw it away! The benefits are enormous!

7. What's more interesting is that durian meat is a hot food, but durian skin has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, so after eating durian meat, don't throw away durian skin, make soup or use it to stew meat, not only tastes good, but also can replenish qi and blood, especially for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, it has a good effect!

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